Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Of course reading your signature, seems more like your very double minded. You back Israel but most of them are secular Jews who do not like the Orthodox jews any more than the Palestinians. ACLU, ADA both Jewish, 3 jews on supreme court, also most jews vote for Democrats. A tiny hypocritical don't you think. How do you feel about the gay parade Israel puts on every year?
Gay Parade vs Murder?

Of course reading your signature, seems more like your very double minded. You back Israel but most of them are secular Jews who do not like the Orthodox jews any more than the Palestinians. ACLU, ADA both Jewish, 3 jews on supreme court, also most jews vote for Democrats. A tiny hypocritical don't you think. How do you feel about the gay parade Israel puts on every year?
Gay Parade vs Murder?

I know, they do both.

Of course reading your signature, seems more like your very double minded. You back Israel but most of them are secular Jews who do not like the Orthodox jews any more than the Palestinians. ACLU, ADA both Jewish, 3 jews on supreme court, also most jews vote for Democrats. A tiny hypocritical don't you think. How do you feel about the gay parade Israel puts on every year?
Gay Parade vs Murder?

I know, they do both.
Frustrated much seeing your fellow ragheads gettings their butts kicked?

Of course reading your signature, seems more like your very double minded. You back Israel but most of them are secular Jews who do not like the Orthodox jews any more than the Palestinians. ACLU, ADA both Jewish, 3 jews on supreme court, also most jews vote for Democrats. A tiny hypocritical don't you think. How do you feel about the gay parade Israel puts on every year?
Gay Parade vs Murder?

I know, they do both.
Frustrated much seeing your fellow ragheads gettings their butts kicked?

Actually yes I am. After last year act of grave terrorism by people with top notch weapons against those with fire crackers, its is tiresome to watch the genocide, and I'm not Palestinian. Yet their war crimes go unpunished.
Abbas Must Be Stopped
The orchestrator of the terror onslaught in Israel.
October 9, 2015
Caroline Glick


All the Palestinian terrorist attacks that have been carried out in recent weeks share one common feature. All the terrorists believe that by attacking Jews they are protecting the Temple Mount from destruction.

And why shouldn’t they believe this obscenity? Everywhere they go, every time they turn on their televisions, read the paper, go to school or the mosque they are told that the Jews are destroying al-Aksa Mosque. Al-Aksa, they are told, is in danger. They must take up arms to defend it from the Jews, whatever the cost.

One man stands at the center of this blood libel. The man who propagates this murderous lie and orchestrates the death and mayhem that is its bloody harvest is none other than the West’s favorite Palestinian moderate: PLO chief and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

On September 16 Abbas gave a speech. It was broadcast on PA television and posted on his Facebook page. In it, he incited the Palestinians to kill Jews. In his words, “Al-Aksa Mosque is ours.

They [the Jews] have no right to desecrate it with their filthy feet. We won’t allow them to do so and we will do everything in our power to defend Jerusalem.”

Abbas added, “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Jerusalem. This is clean and pure blood, blood that was spilled for God. It is Allah’s will that every martyr will go to heaven and every wounded [terrorist] will receive God’s reward.”


In his letter, Netanyahu should say that in keeping with the status quo, which protects the rights of members of all religions to freely enter the Temple Mount, so he commits the government to protect the rights of all believers of all religions to ascend the Mount.

The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it. To stop this assault, Israel must finally take action against Abbas and his machinery of war. Anything less can bring us nothing more than a temporary respite in the carnage that Abbas will be free to end whenever he wishes.

Abbas Must Be Stopped
End the occupation and there won't be any onslaught.

Netanfuckyou, is the one who must be stopped.

What Netanyahu will not admit publicly, is that Israeli is running a full-blown, militarized colonial police state, and its heavy-handed treatment and over-the-top force is routinely used against all Palestinians, and also against any non-Jewish protesters, media or bystanders.

The IDF sniper was not threatened, nor was he the target of the stone throwing kid, but he shot the kid anyway.

That's why they riot!
Abbas Must Be Stopped
The orchestrator of the terror onslaught in Israel.
October 9, 2015
Caroline Glick


All the Palestinian terrorist attacks that have been carried out in recent weeks share one common feature. All the terrorists believe that by attacking Jews they are protecting the Temple Mount from destruction.

And why shouldn’t they believe this obscenity? Everywhere they go, every time they turn on their televisions, read the paper, go to school or the mosque they are told that the Jews are destroying al-Aksa Mosque. Al-Aksa, they are told, is in danger. They must take up arms to defend it from the Jews, whatever the cost.

One man stands at the center of this blood libel. The man who propagates this murderous lie and orchestrates the death and mayhem that is its bloody harvest is none other than the West’s favorite Palestinian moderate: PLO chief and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

On September 16 Abbas gave a speech. It was broadcast on PA television and posted on his Facebook page. In it, he incited the Palestinians to kill Jews. In his words, “Al-Aksa Mosque is ours.

They [the Jews] have no right to desecrate it with their filthy feet. We won’t allow them to do so and we will do everything in our power to defend Jerusalem.”

Abbas added, “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Jerusalem. This is clean and pure blood, blood that was spilled for God. It is Allah’s will that every martyr will go to heaven and every wounded [terrorist] will receive God’s reward.”


