Gingrich: Middle class unemployed are lazy!


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
Time and time again, conservatives have claimed that extending unemployment benefits for the unemployed is breeding laziness and lack of productivity. Newt Gingrich was the latest to adopt this meme. Writing in an e-mail to supporters, Gingrich cited a Wall Street Journal story where unemployed 52-year-old mechanic Michael Hatchell explained that he couldn’t afford to take jobs that wouldn’t pay enough to take care of his family. Gingrich claimed “welfare” was keeping Hatchell from working.

Last night, Hatchell and his wife Sarah appeared on MSNBC’s Countdown With Keith Olbermann to explain his family’s circumstances in his own words. The mechanic said “it’s really hard for someone like Mr. Gingrich” to understand the challenges his family faces. He explained that the jobs he was offered would not have paid enough to cover his home’s mortgage or support of his family, so he chose to stay on unemployment insurance. He also took offense at Gingrich’s use of the word “welfare” to slur his taking of unemployment insurance, pointing out that he worked for 35 years, paying into unemployment insurance, and that he was simply taking money out of a fund that he worked hard to pay into:

What part of this program does Gingrich NOT understand? Is this how he hopes to get more people into the GOP's "big tent"?

Think Progress Unemployed Man Reacts To Gingrich’s Accusation That ‘Welfare’ Is Making Him Lazy: I Paid Into It For 35 Years
Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.

I care. I quit the GOP after what the last administration and it's GOP led Congress did. I HOPED that having a Democrat take the White House would straighten them out. Gingrich is currently polling as the most likely GOP candidate for 2012 and what he says shows me he is clearly STILL out of touch with the middle class and that pisses me off.
Time and time again, conservatives have claimed that extending unemployment benefits for the unemployed is breeding laziness and lack of productivity. Newt Gingrich was the latest to adopt this meme. Writing in an e-mail to supporters, Gingrich cited a Wall Street Journal story where unemployed 52-year-old mechanic Michael Hatchell explained that he couldn’t afford to take jobs that wouldn’t pay enough to take care of his family. Gingrich claimed “welfare” was keeping Hatchell from working.

Last night, Hatchell and his wife Sarah appeared on MSNBC’s Countdown With Keith Olbermann to explain his family’s circumstances in his own words. The mechanic said “it’s really hard for someone like Mr. Gingrich” to understand the challenges his family faces. He explained that the jobs he was offered would not have paid enough to cover his home’s mortgage or support of his family, so he chose to stay on unemployment insurance. He also took offense at Gingrich’s use of the word “welfare” to slur his taking of unemployment insurance, pointing out that he worked for 35 years, paying into unemployment insurance, and that he was simply taking money out of a fund that he worked hard to pay into:

What part of this program does Gingrich NOT understand? Is this how he hopes to get more people into the GOP's "big tent"?

Think Progress Unemployed Man Reacts To Gingrich’s Accusation That ‘Welfare’ Is Making Him Lazy: I Paid Into It For 35 Years

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gingrich is an a-hole.
dude, its not that the unemployed are lazy (although some of them love the taxpayer money), its that a lot of them are unemployable, meaning, they aren't qualified to do ANYTHING that would benefit society.
Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.

I care. I quit the GOP after what the last administration and it's GOP led Congress did. I HOPED that having a Democrat take the White House would straighten them out. Gingrich is currently polling as the most likely GOP candidate for 2012 and what he says shows me he is clearly STILL out of touch with the middle class and that pisses me off.

You are such a liar. You were never in the GOP
If that guy couldn't make his mortgage payment with a job, how in the hell can he make it with unemployment checks? That doesn't make any sense. The guy is just another lazy bum who wants other people's taxes to support him and his family. It doesn't matter how little money he gets for working, he shouldn't be sitting home idle while the rest of America works. Get a 2nd or 3rd job if you have to. Others have done it.
If that guy couldn't make his mortgage payment with a job, how in the hell can he make it with unemployment checks? That doesn't make any sense. The guy is just another lazy bum who wants other people's taxes to support him and his family. It doesn't matter how little money he gets for working, he shouldn't be sitting home idle while the rest of America works. Get a 2nd or 3rd job if you have to. Others have done it.

