Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Which is why the Jews are squeezing the Arabs off the land and across the borders to Jordan and Palestine; hectare by hectare, acre by acre, block by block, township by township; until the Jews finally hold it all.

No bunny-rabbit breeding campaign will be allowed to succeed on Israeli-Jewish -controlled soil.
It's called ethnic-cleansing.

I agree.

Arab plans to out-breed the Israels do, indeed, present the threat of Ethnic Cleansing.

Added to all the expulsions of Jews of Arab-Muslim lands in the period 1948-1975.
Precisely, force was used to create Israel against current International Law and Custom...But have faith that in the long-run overwhelming numbers win the game of attrition...Even America is predicted by Demographers to be a majority Hispanic Nation within fifty years... nothing you can do.

Exactly, so Israel is a majority Jewish nation and there is nothing you can do.
Your naiveté in Demographics is glaring...the demographic time bomb is ticking within Israel proper with its Israeli/Palestinian citizens.

What the hell does this even mean? if this all comes down to who pops out the most kids Israel would have been finished years ago, whats your point?
Exactly, so Israel is a majority Jewish nation and there is nothing you can do.
Your naiveté in Demographics is glaring...the demographic time bomb is ticking within Israel proper with its Israeli/Palestinian citizens.

What the hell does this even mean? if this all comes down to who pops out the most kids Israel would have been finished years ago, whats your point?

My point is that you haven't read how demographics work...and its not just "baby popping."
My point is that you haven't read how demographics work...
May palistanian false hopes keep'em at peace, of course.
While Israel's martial fantasies guarantee more war?

"Israel is part of a military alliance. Tel Aviv is not a prime mover. It does not have a separate and distinct military agenda.

Israel is integrated into the 'war plan for major combat operations' against Iran formulated in 2006 by US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM).

"In the context of large scale military operations, an uncoordinated unilateral military action by one coalition partner, namely Israel, is from a military and strategic point almost an impossibility. Israel is a de facto member of NATO.

"Any action by Israel would require a 'green light' from Washington.

"An attack by Israel could, however, be used as 'the trigger mechanism' which would unleash an all out war against Iran, as well retaliation by Iran directed against Israel."

Towards a World War III Scenario? The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran | Global Research
My point is that you haven't read how demographics work...
May palistanian false hopes keep'em at peace, of course.
While Israel's martial fantasies guarantee more war?

"Israel is part of a military alliance. Tel Aviv is not a prime mover. It does not have a separate and distinct military agenda.

Israel is integrated into the 'war plan for major combat operations' against Iran formulated in 2006 by US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM).

"In the context of large scale military operations, an uncoordinated unilateral military action by one coalition partner, namely Israel, is from a military and strategic point almost an impossibility. Israel is a de facto member of NATO.

"Any action by Israel would require a 'green light' from Washington.

"An attack by Israel could, however, be used as 'the trigger mechanism' which would unleash an all out war against Iran, as well retaliation by Iran directed against Israel."

Towards a World War III Scenario? The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran | Global Research
I hate to say it, but the biblical prediction of Armageddon seems to be right on as Israel marches forward in flaming the drums of war by settlement building attacking neighbors

The ME will be the spark that will start WWlll...
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I hate to say it, but the biblical prediction of Armageddon seems to be right on as Israel marches forward in flaming the drums of war by settlement building attacking neighbors. The ME will be the spark that will start WWlll...
So scary! Shouldn't the international community be busying itself with the humanitarian relocation of palistanians from the armageddon danger zone?
Can Israel Survive Obama?

November 12, 2013 By Noah Beck


In the spring of 2012, when I wrote ”The Last Israelis,” I thought that the pessimistic premise of my cautionary tale on Iranian nukes was grounded in realism. I had imagined a U.S. president who passively and impotently reacted to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, leaving it to tiny Israel to deal with the threat. But something far worse is happening: the Obama administration is actively making it harder for Israel to neutralize Iran’s nukes, and more likely that Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal.

