Gibson Guitar uses Twitter to tap into Tea Party anger over federal overreach


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Don't cross Obama this could happen to any company...

Gibson Guitar, the maker of the iconic Les Paul electric guitar, is appealing to anti-government Tea Party anger as it fights a government investigation into the wood it uses.

The company has used Twitter and Facebook to argue the government overreached when federal agents raided Gibson factories in Tennessee last week and seized several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars.

According to a government affidavit, Fish and Wildlife Service agents were investigating whether wood used in Gibson guitars was illegally imported from India.

Although the guitar company says it cooperated with agents, it has turned to new media to complain of bullying by the federal government.

Gibson's official Twitter account uses the hashtag "ThisWillNotStand" for posts about the raids, and on its Facebook page, the company promised, "We are fighting this tooth and nail."

“We believe the arrogance of federal power is impacting me personally, our company personally and the employees here in Tennessee, and it’s just plain wrong,” said Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz at a press conference last week.

The company accused the Justice Department of "bullying" and "harassment." Juszkiewicz said the raids temporarily shut down the factories, costing the company money.

In a statement, the company insisted it was innocent and vowed to "fight to protect its rights."

Conservative websites quickly picked up the story, suggesting the company's social-media campaign was effective.

"Whatever the specious merits of the government’s investigation, the broader lesson is that federal regulatory authority is so expansive and vague, it enables corrupt bureaucrats to intimidate and punish nearly any honest business that falls under Washington’s crosshairs," wrote a blogger on the conservative website RedState on Monday.

Other conservative websites have suggested a nefarious political motivation behind the raid, pointing to the fact that the Gibson CEO donated to Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee in 2007. According to campaign finance data on Open Secrets, he also donated to Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) in March.

Gibson Guitar uses Twitter to tap into Tea Party anger over federal overreach - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
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Police Chief: "Uh let's see. Crack dealers on street corners. Illegal aliens selling burritos. I know! Let's raid Gibson Guitars!"

Some "justice system" eh?
"Whatever the specious merits of the government’s investigation, the broader lesson is that federal regulatory authority is so expansive and vague, it enables corrupt bureaucrats to intimidate and punish nearly any honest business that falls under Washington’s crosshairs"

Scary shit

Tyranny if I ever saw it.
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This raid and the Air Force leading the raid on that gun store in Vegas should have everyone's hairs standing up on the back of their necks.
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I listened to the CEO of Gibson on Mark Levins show, and WOW... This is one scary over reach if I have ever seen one.

Raided the place with automatic weapons....? Dayumn!!!!

Mark Levin

Aug 30th @ 91:45
I listened to the CEO of Gibson on Mark Levins show, and WOW... This is one scary over reach if I have ever seen one.

Raided the place with automatic weapons....? Dayumn!!!!

Mark Levin

Aug 30th @ 91:45
Don't listen to that self-loathing Jew's radio show of hatred and ignorance, Infidel - most 11 year old boys are more mature than he is.

And anyone who believes that Obama is targeting businesses who contribute to Republicans is a moron.

One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

Teabaggers scare me...
"Whatever the specious merits of the government’s investigation, the broader lesson is that federal regulatory authority is so expansive and vague, it enables corrupt bureaucrats to intimidate and punish nearly any honest business that falls under Washington’s crosshairs"

Scary shit

Tyranny if I ever saw it.

Just punishing the terrorists.

It has come out that Juszkiewicz is a Republican donor, while the CEO of one of his principal competitors, C.F. Martin & Company, is a Democratic donor. Martin reportedly uses the same wood, but DOJ hasn’t raided them, leading to speculation that the Obama administration is sending a warning to Republican businessmen that they had better not oppose his re-election, lest they face criminal investigations. Normally such speculation would not be credible, but Eric Holder has politicized the Department of Justice to a point where such questions must be taken seriously.

The Gibson Guitar Saga Gets Steadily Curiouser | Power Line

Unless you believe the DOJ actually chose to go after Gibson because the owner is a Republican, and ignore Martin doing the same thing becuase the owner is a Democrat. But we all know the government never politicizes anything.
I listened to the CEO of Gibson on Mark Levins show, and WOW... This is one scary over reach if I have ever seen one.

Raided the place with automatic weapons....? Dayumn!!!!

Mark Levin

Aug 30th @ 91:45
Don't listen to that self-loathing Jew's radio show of hatred and ignorance, Infidel - most 11 year old boys are more mature than he is.

And anyone who believes that Obama is targeting businesses who contribute to Republicans is a moron.

