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Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

The American electorate may well be stuck with a GOP candidate who is a serial monogamist and a serial adulturer posing as the candidate of the party of family values.

The very hardcore right may think it is no big deal, but the rest of the electorate will choose Obama before Newt, opening the way for Hillary in 2016.
Gingrich's #s went up 20% in one day from the debate as he now holds a 6 point lead on Romney.
King, ABC and CNN are the best friends Gingrich has had in recent years.
I saw the film of Newt and King after the debate with Gingrich shaking his hand, hugging him and telling him "good debate".

Well then, time for the new conspiracy.

The LMSM PURPOSELY leaked the Gingrich stuff in order to get the sympathy vote for Gingrich and to torpedo Romney.

You (may have) heard it here first!
Gingrich's #s went up 20% in one day from the debate as he now holds a 6 point lead on Romney.
King, ABC and CNN are the best friends Gingrich has had in recent years.
I saw the film of Newt and King after the debate with Gingrich shaking his hand, hugging him and telling him "good debate".

Well then, time for the new conspiracy.

The LMSM PURPOSELY leaked the Gingrich stuff in order to get the sympathy vote for Gingrich and to torpedo Romney.

You (may have) heard it here first!

That'll be the one they'll save for if Gingrich is the nominee and sinking.
Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

Looked rather like a diversionary tactic to me. Answer the freakin question and move on.

It was deliberate. Using the weapon of mass distraction, now he looks like a hero in conservative's eyes for lambasting the "liberal media".
Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

Looked rather like a diversionary tactic to me. Answer the freakin question and move on.

It was deliberate. Using the weapon of mass distraction, now he looks like a hero in conservative's eyes for lambasting the "liberal media".

Of course it was deliberate. Gingrich's bread and butter in these debates is attacking the media...even Fox. It was deliberate, rehearsed and the "informed" voters in SC are eating it up. Go Newt!!!
After Gingrich mopped the floor with John King, he took a big jump in the polls. That's what put him in front runner position.
Anything that keeps this GOP pissing match going on is fine by me. Especially considering the contestants in the pissing match.
Gingrich took the press to task. shoved they bullshit right back into their faces. He did a good job. People in America on the right are sick of the bias of the liberal press.


Its amazing how the wing nuts like to talk about accountability up until one of theirs is held accountable.

Then they question the questioners.

Damn straight CandyAssCorn.. it was the timing that was suspect. You asswipes and your press deserved exactly what Newt dished up to ewe. I loved it.
I had dinner with a couple of Newt fans last night. They believe that his personal life (and Cain's) have no bearing on their ability to fix the economy, which is all most people care about these days.

I'm not sure I agree, but they did make an excellent point. "Who the hell would go into politics these days?" Every sin you've ever committed is now publicized nationally.

Digging into shit like this may make great television, but it must have a chilling effect on ANYONE decent who might want to go into politics. Sad.
The vote in SC will depend on the just how much women and practicing Catholics accept the idea of Newt being the candidate of the family of party values.

We will find out today.

Its amazing how the wing nuts like to talk about accountability up until one of theirs is held accountable.

Then they question the questioners.

Damn straight CandyAssCorn.. it was the timing that was suspect. You asswipes and your press deserved exactly what Newt dished up to ewe. I loved it.

As long as you embrace the hypocrisy, I'm pleased.

What did he "serve up"? A whiny indignation for bringing up the man's character when the job is mostly about character?

How unfair of them.
Is anyone else astounded by the absurd distinction that the Right here has manufactured, for the purposes of pretending they're not hypocrites?

That distinction being:

Adultery is ok as long as you don't get caught lying about it in public.

Think about that for a moment. Could that possibly be more lame?????

He lied about it to a judge and jury in a formal proceeding. He broke the law.

End of story.

Gingrich broke the law when he cheated on those wives.
I'm saying that a woman who is presented with such a proposition, who isn't good with it, is going to be disoriented to the point that she'll share it with someone, if for no better reason to gain some sense of grounding....The likelihood that such a person would be outside of blood family or close acquaintances is so negligible as to be near zero.