A few months after my apocalyptic thriller was published, the New York Times reported that “intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials [dating] almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term” resulted in an agreement to conduct one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. In those secret talks, did Obama long ago concede to Iran a nuclear capability? If so, then the current Geneva negotiations merely provide the international imprimatur for what Iran and the US have already privately agreed. That might explain why France (of all countries) had to reject a Geneva deal that would have left Iran with a nuclear breakout capability.

An investigation by the Daily Beast also reveals that the “Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president last June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva…” The report notes that Treasury Department notices show “that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June.”Obama’s desperately eager posture towards the smiling Mullahs has doomed any negotiation to failure by signaling that the U.S. fears confrontation more than anything else. Obama’s pathetic approach to the world’s most pressing national security threat also makes U.S. military action virtually impossible from a public relations and diplomatic standpoint because it promotes the naive idea that more diplomacy will resolve what a decade of talking hasn’t. And as long as the Iranians are “talking,” world opinion will also oppose an Israeli military strike, so naturally Iran will find ways to keep talking until it’s too late for Israel to act.


As if Israel didn’t face enough threats and challenges, it must now survive the Obama nightmare until he’s out of office in 38 months. Isolated like never before thanks to Obama, the stark choices facing Israel’s leadership are unimaginably difficult. With roughly 75 times more territory, 10 times as many people, and two times as big an economy, Iran is a Goliath compared to Israel, and has repeatedly threatened to destroy it. So what does David (Israel) do now that Obama’s perfidy has been exposed? If the neighborhood bully is bigger than you, has threatened you, and is reaching for a bat, do you preemptively attack him before he gets the bat and becomes even more dangerous?

Can Israel Survive Obama? | FrontPage Magazine
Can Israel Survive Obama?

November 12, 2013 By Noah Beck


In the spring of 2012, when I wrote ”The Last Israelis,” I thought that the pessimistic premise of my cautionary tale on Iranian nukes was grounded in realism. I had imagined a U.S. president who passively and impotently reacted to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, leaving it to tiny Israel to deal with the threat. But something far worse is happening: the Obama administration is actively making it harder for Israel to neutralize Iran’s nukes, and more likely that Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal.

A few months after my apocalyptic thriller was published, the New York Times reported that “intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials [dating] almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term” resulted in an agreement to conduct one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. In those secret talks, did Obama long ago concede to Iran a nuclear capability? If so, then the current Geneva negotiations merely provide the international imprimatur for what Iran and the US have already privately agreed. That might explain why France (of all countries) had to reject a Geneva deal that would have left Iran with a nuclear breakout capability.

An investigation by the Daily Beast also reveals that the “Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president last June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva…” The report notes that Treasury Department notices show “that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June.”Obama’s desperately eager posture towards the smiling Mullahs has doomed any negotiation to failure by signaling that the U.S. fears confrontation more than anything else. Obama’s pathetic approach to the world’s most pressing national security threat also makes U.S. military action virtually impossible from a public relations and diplomatic standpoint because it promotes the naive idea that more diplomacy will resolve what a decade of talking hasn’t. And as long as the Iranians are “talking,” world opinion will also oppose an Israeli military strike, so naturally Iran will find ways to keep talking until it’s too late for Israel to act.


As if Israel didn’t face enough threats and challenges, it must now survive the Obama nightmare until he’s out of office in 38 months. Isolated like never before thanks to Obama, the stark choices facing Israel’s leadership are unimaginably difficult. With roughly 75 times more territory, 10 times as many people, and two times as big an economy, Iran is a Goliath compared to Israel, and has repeatedly threatened to destroy it. So what does David (Israel) do now that Obama’s perfidy has been exposed? If the neighborhood bully is bigger than you, has threatened you, and is reaching for a bat, do you preemptively attack him before he gets the bat and becomes even more dangerous?

