Zone1 Get Yourself Straight with Jesus - The End is Near!

People have been saying “the end is near” for centuries. What makes you think this is the time? These kind of prophecies have been proven false over and over again and you know what the Bible says about false prophets.

Matt. 7:15
Repent Sinner or you will spend all of eternity in HELL!

You are going to burn in HELL!!!

Remove a second from the clock?!?!?!
These pinheads need to wake up - the world is spinning out of control and we're all going to die!

You need to pray more!

Isn't that looking for signs?

People have been saying “the end is near” for centuries. What makes you think this is the time? These kind of prophecies have been proven false over and over again and you know what the Bible says about false prophets.

Matt. 7:15

Yup, i remember during the 80's when people were saying the world was gonna end.

I even remember when people believed the world would end when the Mayan calendar ended.
You know, based on what the article said, it sounds suspiciously like the hoopla that was given to the Y2K bug, and, New Years Eve 2000 happened, and the next day, everything was fine.

I'm guessing this is some scientists screaming about nothing.

More likely just shit journalists. They regularly spin things for clickbait.
Repent Sinner or you will spend all of eternity in HELL!

You are going to burn in HELL!!!

Interesting thing about people's current perception of hell..............hell is typically defined in the Bible as being completely separated from God. Also states in the Bible that God is light. So no, hell isn't a place where a person burns for all eternity, as hell generates light in addition to heat (via the flame). If I had to take a guess, I'd say that hell is a very cold, very dark place where nothing moves.
If you speed up the rotation on the earth, it should help counter the global warming

Just say'in

Except that is an silly statement. What the hell do you think spin has to do with average global temperatures? Are you seriously going to claim that spin effects average energy absorption from the sun? Where is spin in that formula....
if 1.59 seconds that would be concerning ...

they're joking if they can deturmine 1.59 milliseconds over a 24 hour time span - the rotation of a planet ... did they bother with a margin of error. how can anything be much shorter than 1.59 milliseconds "ever recorded".

plenty more pressing needs than that one.
We routinely measure distance and time orders of magnitude shorter than this. The technology that allows GPS to work REQUIRES time measurements FAR more accurate than a millisecond.
What’s worth it about eternal punishment?

From the punished POV it most certainly was not. From the Creator's POV, it was. But this is certain. The judgment in the end will be just for us all. Those who are saved and those who are not.

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