In his letter, Netanyahu should say that in keeping with the status quo, which protects the rights of members of all religions to freely enter the Temple Mount, so he commits the government to protect the rights of all believers of all religions to ascend the Mount.

The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it. To stop this assault, Israel must finally take action against Abbas and his machinery of war. Anything less can bring us nothing more than a temporary respite in the carnage that Abbas will be free to end whenever he wishes.

Abbas Must Be Stopped
End the occupation and there won't be any onslaught.

Netanfuckyou, is the one who must be stopped.

What Netanyahu will not admit publicly, is that Israeli is running a full-blown, militarized colonial police state, and its heavy-handed treatment and over-the-top force is routinely used against all Palestinians, and also against any non-Jewish protesters, media or bystanders.

The IDF sniper was not threatened, nor was he the target of the stone throwing kid, but he shot the kid anyway.

That's why they riot!


"RF newsfuckyuou" Ha ha ha. Bigmouth never has a legit source.
Nope; we are hated for holding higher moral standards.
Moral standards?

You just got done calling someone a "raghead"!

Where's the morality in that?
We haven't emigrated to every nation in Europe, gone on welfare and food stamps, burned cities and threatened to kill the locals if they don't conform to our religion.
You're such an asshole.
Abbas Must Be Stopped
The orchestrator of the terror onslaught in Israel.
October 9, 2015
Caroline Glick


All the Palestinian terrorist attacks that have been carried out in recent weeks share one common feature. All the terrorists believe that by attacking Jews they are protecting the Temple Mount from destruction.

And why shouldn’t they believe this obscenity? Everywhere they go, every time they turn on their televisions, read the paper, go to school or the mosque they are told that the Jews are destroying al-Aksa Mosque. Al-Aksa, they are told, is in danger. They must take up arms to defend it from the Jews, whatever the cost.

One man stands at the center of this blood libel. The man who propagates this murderous lie and orchestrates the death and mayhem that is its bloody harvest is none other than the West’s favorite Palestinian moderate: PLO chief and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

On September 16 Abbas gave a speech. It was broadcast on PA television and posted on his Facebook page. In it, he incited the Palestinians to kill Jews. In his words, “Al-Aksa Mosque is ours.

They [the Jews] have no right to desecrate it with their filthy feet. We won’t allow them to do so and we will do everything in our power to defend Jerusalem.”

Abbas added, “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Jerusalem. This is clean and pure blood, blood that was spilled for God. It is Allah’s will that every martyr will go to heaven and every wounded [terrorist] will receive God’s reward.”


In his letter, Netanyahu should say that in keeping with the status quo, which protects the rights of members of all religions to freely enter the Temple Mount, so he commits the government to protect the rights of all believers of all religions to ascend the Mount.

The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it. To stop this assault, Israel must finally take action against Abbas and his machinery of war. Anything less can bring us nothing more than a temporary respite in the carnage that Abbas will be free to end whenever he wishes.

Abbas Must Be Stopped
End the occupation and there won't be any onslaught.

Netanfuckyou, is the one who must be stopped.

What Netanyahu will not admit publicly, is that Israeli is running a full-blown, militarized colonial police state, and its heavy-handed treatment and over-the-top force is routinely used against all Palestinians, and also against any non-Jewish protesters, media or bystanders.

The IDF sniper was not threatened, nor was he the target of the stone throwing kid, but he shot the kid anyway.

That's why they riot!

Excellent video. they use Palestinians for rifle practice. Its crazy how they feel free to just shoot at someone. I wish someone who spray PM bibi's house with that skunk spray, see how he likes it.
Roudy, et al,

I don't think that Israel either wants or would accept the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. I don't think that any of the adjacent nations want either the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

Israel's annexation of the West Bank getting closer by the day. Praise be to the Allah.

Population: West Bank

  • approximately 341,400 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank (2012);
  • approximately 196,400 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem (2011)
Population: State of Israel
8,049,314 (includes populations of the Golan Heights of Golan Sub-District and East Jerusalem, which was annexed by Israel after 1967) (July 2014 est.)

  • approximately 19,400 Israeli settlers live in the Golan Heights;
  • approximately 200,000 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem (2013) (July 2015 est.)

The population of Palestine is about ≈ one-third that of Israel. To put that in perspective, that would be like the US absorbing 100+ million people by comparison. Given that the the West Bank cannot sustain itself yet, and has ≈ 38.8% Unemployment Rate (Male: 34.5% Female: 62.2% Ages 18-24). By comparison, Israel has and an Unemployment Rate of 12.1% (Male: 11.6% Female: 12.7% Ages 18-24). No other country in the Region would consider accepting that many unemployed on their social welfare system, let alone Israel. Regionally, the Unemployment Rates look like this for the same age group:


total: 16.8%
male: 14.6%
female: 22.3% (2009 est.)


total: 29.3%
male: 25.2%
female: 48.8% (2012 est.)


total: 24.8%
male: 14.7%
female: 54.1% (2010 est.)

Saudi Arabia:

total: 28.3%
male: 20.8%
female: 54.4% (2012 est.)

As you can see, none of the Middle Eastern Nations have the economic strength to absorb that may people on that level of unemployment. The thought that Israel would want to purposely annex the West Bank is just not a reasonable. This is not to mention the security problems that come along with them.

Most Respectfully,
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