This is great, and should be the platform for the GOP in the fall and of course, heading into 2012. Can you get some bumper stickers printed up?

HINT: I am guessing you missed the part where he stated that as a worker, he has paid INTO the system for 35 years, and is only drawing out what he feels he is owed?
Gingrich said that???

Sweet.............somebody had to say it.

So? What? Should we make unemployment payments for 200 weeks???? How about 300??? What would make the k00ks happy???
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Gingrich said that???

Sweet.............somebody had to say it.

So? What? Should we make unemployment payments for 200 weeks???? How about 300??? What would make the k00ks happy???

So....unemployment should be paid into for 35 years but shoud never be able to be drawn back on? Are you serious?
I think it's a great platform for the GOP. Almost as good as Meg Whitman spending $100 million to prove she's a fiscal conservative. How much good could someone do with $100 million, and yet Whitman spends it out of egoism.
Ask yourself, what would you do with $100 million? Run for Governor of California, or help friends, neighbors or family on hard times. What would Jesus do?
(He would vote for Jerry Brown, but being an illegal he would be denied the opportunity to vote, and arrested).
Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.

I care. I quit the GOP after what the last administration and it's GOP led Congress did. I HOPED that having a Democrat take the White House would straighten them out. Gingrich is currently polling as the most likely GOP candidate for 2012 and what he says shows me he is clearly STILL out of touch with the middle class and that pisses me off.

The current Republican party has only contempt for the middle class. Which is odd, since so many belong to the middle class.

Like I said in another post, the current Republican party is really a "nation within a nation".
It's how they can say, "We want OUR country back". They see themselves as separate and apart from the American middle class.

They trust foreign companies headed by strangers over our government made up of our neighbors elected by us. Unbelievable.
Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.

I care. I quit the GOP after what the last administration and it's GOP led Congress did. I HOPED that having a Democrat take the White House would straighten them out. Gingrich is currently polling as the most likely GOP candidate for 2012 and what he says shows me he is clearly STILL out of touch with the middle class and that pisses me off.

I doubt Gingrich or Palin would get the nomination. Too many extreme statements, too many skeletons

The GOP will regain its senses and nominate Romney
Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.

I care. I quit the GOP after what the last administration and it's GOP led Congress did. I HOPED that having a Democrat take the White House would straighten them out. Gingrich is currently polling as the most likely GOP candidate for 2012 and what he says shows me he is clearly STILL out of touch with the middle class and that pisses me off.

The current Republican party has only contempt for the middle class. Which is odd, since so many belong to the middle class.

Like I said in another post, the current Republican party is really a "nation within a nation".
It's how they can say, "We want OUR country back". They see themselves as separate and apart from the American middle class.

They trust foreign companies headed by strangers over our government made up of our neighbors elected by us. Unbelievable.

They have an odd ability when faced with a super wealthy class who has a strangelhold on the economy and a class of people who are affected by that economy...... to blame the victim
I don't understand how you can make more money off unemployment checks then a job.If there is work out there then go to work.If there isn't enough to be made from one job then you work two.My Dad at 60 yrs old worked a regular job 5 days a week then he worked a job Friday night after work and maybe a Saturday every now and then.I had an Uncle who worked 2 maybe three jobs in upstate NY.He did a Security job,washed dishes at a restaurant at night and when school was in session he drove a school bus.These people were thankful that they had these jobs.Most now would rather sit at home and feel sorry for themselves and blame all their problems on someone else.

A good amount of people want these dream jobs of $35.00 per hr with 5 weeks paid vacation and their health care and pensions taken care of by their employer....Oh yeh and when they retire at 60 yrs old they want their health care taken care of at no cost to them....Oh it's a dream job alright because that's the only place it exists.Oh and what do we call these's easy haven't you guessed yet...We call them.

Who cares about the GOP's "Big tent"?

We need to get out of this politics mentality and start looking at real solutions to problems.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I believe "we" already TRIED that. :rolleyes:

May. 20, 1985

"There is a common denominator to Ronald Reagan's current cluster of setbacks in domestic and foreign policy: his penchant for proposing simple solutions to complex problems has finally caught up with him. By no means is this feature of his difficulties bound to prove fatal to him politically; nor is it a function of his conservative ideology. Rather, it is the downside of his wizardry as a politician and as a leader."

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