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Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

And I suppose newt has never told a lie?? LOL

When you tell a lie to a judge and jury it's called perjury, you stupid dipshit.

Your sidestep aside, it does nothing to counter the hypocrisy coming from the right on this issue. You still rail at clinton but forgive and forget newts past. Thanks for the hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is all from the left. Everyone of the drones in here attacking Newt voted for Clinton. That's all you need to know.

Actaully it is ONLY perjury if the lie is pertinent to the case being tried and unfortunately for you and your lies clinton's lie about his relationship with monica during paula jones civil suit had NO bearing on whether clinton harrassed jones or not.
In that case it is called obstruction and making false statements under oath NOT perjury. It's judt hilarious how sure you were of that answer only to end up being completely WRONG. LOL


The ethics panel's subcommittee originally accepted special counsel James M. Cole's proposal that Gingrich be charged with submitting information he "knew or should have known" was false. But in exchange for Gingrich admitting his guilt, the panel altered the charge, deleting the word "knew," in what amounted to a plea bargain.

Washingtonpost.com: Files in Gingrich Case Detail Misstatements

However, just like clinton, what newt did was not considered perjury because when finally put under oath and questioned about it he eventually admitted to submitting the false info to the ethics committee during their investigation.
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For those who don't want to watch the debate video, it went something like this:

MODERATOR: Mr. Speaker, did you ask your wife for an open marriage?


(rednecks hoot and applaud madly)

NEWT: Holy shit! That worked?

MODERATOR: We did not originate the story.


You're pretty much right on the money with that summary. The only thing I disagree with you on is the crowd size-up. I saw criminals who haven't paid their fair share of taxes in years; and they want to keep it that way. Disgusting POS.
Gingrich took the press to task. shoved they bullshit right back into their faces. He did a good job. People in America on the right are sick of the bias of the liberal press.

He was preaching to the choir and now they are singing his praises. He gave red meat to the base which was that crowd and they loved it.

To try and claim that crowd is representative of the whole country is quite a stretch even for you.
Now just sit back and watch the media/press play the 'victim." It'll be too funny.

playing victim?? Isn't that what the whole "liberally biased media" mythology is all about?? Aww the poor little conservatives believe that they can't get a fair shake from the mainstrem media.

In fact, up until this very moment. libetards have always maintained that sleazy sex is nobody's business except that of the willing participants.. fucking large assed hypocrites.

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the right as they now are "ok" with something they used to be against is NOT hypocrisy on the part of the left.

Newt was part of the republican establishment which thought it had the right to know every personal detail about a president even as the right propped up and trotted out any woman who was willing to accuse clinton of harrassment. However, only now is newt "appauled" that the same scrutiny he would apply to democrats and their personal lives is applied to him and his personal life.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Bill was wrong. Newt was wrong. Bush and Obama weren't.

The GOP is philosophically and structurally in shamble. No wonder Christie and Daniels and Jeb Bush don't want to deal with the far right wackos.
[q]Serbia, Bosnia, Somalia, Macedonia, Haiti, Liberia, the continuing aggression in Iraq...

But I speak out against all warmongers, rather than having convenient party man hack amnesia when that warlord happens to be from "my team".

Oh, and don't sell yourself short...You make up shit all the time.

Serbia/Macedonia/Bosnia were all under the one roof and police actions. Somalia and Haiti were more humanitarian than anything.

You don't help your side of the debate when you give comparitive value to different actions when they are as far as apart as can be.

Your logic works like this: Your son hits a home run at his little league game, therefore he is Hank Aaron....

You are the Winston Peters of USMB - a NZ politician who always tried to take the moral high ground because he knew he would never be in a position to do anything about it. In other words, he took the easy option because he knew he'd never have to make any of the hard decisions.
Newt's adultery: Forgive and forget? - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Newt is a low life scum bag.

Here is something that I consider closer to despicable: “Gingrich divorced his first wife, Jackie, as she was being treated for cancer,” ABC News reported, and he moved to divorce his second wife, Marianne, “just months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.”

But that is not despicable to Newt Gingrich. To him it is despicable that ABC put Marianne on the air saying that Gingrich had requested an “open marriage” so he could more easily pursue his multi-year affair with a congressional aide.

Newt was married to her for 18 years. Marriages break up. People have affairs. It's called life.

Shit happens. He fully admits he was a scumbucket womaniser in the past. Gingrich says he has worked this out with God, begged for forgiveness and seems to be for all intent and purposes on the straight and narrow these days.

I have family members that got a divorce after 20 years--that never would have dreamed of putting out a hit like this woman did on ABC news. This woman is absolutely insane.

Yeah, she's absolutely insane. Only crazy people think it's wrong for a man to cheat on his wife, then ask her to bless it, all while he's on national television holding himself up as a paragon of virtue.
You really think that a woman is going to brag to family and "aquaintances" that her husband wants to cheat on her but stay married for appearances sake?? You don't think she might find that at all embarassing or shameful and not want people to know about it? That she never told these people about it doesn't make it untrue. However, you have your presumptions and that's goof enough for you.
I'm saying that a woman who is presented with such a proposition, who isn't good with it, is going to be disoriented to the point that she'll share it with someone, if for no better reason to gain some sense of grounding....The likelihood that such a person would be outside of blood family or close acquaintances is so negligible as to be near zero.

Much as I am personally repulsed by Gingrich, I don't believe a word of this tabloid swill.

and who is to say that IF she did share it with someone that it just happened to be one of the someones that came out and said it never happened?? Your entire argument is based on an assumption that she would have told someone when there is nothing to suggest that she did.
It is just as likely that she was too embarrassed to tell anyone as it is that she told ONE of the family and aquaintances that are now claiming it never happened. Both are assumptions and there is no substance to support either.
Taking that at face value, a coin toss at best, then it's the same he-said-she-said tabloid hearsay crap that all you liberoidals said was totally irrelevant to anything back during the Clintoon days.

