GHook's Immigration Reform and Border Security - BEST PLAN EVER!!!


Apr 22, 2007
It goes in stages!

Stage One: - Security
(1) Secure the border: A physical barrier along the entire border. In remote areas a clearly markets mine field. After the physical barrier have a layer of virtual fencing.
(2) Border Partol:
A 10 times the border partol agendas. Then send national guard to the border.
(3) Allow Border Partol Agents Thermal Imaging Devices:
This way they can monitor homes along the border for tunnels.

Stage Two:
Crack down on landlords and Employers.
(1) Require All Employers to use everify.
(2) Fine Employers HARD! (1) First offense -$10K per illegal, (2) 2nd offense - $50K per illegal and (3) Third Offense - Criminal Charges
(3)Attack HR People Who Personally Hire Illegals:
First Offense: $1K Fine per illegal, Second Offense: $5K per illegal, Third Offense: Criminal Charges
(4) Have an whistle blower Hotline and Enact Whistle-blower statutes: - Meaning a whistle blower can't be fired, harassed, demoted, made to take less pay or lower benefits or any punitive damages taken against the person in anyway.
(5) Set Up a Federal Taskforce: - Have a federal agency like the IRS make pop-in visits, follow up on leads and investigate employers. Have this be their only job.
(6) Be Strict on Landlords: -
First Offense: $10K Fine, Second Offense: Criminal Charges, Third Offense: Property may be subject to confiscation.

Stage 3: - Guest Workers
Some companies within some industries (such as agriculture) can apply to have guest workers. Certain requirements
(1) The guest workers must be solicited in their home country (meaning they can't come here and then be solicited for work. Third party agencies can do this.
(2) The employer must comply with all US employment laws (taxes, minimums etc)
(3) Employer must do background checks to make sure the guest worker doesn't have a criminal record or communicable disease.
(4) Employer must apply and be accepted into the guest worker program.
(5) Employers who violate the law will not be allowed to hire guest workers.
(6) Construction Companies MAY NOT apply to the program.

Stage 4: - Amnesty
If they meet this criteria they get Amnesty:
(1) Speak English Fluently
(2) No criminal record
(3) Never affliated with a gang, terrorist organization, organize crime affliate, drug dealer or sucession movement (burden of proof is on the government, burden shifts to individual thereafter)
(4) Never too public assistance (because that is fraud, public assistance is for US citizens) - Never took $1 of welfare, Section 8, unemployment benefits, food stamps, charity care at a hospital, social security or medicare/medicaid
(5) Never been in an auto accident without insurance or tickets for not having insurance
(6) Have health insurance or proof of the ability to obtain health insurance
(7) Have auto insurance, if they own a car
(8) Never filed bankruptcy
(9) Are a highschool graduate
(10) They are not alcoholics or drug addicts (again its on the government to prove they are and burden shift to individual to prove they are not)
(11) Do not have a communicable disease.

If they don't meet this criteria, then they go back to their home country and get in line to apply for legal citizenship LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Stage 5: Attack Sanctuary Cities
Set strict guidelines for them to meet. If they fail, they lose federal funding. Disobedience Mayors or councilman could be forcably relieved from their duty.

Stage 6: - End Anchor Baby Statute.
Somehow someway getting the laws on citizenship to be:
(1) Naturalized or (2) A child born to at least one America citizen. End children born to illegal, legal foreign non-citizen national, legal guestworkers who happen to be born in America automatically become citizens. Make the requirement one parent must be a citizen.

Stage 7: - Protect the Ports
There has to be some way to set up offshore depots that inspect all cargo before reaching port. At the very least they can be inspect for nuclear material. That is not a hard thing to detect.

Stage 8: - Secure the Northern Border
Meh, it'd be easier to invade Mexico, make it the fifty first state, secure our new, much smaller, southern border, then secure the north...
It goes in stages!

Stage One: - Security
(1) Secure the border: A physical barrier along the entire border. In remote areas a clearly markets mine field. After the physical barrier have a layer of virtual fencing.
(2) Border Partol:
A 10 times the border partol agendas. Then send national guard to the border.
(3) Allow Border Partol Agents Thermal Imaging Devices:
This way they can monitor homes along the border for tunnels.

