Getting Filthy For Philly

Polls that got it wrong in 2012.

The odds change this time because you cannot have a party split and still expect to win.
There's no split, she already won the nomination. They're just giving Bernie a pat on the head and sending him on his way.
A pat on the head is NOT going to work for his supporters.
Polls that got it wrong in 2012.

The odds change this time because you cannot have a party split and still expect to win.
There's no split, she already won the nomination. They're just giving Bernie a pat on the head and sending him on his way.
A pat on the head is NOT going to work for his supporters.
She's doing okay without them, the race is close and she'd love to have Bernie supporters but is it worth the trouble? I think they'll come around rather than vote for Trump. I've been wrong before though.
Hillary is going to be the next POTUS. It's already been fixed, set, bribed, bought, blackmailed and threatened. Nothing We The People can do about it since We The People have the voice but not the power. May as well get used to saying madam murderous president.
Polls that got it wrong in 2012.

The odds change this time because you cannot have a party split and still expect to win.
There's no split, she already won the nomination. They're just giving Bernie a pat on the head and sending him on his way.
A pat on the head is NOT going to work for his supporters.
She's doing okay without them, the race is close and she'd love to have Bernie supporters but is it worth the trouble? I think they'll come around rather than vote for Trump. I've been wrong before though.
She won by less than 1 % in Kentucky. About 1,800 votes. That is NOT doing well.
Doesn't matter how well or not well she does. She is next POTUS. Bank on it.
Gary Johnson is making some headlines. He's more palatable than Trump.
10% at this point holds no value.
It is, he only needs 5% more to get into the debates. Think about it. Rs are even disappointed that they're getting Trump. He's terrible.
There are no more debates outside of the finals. He never won 15% in any state.
Yet. I was talking about debates in the general. A lot of ifs there but she won't allow Trump to even present a challenge once she gets Bernie under control.
Gary Johnson is making some headlines. He's more palatable than Trump.
10% at this point holds no value.
It is, he only needs 5% more to get into the debates. Think about it. Rs are even disappointed that they're getting Trump. He's terrible.
There are no more debates outside of the finals. He never won 15% in any state.
Yet. I was talking about debates in the general. A lot of ifs there but she won't allow Trump to even present a challenge once she gets Bernie under control.
Trump will have a 60 day head start and Hillary will be coming off a very nasty floor fight. And debating IS her weak point. That's how Obama beat her.
Gosh, I must disagree again, DF. She is very strong in debate. Trump should be very afraid. She was better than Obama and he is quite good. Trump isn't going to be allowed to set the agenda. act like a simpleton calling her names like he did his fellow primary candidates.

She's way ahead of him in domestic policy, foreign policy and just about any issue globally. It isn't going to be the cake walk it was for him in the primaries. He'll be dealing with intelligent people now. Not to mention all kinds of women who really, really HATE him. :lol:
There will be no honeymoon at the DNC convention. Bernie Sanders has ALREADY laid out part of his plan and that involves the FIRING of Debbie Wasserman Shultz.

And to make matters even worse ANYBODY recall those dirty nasty filthy street crapping drug dealing hippy's from OWS? Well they plan on showing up as well.

Sanders Supporters Planning To “Occupy The DNC” In July As Dem Chaos Continues

How about a song for this up coming gathering?


let me see if I understand.

The vile kunt that couldn't come up with one thing that made dems different from socialist isn't left enough for bernie?

He would not appoint her?

damn, the whole idea of her appointment was to be the go to girl in case the teflon wore off hillary and she got arrested.

oh man, that moment when leftist realize that the line of more free shit can win out over free shit.

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