Ginsburg just died

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Trump has time, I think, to have McConnell push a ratification through.

It will cost Trump the election, but ensure a solid conservative majority.
Ruth Biggie G sure scuppered a lot of conservative stupidity.

How about everyone makes a thread on this?

Have some fucking awareness, man.
well if "Amy" is next, what will the loons accuse her of when the hearings come
RIP Justice Ginsberg. I rarely agreed with your decisions, but I respected your tenacity. Too bad it wasn't that #1 knife in America's back, John Roberts instead of you.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies at 87

"Mr. Trump has appointed two members of the Supreme Court, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, moving the court slightly to the right.

"The replacement of Justice Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing, could transform the court into a profoundly conservative institution, one in which Republican appointees would outnumber Democratic ones six to three."

A lame duck coronation or will Round Two of the MAGA pandemic prevent any action until next year?
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