Stage Two:
Crack down on landlords and Employers.
(1) Require All Employers to use everify.
(2) Fine Employers HARD! (1) First offense -$10K per illegal, (2) 2nd offense - $50K per illegal and (3) Third Offense - Criminal Charges
(3)Attack HR People Who Personally Hire Illegals:
First Offense: $1K Fine per illegal, Second Offense: $5K per illegal, Third Offense: Criminal Charges
(4) Have an whistle blower Hotline and Enact Whistle-blower statutes: - Meaning a whistle blower can't be fired, harassed, demoted, made to take less pay or lower benefits or any punitive damages taken against the person in anyway.
(5) Set Up a Federal Taskforce: - Have a federal agency like the IRS make pop-in visits, follow up on leads and investigate employers. Have this be their only job.
(6) Be Strict on Landlords: -
First Offense: $10K Fine, Second Offense: Criminal Charges, Third Offense: Property may be subject to confiscation.

Stage 3: - Guest Workers
Some companies within some industries (such as agriculture) can apply to have guest workers. Certain requirements
(1) The guest workers must be solicited in their home country (meaning they can't come here and then be solicited for work. Third party agencies can do this.
(2) The employer must comply with all US employment laws (taxes, minimums etc)
(3) Employer must do background checks to make sure the guest worker doesn't have a criminal record or communicable disease.
(4) Employer must apply and be accepted into the guest worker program.
(5) Employers who violate the law will not be allowed to hire guest workers.
(6) Construction Companies MAY NOT apply to the program.

Stage 4: - Amnesty
If they meet this criteria they get Amnesty:
(1) Speak English Fluently
(2) No criminal record
(3) Never affliated with a gang, terrorist organization, organize crime affliate, drug dealer or sucession movement (burden of proof is on the government, burden shifts to individual thereafter)
(4) Never too public assistance (because that is fraud, public assistance is for US citizens) - Never took $1 of welfare, Section 8, unemployment benefits, food stamps, charity care at a hospital, social security or medicare/medicaid
(5) Never been in an auto accident without insurance or tickets for not having insurance
(6) Have health insurance or proof of the ability to obtain health insurance
(7) Have auto insurance, if they own a car
(8) Never filed bankruptcy
(9) Are a highschool graduate
(10) They are not alcoholics or drug addicts (again its on the government to prove they are and burden shift to individual to prove they are not)
(11) Do not have a communicable disease.

If they don't meet this criteria, then they go back to their home country and get in line to apply for legal citizenship LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Stage 5: Attack Sanctuary Cities
Set strict guidelines for them to meet. If they fail, they lose federal funding. Disobedience Mayors or councilman could be forcably relieved from their duty.

Stage 6: - End Anchor Baby Statute.
Somehow someway getting the laws on citizenship to be:
(1) Naturalized or (2) A child born to at least one America citizen. End children born to illegal, legal foreign non-citizen national, legal guestworkers who happen to be born in America automatically become citizens. Make the requirement one parent must be a citizen.

Stage 7: - Protect the Ports
There has to be some way to set up offshore depots that inspect all cargo before reaching port. At the very least they can be inspect for nuclear material. That is not a hard thing to detect.

Stage 8: - Secure the Northern Border

Executive Order: The Elimination of the Threat of Mexico!​

Declare war on Mexico: Instantly......every Mexican is the enemy of the people of the US.

All Mexicans ( with a few exceptions) must be removed from the US at their own expense. No property can leave the US with them without filling out miles of paper work.

No one in their right mind would help them because "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is treason.

Go after the LA RAZA type groups that have been stealing money from poor America for years.

Maybe shoot a few Latino Luiz Gutierrez. He's from my district so I can testify that he turned on America to help his yahoo friends steal from poor Americans like me.

The border will be a no man's land like North/South Korea. A few nukes might have to be dropped. No more deportations because that is what got us in trouble in the first place. Invader Mexicans will be shipped to countries for slave labor. 10years for 1st offence.

Spanish language will be forbidden in the United States. Immigration to/from Europe and most other countries of the world will be welcomed. Latin Americans will be forbidden from immigrating for the next 50 years. Absolutely no money from the US can be sent to Latin America without tons of paperwork being filled out.

Mexican politicians, businessmen, and gang bangers will work on farms picking crops to help pay for damages done to the American people.

.....more to follow!
So you don't like my plan? LOL

There are many many many Americans of Mexican Descendants that are loyal, hard-working and are not criminals. There are many illegal immigrants that are hard-working, non-criminals and assets to this country. Not to mention 25% of the illegals are not from Latin America or Mexico, rather they are from Asia (mostly China and India who work in high tech jobs), what do you do with them.

