Gingrich Expects Special Prosecutor To Hire GOP(?), After What Trump Called Them?

Democrats are "Bad People(?)!" But really there is what Trump called the GOP!

Special counsel and team probing Trump campaign's Russia ties are 'bad people,' Gingrich says

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(History is like that(?)!)

No...don't worry...the best friend of james comey....mueller, is hiring partisan democrats who have not only dontated to hilary...but at least one of them was an attorney for the clinton foundation... worries here...I am sure that all those democrats who supported hilary will be fair and impartial...just like eric holder and loretta lynch.......
Hillary had more donors, and Hillary had more votes. GOP lost federal legislative seats!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Electoral College not coming up in next election--energized bad people, versus what Trump calls GOP elected officials!)
Has Gingrich forgotten his purely partisan, FAILED effort, to remove Clinton from office?

That's different. Democrats aren't ever supposed to pull the hateful shit the Repugs do as easily as breathing.

Republicans are trying to get even for Nixon. That's the real reason why Clinton was impeached. He was very popular and Republicans had nothing to go after. All of their investigations failed to turn up anything they could use against him. So they went for the area where he had vulnerability - women.

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