One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

The Great One doesn't deserve lying slanderous insults from ignorant slimeballs....i dare you to call him and see how far you get....or maybe you already did and got nowhere....:lol:

According to Gibson's CEO the rosewood and ebony wood has been imported legally by Gibson for decades....the Feds are pointing to some obscure FOREIGN law even though Gibson has DOCUMENTATION from their regular supplier that says the wood is legal...

How come Fender Guitar and other guitar makers were not ALSO raided by the Feds...? they import the same woods.... hmmm could it be because they support the right party/politician.... or because they're unionized...? or did Gibson step on someone's toes...? in any case what gives the Feds such authority to target a single company on such a flimsy excuse....?

even if Gibson wins its case it still loses....loses big bucks spent for the lawsuit....

is this how the Obama's regime "supports" American business....?
I listened to the CEO of Gibson on Mark Levins show, and WOW... This is one scary over reach if I have ever seen one.

Raided the place with automatic weapons....? Dayumn!!!!

Mark Levin

Aug 30th @ 91:45
Don't listen to that self-loathing Jew's radio show of hatred and ignorance, Infidel - most 11 year old boys are more mature than he is.

And anyone who believes that Obama is targeting businesses who contribute to Republicans is a moron.

One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

The Great One doesn't deserve lying slanderous insults from ignorant slimeballs....

OMG! Is he your boyfriend? :lol:

i dare you to call him and see how far you get....or maybe you already did and got nowhere....:lol:

You mean with him controlling the microphones and the volume know? Not very far. The second I point out that he has NEVER told his listeners that almost 40% of the stimulus was tax cuts, he would cut me off, talk over me, then cut off the call.

The guy is a mealy-mouthed pussy who is as ignorant as he is obnoxious to listen to.
Don't listen to that self-loathing Jew's radio show of hatred and ignorance, Infidel - most 11 year old boys are more mature than he is.

And anyone who believes that Obama is targeting businesses who contribute to Republicans is a moron.

One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

The Great One doesn't deserve lying slanderous insults from ignorant slimeballs....

OMG! Is he your boyfriend? :lol:

i dare you to call him and see how far you get....or maybe you already did and got nowhere....:lol:

You mean with him controlling the microphones and the volume know? Not very far. The second I point out that he has NEVER told his listeners that almost 40% of the stimulus was tax cuts, he would cut me off, talk over me, then cut off the call.

The guy is a mealy-mouthed pussy who is as ignorant as he is obnoxious to listen to.

Nope he'd clue you in on the fact that they were tax credits... not tax cuts. Talking points boy.:eusa_eh:
One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

No, it was not illegal. The Indian government wants only Indians to process their woods, a protectionist stance that may or may not be actual law in India. Whether it is or is not, the United States DOJ has no fucking business attempting to enforce Indian law.
One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

No, it was not illegal. The Indian government wants only Indians to process their woods, a protectionist stance that may or may not be actual law in India. Whether it is or is not, the United States DOJ has no fucking business attempting to enforce Indian law.

Thanks for the info, but the last sentence is only a guess on your part.

Are you totally versed in US-Indian treaties, trade agreements, and legal reciprocity?
One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

No, it was not illegal. The Indian government wants only Indians to process their woods, a protectionist stance that may or may not be actual law in India. Whether it is or is not, the United States DOJ has no fucking business attempting to enforce Indian law.


Thats exactly what they attempting to do, and it is costing Gibson royally to defend themselves from the long arm of the Federal Gov't.

We certainly have bigger fish to fry right now.... even IF the wood was illegal.
Think about your irrational fear of the "tea party" and consider that the mainstream (liberal) media was responsible for 53 murders and 3,000 felony injuries and 7,000 arsons before "twitter" was invented when the Rodney King assault was shown over and over and over on prime time TV. The left wing media paved the way for Clinton's "wag the dog" bombing of Yugoslavia when they showed fake or unverified unearthing of bodies alleged to be victims of a thousand year war that the liberal media deemed "ethnic cleansing".
Any guesses how much money Gibsons will contribute this election cycle? At least double I'd guess.
One question I haven't seen answered in this thread: was the wood illegal or not?

No, it was not illegal. The Indian government wants only Indians to process their woods, a protectionist stance that may or may not be actual law in India. Whether it is or is not, the United States DOJ has no fucking business attempting to enforce Indian law.

Thanks for the info, but the last sentence is only a guess on your part.

Are you totally versed in US-Indian treaties, trade agreements, and legal reciprocity?

The Feds are still trying to figure it out.... they have a very weak case, but all the taxpayers money to keep digging with.

This makes me sick!

An American company which employs many folks may go under over some BS law in India....! :wtf:

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