I'm not sure if your speaking tongue and cheek, but your plan would destroy America and almost insure the country implodes!

It goes in stages!

Stage One: - Security
(1) Secure the border: A physical barrier along the entire border. In remote areas a clearly markets mine field. After the physical barrier have a layer of virtual fencing.
(2) Border Partol:
A 10 times the border partol agendas. Then send national guard to the border.
(3) Allow Border Partol Agents Thermal Imaging Devices:
This way they can monitor homes along the border for tunnels.

Stage Two:
Crack down on landlords and Employers.
(1) Require All Employers to use everify.
(2) Fine Employers HARD! (1) First offense -$10K per illegal, (2) 2nd offense - $50K per illegal and (3) Third Offense - Criminal Charges
(3)Attack HR People Who Personally Hire Illegals:
First Offense: $1K Fine per illegal, Second Offense: $5K per illegal, Third Offense: Criminal Charges
(4) Have an whistle blower Hotline and Enact Whistle-blower statutes: - Meaning a whistle blower can't be fired, harassed, demoted, made to take less pay or lower benefits or any punitive damages taken against the person in anyway.
(5) Set Up a Federal Taskforce: - Have a federal agency like the IRS make pop-in visits, follow up on leads and investigate employers. Have this be their only job.
(6) Be Strict on Landlords: -
First Offense: $10K Fine, Second Offense: Criminal Charges, Third Offense: Property may be subject to confiscation.

Stage 3: - Guest Workers
Some companies within some industries (such as agriculture) can apply to have guest workers. Certain requirements
(1) The guest workers must be solicited in their home country (meaning they can't come here and then be solicited for work. Third party agencies can do this.
(2) The employer must comply with all US employment laws (taxes, minimums etc)
(3) Employer must do background checks to make sure the guest worker doesn't have a criminal record or communicable disease.
(4) Employer must apply and be accepted into the guest worker program.
(5) Employers who violate the law will not be allowed to hire guest workers.
(6) Construction Companies MAY NOT apply to the program.

Stage 4: - Amnesty
If they meet this criteria they get Amnesty:
(1) Speak English Fluently
(2) No criminal record
(3) Never affliated with a gang, terrorist organization, organize crime affliate, drug dealer or sucession movement (burden of proof is on the government, burden shifts to individual thereafter)
(4) Never too public assistance (because that is fraud, public assistance is for US citizens) - Never took $1 of welfare, Section 8, unemployment benefits, food stamps, charity care at a hospital, social security or medicare/medicaid
(5) Never been in an auto accident without insurance or tickets for not having insurance
(6) Have health insurance or proof of the ability to obtain health insurance
(7) Have auto insurance, if they own a car
(8) Never filed bankruptcy
(9) Are a highschool graduate
(10) They are not alcoholics or drug addicts (again its on the government to prove they are and burden shift to individual to prove they are not)
(11) Do not have a communicable disease.

If they don't meet this criteria, then they go back to their home country and get in line to apply for legal citizenship LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Stage 5: Attack Sanctuary Cities
Set strict guidelines for them to meet. If they fail, they lose federal funding. Disobedience Mayors or councilman could be forcably relieved from their duty.

Stage 6: - End Anchor Baby Statute.
Somehow someway getting the laws on citizenship to be:
(1) Naturalized or (2) A child born to at least one America citizen. End children born to illegal, legal foreign non-citizen national, legal guestworkers who happen to be born in America automatically become citizens. Make the requirement one parent must be a citizen.

Stage 7: - Protect the Ports
There has to be some way to set up offshore depots that inspect all cargo before reaching port. At the very least they can be inspect for nuclear material. That is not a hard thing to detect.

Stage 8: - Secure the Northern Border

Executive Order: The Elimination of the Threat of Mexico!​

Declare war on Mexico: Instantly......every Mexican is the enemy of the people of the US.

All Mexicans ( with a few exceptions) must be removed from the US at their own expense. No property can leave the US with them without filling out miles of paper work.

No one in their right mind would help them because "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is treason.

Go after the LA RAZA type groups that have been stealing money from poor America for years.

Maybe shoot a few Latino Luiz Gutierrez. He's from my district so I can testify that he turned on America to help his yahoo friends steal from poor Americans like me.

The border will be a no man's land like North/South Korea. A few nukes might have to be dropped. No more deportations because that is what got us in trouble in the first place. Invader Mexicans will be shipped to countries for slave labor. 10years for 1st offence.