Much as I am personally repulsed by Gingrich, I don't believe a word of this tabloid swill.

and who is to say that IF she did share it with someone that it just happened to be one of the someones that came out and said it never happened?? Your entire argument is based on an assumption that she would have told someone when there is nothing to suggest that she did.
It is just as likely that she was too embarrassed to tell anyone as it is that she told ONE of the family and aquaintances that are now claiming it never happened. Both are assumptions and there is no substance to support either.
Taking that at face value, a coin toss at best, then it's the same he-said-she-said tabloid hearsay crap that all you liberoidals said was totally irrelevant to anything back during the Clintoon days.

But I guess being a slimeball is just jake, as long as you're a slimeball with a (D) by your name, huh?

Did I say anything about newt's or clinton's actions?? NO I was talking about YOUR position that family and aquaintances said it didn't happen and your continued assumptioins that she would have told someone.

I did not comdemn or condone the personal actions of either. As spelled out in my posts, my problem was with YOUR arguments.

You right wingers really need to learn to keep your assumptions to yourself and start trying to respond to what people actually say instead of what you believe they really meant to say but didn't.

Is defending or admitting the shortcomings of your own argument really that difficult for you to do and do you actually believe that baselessly trying to call me a hypocrite validates your arguments?
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Gingrich's #s went up 20% in one day from the debate as he now holds a 6 point lead on Romney.
King, ABC and CNN are the best friends Gingrich has had in recent years.
I saw the film of Newt and King after the debate with Gingrich shaking his hand, hugging him and telling him "good debate".

Well then, time for the new conspiracy.

The LMSM PURPOSELY leaked the Gingrich stuff in order to get the sympathy vote for Gingrich and to torpedo Romney.

You (may have) heard it here first!

That'll be the one they'll save for if Gingrich is the nominee and sinking.

Too late...I'm already seeing it on another thread. :lol::lol::lol:
CF, I don't have to read your stuff to tell you that you are going to find Newt far, far to your left.
I had dinner with a couple of Newt fans last night. They believe that his personal life (and Cain's) have no bearing on their ability to fix the economy, which is all most people care about these days.

I'm not sure I agree, but they did make an excellent point. "Who the hell would go into politics these days?" Every sin you've ever committed is now publicized nationally.

Digging into shit like this may make great television, but it must have a chilling effect on ANYONE decent who might want to go into politics. Sad.

The problem with that argument is that history shows that the right believes that they have a RIGHT to know everything there is to know about a candidate for president as long as he is a democrat.
However, if the candidate is a republican they don't want to hear about it and condemn those who dare question a republican about his personal life or his past as they use those questions to play the victim.

They made a huge deal about how clinton "didn't inhale" but gave W a pass for his "youthful indescretions."
They want to know everything about obama and his past including his longform birth certificate to his college transcripts but we have no right to see romney's tax returns and can't dare ask newt about his past even though they both held a different standard for democrats in the past.

Then if you dare point out the hypocrisy of the right, they claim that you are being a hypocrtie for trying to argue that they should hold their candidates to the same standard that they hold the left to but don't.

Yes the scrutiny for running is harsh but it's kind of hard to complain about it when your side engages in what they are now railing against. Newt's "run a positive campaign" as he attacks anything that stands in his way is a perfect example of that contradiction.
drsmith, political hypocrisy infects both parties.

The fact is that our most of our far righties on the Board will lie and scry to accomplish what the want.

The USMB sort of extremist righties are some of the most vile hypocrites I have found in the board universe.
After Gingrich mopped the floor with John King, he took a big jump in the polls. That's what put him in front runner position.

John King took one for the team. It's all part of the plan.

A Newt-Obama match-up would be reminiscent of the McCain-Obama match-up. The difference being McCain had a MUCH better chance of beating Obama.

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