But I guess being a slimeball is just jake, as long as you're a slimeball with a (D) by your name, huh?
That's what I love about Newt, that's Newt at his best, he won't be intimidated, he won't be Alinskyed and he told the whole LMSM they can suck his chubby.


That was PERFECT!!!

Newt Gingrich asked about Palin's Experience. Checkmate. - YouTube

Where's the rest of the interview (Keith said they were coming back)

I could have answered that question. State senator for eights years, federal senator for six, I could go on. Newt's an idiot....

Gee gumby, you were close.....he was a state Senator for 7 years, voted present a bunch of times and sat in Wright's Africa centric church and didn't hear anything. He then slid into a U.S. Senator gig for almost 4 years but 2 of those were spent flying a special interest 757-300 all over 57 of the 60 states campaigning and spending 730,000,000 special interest dollars to buy the Presidency over a 72 year old that spent 150,000,000 dollars. His lack of control over a budget was a damn good signal of what an inept clown he would be as President and yet he was shoved in by the entire black voting population, homeless people, guilty liberal whites, dead people in Chicago and anyone that would sell their vote for a piece of Church"s Fried Chicken.

Still, my point stands. Gingrich making out that Palin is some sort of superior politician to Obama is laughable. 11 years as a state and federal senator vs her 2.5 as a governor. Her state has 700,000 people, his 11.5 million. The interviewer was a wimp, and Newt only comes across as informed on that particular subject to the peanut gallery and anybody with an IQ of 90 or below...
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Clinton wagged his finger and lied to our face you fucking loser

Yeah. About a blowjob....Wow, that's real bad.

It could have been worse. He could have lied about WMDs and taken your country to war. Thank god no president would be that dumb....
...oh, wait a minute.....:eusa_whistle:

So when Clinton commits adultery in the Oval Office and then lies about it under oath it's "just about a blowjob," but when Newt commits adultery, he's a scumbag?

I love the way the libturd mind works.

No, I don't think it is anybody's business. I'm more interested in their health or financial policies....
Newt was married to her for 18 years. Marriages break up. People have affairs. It's called life.

Shit happens. He fully admits he was a scumbucket womaniser in the past. Gingrich says he has worked this out with God, begged for forgiveness and seems to be for all intent and purposes on the straight and narrow these days.

I have family members that got a divorce after 20 years--that never would have dreamed of putting out a hit like this woman did on ABC news. This woman is absolutely insane.

Yeah, she's absolutely insane. Only crazy people think it's wrong for a man to cheat on his wife, then ask her to bless it, all while he's on national television holding himself up as a paragon of virtue.

:lol: LMMFAO! Very eloquent! :clap2:
Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

Looked rather like a diversionary tactic to me. Answer the freakin question and move on.
Gingrich's #s went up 20% in one day from the debate as he now holds a 6 point lead on Romney.
King, ABC and CNN are the best friends Gingrich has had in recent years.
I saw the film of Newt and King after the debate with Gingrich shaking his hand, hugging him and telling him "good debate".
Is anyone else astounded by the absurd distinction that the Right here has manufactured, for the purposes of pretending they're not hypocrites?

That distinction being:

Adultery is ok as long as you don't get caught lying about it in public.

Think about that for a moment. Could that possibly be more lame?????
Gingrich's #s went up 20% in one day from the debate as he now holds a 6 point lead on Romney.
King, ABC and CNN are the best friends Gingrich has had in recent years.
I saw the film of Newt and King after the debate with Gingrich shaking his hand, hugging him and telling him "good debate".

Gingrich is far more beatable in the general than Romney.

Don't you want to take the view that CNN and ABC boosted Gingrich intentionally?
Newt's adultery: Forgive and forget? - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Newt is a low life scum bag.

Here is something that I consider closer to despicable: “Gingrich divorced his first wife, Jackie, as she was being treated for cancer,” ABC News reported, and he moved to divorce his second wife, Marianne, “just months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.”

But that is not despicable to Newt Gingrich. To him it is despicable that ABC put Marianne on the air saying that Gingrich had requested an “open marriage” so he could more easily pursue his multi-year affair with a congressional aide.

Newt was married to her for 18 years. Marriages break up. People have affairs. It's called life.

Shit happens. He fully admits he was a scumbucket womaniser in the past. Gingrich says he has worked this out with God, begged for forgiveness and seems to be for all intent and purposes on the straight and narrow these days.
He is still happily with the other woman.
The divorce rate is ... what 50% so I guess he is no different than 50% of us and more than likely not much worse than another 30% or so.
I have family members that got a divorce after 20 years--that never would have dreamed of putting out a hit like this woman did on ABC news. This woman is absolutely insane.

Why? Because she said something about your candidate that you don't like?

I don't know whether Newt did or didn't do it. But it's sure as heck nice to know about potential character flaws now during the primary rather than in late October if he's the nominee.

I haven't yet read this whole thread, so apologies if this has already been brought up, but in something like this, there is no real way to "know". It's a he said, she said, with someone who has no reason to wish him well. Divorces are bitter, nasty things and for the press to publish things that there is no way to verify, is wrong.
Is anyone else astounded by the absurd distinction that the Right here has manufactured, for the purposes of pretending they're not hypocrites?

That distinction being:

Adultery is ok as long as you don't get caught lying about it in public.

Think about that for a moment. Could that possibly be more lame?????

He lied about it to a judge and jury in a formal proceeding. He broke the law.

End of story.

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