Spanish language will be forbidden in the United States. Immigration to/from Europe and most other countries of the world will be welcomed. Latin Americans will be forbidden from immigrating for the next 50 years. Absolutely no money from the US can be sent to Latin America without tons of paperwork being filled out.

Mexican politicians, businessmen, and gang bangers will work on farms picking crops to help pay for damages done to the American people.

.....more to follow!
It goes in stages!

Stage One: - Security
(1) Secure the border: A physical barrier along the entire border. In remote areas a clearly markets mine field. After the physical barrier have a layer of virtual fencing.
(2) Border Partol:
A 10 times the border partol agendas. Then send national guard to the border.
(3) Allow Border Partol Agents Thermal Imaging Devices:
This way they can monitor homes along the border for tunnels.

Stage Two:
Crack down on landlords and Employers.
(1) Require All Employers to use everify.
(2) Fine Employers HARD! (1) First offense -$10K per illegal, (2) 2nd offense - $50K per illegal and (3) Third Offense - Criminal Charges
(3)Attack HR People Who Personally Hire Illegals:
First Offense: $1K Fine per illegal, Second Offense: $5K per illegal, Third Offense: Criminal Charges
(4) Have an whistle blower Hotline and Enact Whistle-blower statutes: - Meaning a whistle blower can't be fired, harassed, demoted, made to take less pay or lower benefits or any punitive damages taken against the person in anyway.
(5) Set Up a Federal Taskforce: - Have a federal agency like the IRS make pop-in visits, follow up on leads and investigate employers. Have this be their only job.
(6) Be Strict on Landlords: -
First Offense: $10K Fine, Second Offense: Criminal Charges, Third Offense: Property may be subject to confiscation.

Stage 3: - Guest Workers
Some companies within some industries (such as agriculture) can apply to have guest workers. Certain requirements
(1) The guest workers must be solicited in their home country (meaning they can't come here and then be solicited for work. Third party agencies can do this.
(2) The employer must comply with all US employment laws (taxes, minimums etc)
(3) Employer must do background checks to make sure the guest worker doesn't have a criminal record or communicable disease.
(4) Employer must apply and be accepted into the guest worker program.
(5) Employers who violate the law will not be allowed to hire guest workers.
(6) Construction Companies MAY NOT apply to the program.

Stage 4: - Amnesty
If they meet this criteria they get Amnesty:
(1) Speak English Fluently
(2) No criminal record
(3) Never affliated with a gang, terrorist organization, organize crime affliate, drug dealer or sucession movement (burden of proof is on the government, burden shifts to individual thereafter)
(4) Never too public assistance (because that is fraud, public assistance is for US citizens) - Never took $1 of welfare, Section 8, unemployment benefits, food stamps, charity care at a hospital, social security or medicare/medicaid
(5) Never been in an auto accident without insurance or tickets for not having insurance
(6) Have health insurance or proof of the ability to obtain health insurance
(7) Have auto insurance, if they own a car
(8) Never filed bankruptcy
(9) Are a highschool graduate
(10) They are not alcoholics or drug addicts (again its on the government to prove they are and burden shift to individual to prove they are not)
(11) Do not have a communicable disease.

If they don't meet this criteria, then they go back to their home country and get in line to apply for legal citizenship LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Stage 5: Attack Sanctuary Cities
Set strict guidelines for them to meet. If they fail, they lose federal funding. Disobedience Mayors or councilman could be forcably relieved from their duty.

Stage 6: - End Anchor Baby Statute.
Somehow someway getting the laws on citizenship to be:
(1) Naturalized or (2) A child born to at least one America citizen. End children born to illegal, legal foreign non-citizen national, legal guestworkers who happen to be born in America automatically become citizens. Make the requirement one parent must be a citizen.

Stage 7: - Protect the Ports
There has to be some way to set up offshore depots that inspect all cargo before reaching port. At the very least they can be inspect for nuclear material. That is not a hard thing to detect.

Stage 8: - Secure the Northern Border

Executive Order: The Elimination of the Threat of Mexico!​

Declare war on Mexico: Instantly......every Mexican is the enemy of the people of the US.

All Mexicans ( with a few exceptions) must be removed from the US at their own expense. No property can leave the US with them without filling out miles of paper work.

No one in their right mind would help them because "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is treason.