Can Israel Survive Obama? | FrontPage Magazine

Interesting take on Obama. I knew there was a problem, but I did not think it was this bad. Obama has made some friendly statements to Muslims.

Beachboy, et al,

I don't particularly care for the methods of persuasion and the policy development The President has furthered in Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. But I can, to a degree, understand the position. While my actions and responses may be different, you have to appreciate all the various factors The President has to consider in the formulation of foreign policy.

Interesting take on Obama. I knew there was a problem, but I did not think it was this bad. Obama has made some friendly statements to Muslims.


Treaty Between the United States and Tripoli said:
Article 11.

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, — as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, — and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.​

SOURCE: US - Tripoli

It is not this bad (as you say)!

The innuendo that The President is pro-Islamic or sympathetic to Islam more than any other more familiar religion is simply allowing the emotion of the day to run amuck. The approach and policy The President expresses today is not so dissimilar as that of the founders (and I am rather fond of them, and don't think of them as UnAmerican). In 1797, during the administration of President John Adams, the Treaty of Tripoli specifically addressed this issue. Our President may use different words today, but I don't think the intent was much different from that expressed by President Adams.

The US may express distress over many things, but --- we don't go to war over reasons of theology or religious belief. Yes, we may "have gun and will travel" after "radical elements" that attempt to use a corrupt interpretation of a specific belief to further war or conflict in the name of this or that deity; but then, we will always have troublesome Jihadist and Fedayeen that need neutralization. It wasn't so long ago, that another adversary had uniform belt buckles that proclaimed "Gott mit Uns." Many of us have this latent belief. I know that Zeus will be with me at the end of the trail.

I'm not sure that I would be so harsh as to criticize President Obama today, for essentially the same as what a founder did in the early years of the Republic.

Most Respectfully,
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Netanyahu’s Warning

November 14, 2013 By Joseph Klein


Thirty years ago President Ronald Reagan famously said, “We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.”

Winston Churchill summed up the fatal flaw of appeasement years earlier this way: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken these words and the lessons of history to heart. He has warned repeatedly how a bad deal with Iran over its nuclear program can have catastrophic consequences for international peace and security. Unless and until Iran is verifiably stripped entirely of its nuclear enrichment capabilities, he believes, the sanctions in place must continue in full force. Prime Minister Netanyahu understands the peril in allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon. Weakness will only abet the crocodile’s appetite. “I would go so far as to say that a bad deal could lead to the second, undesired option,” Netanyahu said this week. He was evidently alluding to the military option that may be the only means left to stop Iran in time if bad diplomacy leaves Iran a clear path to achieving its nuclear arms objective.

President Obama, on the other hand, is so intent on getting Iran’s signature on a piece of paper that it doesn’t much matter to him what the paper says. At least it will divert public attention away from the travails of Obamacare. But the Obama administration’s weak-kneed negotiation strategy is inviting Iran to gain new terrifying tools of aggression.


Neither President Obama nor Secretary of State Kerry have leveled with Congress or the American people as to what their endgame really is, assuming they even have one in mind. Dithering around with North Korea in fruitless negotiations led to the endgame of a nuclear armed North Korea. Are we headed down the same road with respect to Iran, relying in the future on containment of a country led by theocratic megalomaniacs? As Ronald Reagan said, “weakness only invites aggression.”

Netanyahu?s Warning | FrontPage Magazine
Netanyahu’s Warning

November 14, 2013 By Joseph Klein


Thirty years ago President Ronald Reagan famously said, “We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.”

Winston Churchill summed up the fatal flaw of appeasement years earlier this way: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken these words and the lessons of history to heart. He has warned repeatedly how a bad deal with Iran over its nuclear program can have catastrophic consequences for international peace and security. Unless and until Iran is verifiably stripped entirely of its nuclear enrichment capabilities, he believes, the sanctions in place must continue in full force. Prime Minister Netanyahu understands the peril in allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon. Weakness will only abet the crocodile’s appetite. “I would go so far as to say that a bad deal could lead to the second, undesired option,” Netanyahu said this week. He was evidently alluding to the military option that may be the only means left to stop Iran in time if bad diplomacy leaves Iran a clear path to achieving its nuclear arms objective.

