Gingrich: the dumbing down of America for 3 generations


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Some of us have been saying this for long time. Good to see the more well known get on board.

Some of us have been saying this for long time. Good to see the more well known get on board.

Says the philandering asshat who was responsible for a lot of it and also introduced the death of political discourse in this country. He helped greatly with the dumbing down of America...on the right hand side of the aisle. He needs to close his mouth.
Don't tell the democrats that they are dumb, they'll say they all know how to do "critical thinking".
The standardized test scores don't lie, well yes they do if they keep dumbing them down.

I have no clue how to fix this. Stupidity is not fixable.
Don't tell the democrats that they are dumb, they'll say they all know how to do "critical thinking".
The standardized test scores don't lie, well yes they do if they keep dumbing them down.

I have no clue how to fix this. Stupidity is not fixable.

You are correct stupidity is not fixable but perhaps something can be done about ignorance.

Some of us have been saying this for long time. Good to see the more well known get on board.

Says the philandering asshat who was responsible for a lot of it and also introduced the death of political discourse in this country. He helped greatly with the dumbing down of America...on the right hand side of the aisle. He needs to close his mouth.
You ARE an idiot, Jack. Thank you for showing this with every lame post you make, you knucklehead.
Some of us have been saying this for long time. Good to see the more well known get on board.

Maybe if you conservitards would stop cutting education budgets.....
Don't tell the democrats that they are dumb, they'll say they all know how to do "critical thinking".
The standardized test scores don't lie, well yes they do if they keep dumbing them down.

I have no clue how to fix this. Stupidity is not fixable.

You are correct stupidity is not fixable but perhaps something can be done about ignorance.
Nope. The kid is either self-motivated to study and get good grades, or not.
You have to want to learn and compete intellectually, or at least be trainable.
No job skills means no money, aka no "income equality". Who pays people not to work? (ans. democrats)
Society is stratified enough, with the intelligent and wealthy people in Elysium, and the peons living under bridges.
Some of us have been saying this for long time. Good to see the more well known get on board.

Says the philandering asshat who was responsible for a lot of it and also introduced the death of political discourse in this country. He helped greatly with the dumbing down of America...on the right hand side of the aisle. He needs to close his mouth.
You ARE an idiot, Jack. Thank you for showing this with every lame post you make, you knucklehead.

Oh looky, the one sentence wonder is back. This is a little light for you. What happened? Get neutered? :)

I tell you what, turn over a new leaf and tell me why I'm incorrect. It wasn't until Gingrich and his "Revolution" appeared in 1994 that not only started the right wing extremism that led to the dumbing down of an entire section of the population (belief in conspiracy theories, shouting down opponents, far right policies that divided the country). It led later on to the bitter hatred of immigrants (especially Muslims) after 9/11, and on to the Tea Party whackos that hated Obama, finally ending in Trump. So Newt has a lot of balls blaming indoctrination via the left in our education system. He contributed just as much to making the population stupid with his incessant demagoguery.
Of what value is gingrich's opinion? He was responsible for a lot of the rot that has pervaded our political system, and his personal life has been nothing to write home about, either.

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