Go after the LA RAZA type groups that have been stealing money from poor America for years.

Maybe shoot a few Latino Luiz Gutierrez. He's from my district so I can testify that he turned on America to help his yahoo friends steal from poor Americans like me.

The border will be a no man's land like North/South Korea. A few nukes might have to be dropped. No more deportations because that is what got us in trouble in the first place. Invader Mexicans will be shipped to countries for slave labor. 10years for 1st offence.

Spanish language will be forbidden in the United States. Immigration to/from Europe and most other countries of the world will be welcomed. Latin Americans will be forbidden from immigrating for the next 50 years. Absolutely no money from the US can be sent to Latin America without tons of paperwork being filled out.

Mexican politicians, businessmen, and gang bangers will work on farms picking crops to help pay for damages done to the American people.

.....more to follow!

Awesome plan Bullfighter. I think the entire southern border should be a testing/firing range.

Ghook, while your plan is good, I take issue with a few parts: No guest workers and absolutely under no circumstances should amnesty be given. This country was founded for and by WASPS, no other ethnicity was ever intended on becoming citizens. I disagree with all current wars, as they are fought for Isreal's security, so I propose that all troops be brought home immediately and stationed at the southern border with orders to shoot. After we shoot at a few illegals (but not kill), nobody will attempt to come over once they see we mean business! We can send out a few warning shots. OR, we can take all of our prisoners, cuff them in a straight line across the border. Arm the prisoners and instruct them to fire at illegals. Any attempts to kill our prisoners will be taking care of 2 birds with one stone.
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So you don't like my plan? LOL

There are many many many Americans of Mexican Descendants that are loyal, hard-working and are not criminals. There are many illegal immigrants that are hard-working, non-criminals and assets to this country. Not to mention 25% of the illegals are not from Latin America or Mexico, rather they are from Asia (mostly China and India who work in high tech jobs), what do you do with them.

I'm not sure if your speaking tongue and cheek, but your plan would destroy America and almost insure the country implodes!


Look at how many innocent people were killed in WW2 just to get at the bad guys. Mexico represents less than 2 % of the world's population and 90% of the trouble inflicted on Americans. It's too late to pick and choose. I'm all for going full force against Mexico with every weapon in the US arsenal.

If the US had a leader like Putin who would scare the crap out of illegals with his icy stare and free use of his army to correct little misunderstandings, we wouldn't have the rest of the world laughing at us as it does now.

I'm worried that these third world invaders are going after what I would go after. America's nuclear arsenal. If this happens, no one in the world will be safe. I say go to war against Mexico now to prevent this from ever happening.
Awesome plan Bullfighter. I think the entire southern border should be a testing/firing range.

Ghook, while your plan is good, I take issue with a few parts: No guest workers and absolutely under no circumstances should amnesty be given. This country was founded for and by WASPS, no other ethnicity was ever intended on becoming citizens. I disagree with all current wars, as they are fought for Isreal's security, so I propose that all troops be brought home immediately and stationed at the southern border with orders to shoot. After we shoot at a few illegals (but not kill), nobody will attempt to come over once they see we mean business! We can send out a few warning shots. OR, we can take all of our prisoners, cuff them in a straight line across the border. Arm the prisoners and instruct them to fire at illegals. Any attempts to kill our prisoners will be taking care of 2 birds with one stone.

What's with the AK-47s?

The first thing to do to improve the US military is to get rid of those uniforms designed by Wal-Mart and to correct the backward flag.
who is gonna pay for all this and how much will it cost?

How about end the unjustiable Federal and State Pension plans (note: I am close to taking a government job, so that would effect me directly) and apply a portion of that money to this!

But very good question!
Look at how many innocent people were killed in WW2 just to get at the bad guys. Mexico represents less than 2 % of the world's population and 90% of the trouble inflicted on Americans. It's too late to pick and choose. I'm all for going full force against Mexico with every weapon in the US arsenal.
That is not even close to apples to apples! You plan is really a non-plan and wouldn't even make it off the drawing board.

I do truly hope your not being serious!

If the US had a leader like Putin who would scare the crap out of illegals with his icy stare and free use of his army to correct little misunderstandings, we wouldn't have the rest of the world laughing at us as it does now.
Are you being serious!

First, Russia poor economy and past economic collaspe hedged off illegal immigrations.
Second, Russia has a ginormous problem with Muslim and Chinese illegal immigration.

