Ghosts in Mirrors: TrumpUSA Dromedary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
When you look inside a mirror, you see two things --- your face and your mind.

When you look at TrumpUSA, you see two things --- a casino and a giant.

Maybe we all need to watch the cerebral movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


GOD: The Oval Office now has a giant vanity-mirror.
SATAN: I bet President Trump often thinks about Atlantic City...
GOD: Many Americans do.
SATAN: There's nothing wrong with imagining winning money!
GOD: We have to discriminate between fantasy and mischief.
SATAN: Can you do that in a capitalist system?
GOD: Of course you can; socialism has its own flaws (e.g., fascism).
SATAN: Capitalism is marked by piracy and profiteers (e.g., Enron).
GOD: Perhaps, but it is also marked by creative marketing (e.g., Microsoft).
SATAN: Do you think Americans regret 'Reaganomics'?
GOD: I think Americans definitely regret the assassination of JFK!
SATAN: In other words, media, traffic, and consumerism contribute to idealism?
GOD: Yes, and that's because when we look in a mirror, we see our aspirations.
SATAN: What if thinking about how the U.S. President was a casino-owner creates 'media cynicism'?
GOD: Capitalism etiquette should not be violated by considerations about 'phantoms in playfulness.'
SATAN: In that case, Americans should embrace archaeological celebrations of the Gold Rush...



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