Ginsberg says she will stay till 2020...despite not able to show up.

Republicans held a SCOTUS seat open for a full YEAR rather than vote on Merrick Garland.

There is no rush

I remember the Libs having a conniption. They should really walk the walk, instead of just talk the talk. If a full slate of Supreme justices is so important as they said in 2016, they should really encourage Ms. Ginsberg to get on with the rest of her life instead of hanging on to a job that could go to a young person to support their family
in the end it's her decision to make and no, it can't be an easy one. love or hate her she earned her spot on the supreme court and served well, agreeing with her or not. i would hate to have to decide if i retire and focus on my health, what will happen to my role / lifetime of work for what i believed in?
You hit the nail on the head . In a perfect world she should retire. In a perfect world all justices should be non-partisan. We do not live in a perfect world, and thus these fights.

You are right. RBG is concerned about her legacy. Scalia was likewise worried about his legacy in the event of a court shift. It is natural.

RBG should have resigned during the Obama years. Her health was already failing then.

I will add that RBG probably has an anti-living will. A living will says you do not want artificial means to keep yourself alive. She probably has instructed her physicians to keep her alive at all costs. These machines can keep you alive for years. I am not saying it is right, but it is the way it is in the current political environment.
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Republicans held a SCOTUS seat open for a full YEAR rather than vote on Merrick Garland.

There is no rush

I remember the Libs having a conniption. They should really walk the walk, instead of just talk the talk. If a full slate of Supreme justices is so important as they said in 2016, they should really encourage Ms. Ginsberg to get on with the rest of her life instead of hanging on to a job that could go to a young person to support their family
in the end it's her decision to make and no, it can't be an easy one. love or hate her she earned her spot on the supreme court and served well, agreeing with her or not. i would hate to have to decide if i retire and focus on my health, what will happen to my role / lifetime of work for what i believed in?
You hit the nail on the head . In a perfect world she should retire. In a perfect world all justices should be non-partisan. We do not live in a perfect world, and thus these fights.

You are right. RBG is concerned about her legacy. Scalia was likewise worried about his legacy in the event of a court shift. It is natural.

RBG should have resigned during the Obama years. Her health was already failing then.

I will add that RBG probably has an anti-living will. A living will says you do not want artificial means to keep you alive. She probably has instructed her physicians to keep her alive at all costs. These machines can keep you alive for years. I am not saying it is right, but it is the way it is in the current political environment.
and it's unfortunate that collective we all have done this to each other. we can't respectfully disagree anymore and appreciate counter viewpoints.

we must call people moron, dope, and so forth. hey, i'll do it also but only after i've given "adult" conversation a try and someone refuses to play along. but we're all human and that's one facet we'll forever share.

but when people see counter views as the enemy, where do we go when that is what built this country? what russia did was get us fighting amongst ourselves and it really didn't matter about what. politics just made it easy. our own insecurities took it from there.

so no - i don't like RBG and the things she has done late in her career that crossed the line and showed that she is of course, human also. we hope for more from judges but that's for our own benefit, not others. but i'm not going to slam her and wish death upon her and make everything she says something bad so *i* can feel better about my own emotions. i hate it when others go bashing the president and so forth but i can't stop them. i can only stop myself and usually do.

usually. :)

we've collectively created a monster that has people wanting to rewrite the very document that created the foundation for the greatest country on earth. and as you say, given our current political environment, that is such a horrible idea.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.
According to the article she maintains a healthy life style and exercises on a regular basis.
So much for the validity of the article.

prove that she does not exercise on a regular basis
At this point, breathing is an exercise.
If she was, the Libs would be showing her on a Facebook live feed.

Thanks for admitting you have no clue what you are talking about.

My step-father at 82 had cancer is 7 different parts of his body and was still able to take hikes on the trails of the Smokey mountains where they live.

So you’re saying you step dad is clearly tougher than Ruth. She can’t get in a car to sit and listen.
so you think trump will win again.
This question is totally non sequitur to my response.

My response was to a hypothetical.
well she's staying til 2020 so hopefully another president will be elected and will appoint a liberal judge. that's the prayer at this point.

your saying 2025 is merely allowing 4 more years of trump. :)

so - totally "sequitur" but just having some fun with it. i was hypotheticalaling your hypothetical.
Moron, learn what the word, “IF,” means.
fuck off.
Fuck you.
have a nice day.
I will add that RBG probably has an anti-living will. A living will says you do not want artificial means to keep you alive. She probably has instructed her physicians to keep her alive at all costs. These machines can keep you alive for years. I am not saying it is right, but it is the way it is in the current political environment.

Wow if that's true it's just more evidence that the denizens in Washington D.C. are members of completely bizarre and alien form of life.:eek:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
I don't really agree with defining term or age limits for the SC justices. It seems to have worked well over the years, for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But the only rush for change now is because some people want to stack the court with "their side" even though the justices do their level best to focus on the law, not the politics.
This question is totally non sequitur to my response.

My response was to a hypothetical.
well she's staying til 2020 so hopefully another president will be elected and will appoint a liberal judge. that's the prayer at this point.

your saying 2025 is merely allowing 4 more years of trump. :)

so - totally "sequitur" but just having some fun with it. i was hypotheticalaling your hypothetical.
Moron, learn what the word, “IF,” means.
fuck off.
Fuck you.
have a nice day.
Bless your heart.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.

I’ll just point out that as one of the most liberal people here, I’m the one who is for popping open the hood and slapping 18 year terms on the SCOTUS. Someone in Ginsberg’s condition shouldn’t be on the court in my view. I fail to see how I am being selfish in recommending one of the most liberal justices be removed from the bench.