I'm worried that these third world invaders are going after what I would go after. America's nuclear arsenal. If this happens, no one in the world will be safe. I say go to war against Mexico now to prevent this from ever happening.
I think you need to worry about other things! That is really a non-issue to worry about!
ghookie baby riddle me this.....

how much of the illegal immigration comes across the border?

go find out...i will be waiting....

and taking money from pensions is not the answer....
It goes in stages!

Stage One: - Security
(1) Secure the border: A physical barrier along the entire border. In remote areas a clearly markets mine field. After the physical barrier have a layer of virtual fencing.
(2) Border Partol:
A 10 times the border partol agendas. Then send national guard to the border.
(3) Allow Border Partol Agents Thermal Imaging Devices:
This way they can monitor homes along the border for tunnels.

Stage Two:
Crack down on landlords and Employers.
(1) Require All Employers to use everify.
(2) Fine Employers HARD! (1) First offense -$10K per illegal, (2) 2nd offense - $50K per illegal and (3) Third Offense - Criminal Charges
(3)Attack HR People Who Personally Hire Illegals:
First Offense: $1K Fine per illegal, Second Offense: $5K per illegal, Third Offense: Criminal Charges
(4) Have an whistle blower Hotline and Enact Whistle-blower statutes: - Meaning a whistle blower can't be fired, harassed, demoted, made to take less pay or lower benefits or any punitive damages taken against the person in anyway.
(5) Set Up a Federal Taskforce: - Have a federal agency like the IRS make pop-in visits, follow up on leads and investigate employers. Have this be their only job.
(6) Be Strict on Landlords: -
First Offense: $10K Fine, Second Offense: Criminal Charges, Third Offense: Property may be subject to confiscation.

Stage 3: - Guest Workers
Some companies within some industries (such as agriculture) can apply to have guest workers. Certain requirements
(1) The guest workers must be solicited in their home country (meaning they can't come here and then be solicited for work. Third party agencies can do this.
(2) The employer must comply with all US employment laws (taxes, minimums etc)
(3) Employer must do background checks to make sure the guest worker doesn't have a criminal record or communicable disease.
(4) Employer must apply and be accepted into the guest worker program.
(5) Employers who violate the law will not be allowed to hire guest workers.
(6) Construction Companies MAY NOT apply to the program.

Stage 4: - Amnesty
If they meet this criteria they get Amnesty:
(1) Speak English Fluently
(2) No criminal record
(3) Never affliated with a gang, terrorist organization, organize crime affliate, drug dealer or sucession movement (burden of proof is on the government, burden shifts to individual thereafter)
(4) Never too public assistance (because that is fraud, public assistance is for US citizens) - Never took $1 of welfare, Section 8, unemployment benefits, food stamps, charity care at a hospital, social security or medicare/medicaid
(5) Never been in an auto accident without insurance or tickets for not having insurance
(6) Have health insurance or proof of the ability to obtain health insurance
(7) Have auto insurance, if they own a car
(8) Never filed bankruptcy
(9) Are a highschool graduate
(10) They are not alcoholics or drug addicts (again its on the government to prove they are and burden shift to individual to prove they are not)
(11) Do not have a communicable disease.

If they don't meet this criteria, then they go back to their home country and get in line to apply for legal citizenship LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Stage 5: Attack Sanctuary Cities
Set strict guidelines for them to meet. If they fail, they lose federal funding. Disobedience Mayors or councilman could be forcably relieved from their duty.

Stage 6: - End Anchor Baby Statute.
Somehow someway getting the laws on citizenship to be:
(1) Naturalized or (2) A child born to at least one America citizen. End children born to illegal, legal foreign non-citizen national, legal guestworkers who happen to be born in America automatically become citizens. Make the requirement one parent must be a citizen.

Stage 7: - Protect the Ports
There has to be some way to set up offshore depots that inspect all cargo before reaching port. At the very least they can be inspect for nuclear material. That is not a hard thing to detect.

Stage 8: - Secure the Northern Border

Great idea! I think it might just work!

Now...maybe you can help Terral with his Gulf of Mexico cleanup proposals. He's floundering.
ghookie baby riddle me this.....

how much of the illegal immigration comes across the border?

go find out...i will be waiting....
Since 25% are from Asia, I am thinking its around 75%. Although there are man OTMs (other than Mexicans) that come over the Southern border!

and taking money from pensions is not the answer....
Federal and State pension plans are a racket and rip-off, they need to be ended either way!

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