President Obama, on the other hand, is so intent on getting Iran’s signature on a piece of paper that it doesn’t much matter to him what the paper says. At least it will divert public attention away from the travails of Obamacare. But the Obama administration’s weak-kneed negotiation strategy is inviting Iran to gain new terrifying tools of aggression.


Neither President Obama nor Secretary of State Kerry have leveled with Congress or the American people as to what their endgame really is, assuming they even have one in mind. Dithering around with North Korea in fruitless negotiations led to the endgame of a nuclear armed North Korea. Are we headed down the same road with respect to Iran, relying in the future on containment of a country led by theocratic megalomaniacs? As Ronald Reagan said, “weakness only invites aggression.”

Netanyahu?s Warning | FrontPage Magazine

I don't believe that even a liberal would disagree with this idea.


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Can Israel Survive Obama?

November 12, 2013 By Noah Beck


In the spring of 2012, when I wrote ”The Last Israelis,” I thought that the pessimistic premise of my cautionary tale on Iranian nukes was grounded in realism. I had imagined a U.S. president who passively and impotently reacted to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, leaving it to tiny Israel to deal with the threat.
"Tiny Israel". Now that's funny!

They're the only nuclear power in the ME and you call them "tiny Israel".

But something far worse is happening: the Obama administration is actively making it harder for Israel to neutralize Iran’s nukes, and more likely that Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal.
Israel hasn't even proven Iran has nukes, nor is making any.

When they pony up the evidence, then we'll talk.

A few months after my apocalyptic thriller was published, the New York Times reported that “intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials [dating] almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term” resulted in an agreement to conduct one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. In those secret talks, did Obama long ago concede to Iran a nuclear capability? If so, then the current Geneva negotiations merely provide the international imprimatur for what Iran and the US have already privately agreed. That might explain why France (of all countries) had to reject a Geneva deal that would have left Iran with a nuclear breakout capability.
Oh stop with this Iranian threat bullshit.

This is just like the lead up to the Iraq war. Nothing but conjecture and bullshit.

An investigation by the Daily Beast also reveals that the “Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president last June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva…” The report notes that Treasury Department notices show “that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June.”
Why should they have sanctions? They haven't done anything wrong.

Obama’s desperately eager posture towards the smiling Mullahs has doomed any negotiation to failure by signaling that the U.S. fears confrontation more than anything else.
That's bullshit! You just gotta play the fear card.

Obama’s pathetic approach to the world’s most pressing national security threat
What threat?

also makes U.S. military action virtually impossible from a public relations and diplomatic standpoint because it promotes the naive idea that more diplomacy will resolve what a decade of talking hasn’t. And as long as the Iranians are “talking,” world opinion will also oppose an Israeli military strike, so naturally Iran will find ways to keep talking until it’s too late for Israel to act.
The world is against any military strike by Israel and has been for some time now.

As if Israel didn’t face enough threats and challenges, it must now survive the Obama nightmare until he’s out of office in 38 months. Isolated like never before thanks to Obama, the stark choices facing Israel’s leadership are unimaginably difficult.
What threat?

Unless Israel can provide evidence they've weaponized their program, STFU!

With roughly 75 times more territory, 10 times as many people, and two times as big an economy, Iran is a Goliath compared to Israel, and has repeatedly threatened to destroy it.
That's a lie.

So what does David (Israel) do now that Obama’s perfidy has been exposed? If the neighborhood bully is bigger than you, has threatened you, and is reaching for a bat, do you preemptively attack him before he gets the bat and becomes even more dangerous?

Can Israel Survive Obama? | FrontPage Magazine
WTF are you talking about?

Israel IS the bully.
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