Ginsberg says she will stay till 2020...despite not able to show up.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.
She is on sick leave and will return. Try not to push her off the cliff for political reasons.

The only reasons she won't resign are political.
Not everyone retires before they die, get used to it.

What reasons can you imagine? Let's put it this way, John McCain should have retired, Strom Thermon (so) should have retired. At some point, you're not doing the country any favors by hanging on.

Sen. Strom Thurmond DID retire, he did not die in office.

Good point. He did, however, hang on way too long.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.
She is on sick leave and will return. Try not to push her off the cliff for political reasons.

The only reasons she won't resign are political.
Why won’t Trump resign?

He's not over 80 and barely clinging to life.
No he isn't he just a like demented and alzheimer inclined.

I'm sure he'll be ready to leave office in six years or so.
Republicans held a SCOTUS seat open for a full YEAR rather than vote on Merrick Garland.

There is no rush

I remember the Libs having a conniption. They should really walk the walk, instead of just talk the talk. If a full slate of Supreme justices is so important as they said in 2016, they should really encourage Ms. Ginsberg to get on with the rest of her life instead of hanging on to a job that could go to a young person to support their family
in the end it's her decision to make and no, it can't be an easy one. love or hate her she earned her spot on the supreme court and served well, agreeing with her or not. i would hate to have to decide if i retire and focus on my health, what will happen to my role / lifetime of work for what i believed in?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.
She is on sick leave and will return. Try not to push her off the cliff for political reasons.

The only reasons she won't resign are political.
Why won’t Trump resign?

He's not over 80 and barely clinging to life.

He is under investigation

Why doesn’t he just save us the trouble of impeachment?

Because he wants to watch the Kabuki theater as democrats destroy their credibility.
Is she still competent or alive?

Even if Ms. Ginsberg had tubes up her nose 24/7 and had relatives signed on to make all of her decisions, even if she came down with a case of the Alzheimer's, she'd still stay on the court.

Good question, if she went into a coma, could the dems keep her on the court? I don't know the rules. Could Roberts declare a vacancy if she can't perform her duties?
What will Ginsburg in 2021 if Trump is still President?

57% of voters will not be voting for Trump in 2020.

That would be funny, what would be even more HILARIOUS is ...

… if he still won the electoral college.

The left wing dingbat freak out videos would be even better than the ones in 2016.

2016 by request...Trump can't win...

Ahhh yes... thank you. :)

"Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
" -- Andrew Lloyd Weber, Memory
She is on sick leave and will return. Try not to push her off the cliff for political reasons.

The only reasons she won't resign are political.
Why won’t Trump resign?

He's not over 80 and barely clinging to life.

He is under investigation

Why doesn’t he just save us the trouble of impeachment?
I agree.
Time to get an evangelist into the White House to nominate one, maybe two Justices.

Wouldn't that be cool? Liberals never consider the law of unintended consequences.
They can take turns wheeling her and Kissinger to all political events until the end of time
What will Ginsburg in 2021 if Trump is still President?
She will stay around till 2025.
so you think trump will win again.
This question is totally non sequitur to my response.

My response was to a hypothetical.
well she's staying til 2020 so hopefully another president will be elected and will appoint a liberal judge. that's the prayer at this point.

your saying 2025 is merely allowing 4 more years of trump. :)

so - totally "sequitur" but just having some fun with it. i was hypotheticalaling your hypothetical.
Moron, learn what the word, “IF,” means.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.

Something’s Happening: Ginsburg Cancels Another Event to ‘Focus on Work’ Despite Missing Work @ Something's Happening: Ginsburg Cancels Another Event to 'Focus on Work' Despite Missing Work

I just read an article where “an anonymous law clerk” claims she’s suffering from a severe case of pneumonia.

I love how conservatives obsess over Ginsburg missing a couple of weeks due to cancer surgery yet they celebrated leaving a seat vacant for almost a year under Obama
And should she leave the bench in 2020, an election year, watch how fast the right abandons the McConnell Rule.
What will Ginsburg in 2021 if Trump is still President?
She will stay around till 2025.
so you think trump will win again.
This question is totally non sequitur to my response.

My response was to a hypothetical.
well she's staying til 2020 so hopefully another president will be elected and will appoint a liberal judge. that's the prayer at this point.

your saying 2025 is merely allowing 4 more years of trump. :)

so - totally "sequitur" but just having some fun with it. i was hypotheticalaling your hypothetical.
Moron, learn what the word, “IF,” means.
fuck off.
She will stay around till 2025.
so you think trump will win again.
This question is totally non sequitur to my response.

My response was to a hypothetical.
well she's staying til 2020 so hopefully another president will be elected and will appoint a liberal judge. that's the prayer at this point.

your saying 2025 is merely allowing 4 more years of trump. :)

so - totally "sequitur" but just having some fun with it. i was hypotheticalaling your hypothetical.
Moron, learn what the word, “IF,” means.
fuck off.
Fuck you.

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