As for the EC, I love the EC. I think it could be improved by making the President elect have to win both the EC and the PV but absent of strengthening it, I hope we keep the EC. Again, my “side” hasn’t benefitted much from the EC lately given that two Democrats and supposedly “liberal” candidates have been victims of the EC.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
I don't really agree with defining term or age limits for the SC justices. It seems to have worked well over the years, for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But the only rush for change now is because some people want to stack the court with "their side" even though the justices do their level best to focus on the law, not the politics.

It doesn’t.

Putting an 18 year term limit limits you to 18 years. You get on when you’re 50, you stay until you’re 68. You get on when you’re 68, you stay until you’re 76. You get on when you’re 76, you can stay until you’re 94. No age limit. Just a prevention of remaining on the bench while you’re no longer able to eat solid food so to speak.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
I don't really agree with defining term or age limits for the SC justices. It seems to have worked well over the years, for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But the only rush for change now is because some people want to stack the court with "their side" even though the justices do their level best to focus on the law, not the politics.

It doesn’t.

Putting an 18 year term limit limits you to 18 years. You get on when you’re 50, you stay until you’re 68. You get on when you’re 68, you stay until you’re 76. You get on when you’re 76, you can stay until you’re 94. No age limit. Just a prevention of remaining on the bench while you’re no longer able to eat solid food so to speak.
Not a bad idea
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
I don't really agree with defining term or age limits for the SC justices. It seems to have worked well over the years, for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But the only rush for change now is because some people want to stack the court with "their side" even though the justices do their level best to focus on the law, not the politics.

It doesn’t.

Putting an 18 year term limit limits you to 18 years. You get on when you’re 50, you stay until you’re 68. You get on when you’re 68, you stay until you’re 76. You get on when you’re 76, you can stay until you’re 94. No age limit. Just a prevention of remaining on the bench while you’re no longer able to eat solid food so to speak.
Was going to PM you that 68+18=
She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
I don't really agree with defining term or age limits for the SC justices. It seems to have worked well over the years, for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But the only rush for change now is because some people want to stack the court with "their side" even though the justices do their level best to focus on the law, not the politics.

It doesn’t.

Putting an 18 year term limit limits you to 18 years. You get on when you’re 50, you stay until you’re 68. You get on when you’re 68, you stay until you’re 76. You get on when you’re 76, you can stay until you’re 94. No age limit. Just a prevention of remaining on the bench while you’re no longer able to eat solid food so to speak.
Not a bad idea

Yeah as long as we get somebody that knows how to do addition to put it together, otherwise all the 68 year olds are going to sue for discrimination. :p

candycorn said:
Putting an 18 year term limit limits you to 18 years. You get on when you’re 50, you stay until you’re 68. You get on when you’re 68, you stay until you’re 76.
I will add that RBG probably has an anti-living will. A living will says you do not want artificial means to keep you alive. She probably has instructed her physicians to keep her alive at all costs. These machines can keep you alive for years. I am not saying it is right, but it is the way it is in the current political environment.

Wow if that's true it's just more evidence that the denizens in Washington D.C. are members of completely bizarre and alien form of life.:eek:
I'm obviously speculating. You're right that if true it is bizarre. It would not surprise me in the least of it is correct though. It would surprise more me if it wasn't correct.
People miss periods of work all the time. A co-worker had breast cancer and missed more than a month of work during recovery.

You people act like this is something that never happens.
I agree.

At the same time, the circumstances are a little different. This is holding a position for the sole purpose of holding it.

I would not put it past the left to continue excusing her prolonged absence because she has a "medical condition" where she exhibits these "symptoms":

1. unable to "maintain normal body temperature,"
2. "irregular heart rhythm,"
3. "difficulty breathing."
4. stiffness in the joints, muscles, and extremeties.
5. pale complection.

I could see the left claiming that this condition requires her to be constantly kept in a special "chamber" to help maintain a constant temperatue, which prevents her appearance, but she still holds that seat, by God. She will hold it until Trump is gone.

I know death does not stop the left from voting, but I think it is not unreasonable to ask for proof that she is still with the living.
They will keep her alive, they have the technology.

I will add that RBG probably has an anti-living will. A living will says you do not want artificial means to keep you alive. She probably has instructed her physicians to keep her alive at all costs. These machines can keep you alive for years. I am not saying it is right, but it is the way it is in the current political environment.

Wow if that's true it's just more evidence that the denizens in Washington D.C. are members of completely bizarre and alien form of life.:eek:
I'm obviously speculating. You're right that if true it is bizarre. It would not surprise me in the least of it is correct though. It would surprise more me if it wasn't correct.

Yeah I got that you were speculating, I just had this image of Ginsburg's brain in a jar being kept alive by tubes sitting on the SCOTUS bench, ala "Star Trek: The Gamesters of Triskelion". ;)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will stay on Supreme Court until after 2020 election and people are delighted

There is the source.
There needs to be able to be a change where someone who ages passed the point of ability.

She embodies why we need to pop the hood open on the Constitution and tinker with it.
20 year term? I don't think we can get away with age discrimination by putting an age limit on the term.
i don't think we should.

the new rage is to jack with the constitution and tweak it to how we "feel" and this is the worst state of mind to be in when making said changes. both sides would do it for THEIR side, not the collective whole that it was written for.

why? cause they think it will make their side win more often and more easily. however doing so negates the voice of many americans, both right and left minded but hey - the vocal juvenile leadership must have *their* way and the other side just needs to learn to deal with it. at least that how it comes across to me.

as for popping the hood of what has gotten us 243 years and "tinkering" - we're not collectively smart enough to do that right now as again, people who want to do this want to do it for selfish reasons, not collective.
The Electoral College negates the voice of Americans who clearly wanted Al Gore and Hillary to be President

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