Ginsburg: Shades of the Soviet Union

Now just admit you side with the Russians in calling Ukrainians Russian.

In fact, Russians and Ukrainians are basically same people artificially separated by Deep State puppets for their dirty geopolitical purposes .

Same people who have been dividing America have been dividing us (Ukrainians and Russians) as well (we lived peacefully together for ages).
Total horseshit...Ukraine couldn't split off and get closer to the west fast enough when the USSR fell...

What you seem to be missing is the fact that over the course of several decades the migration policies of the Ukraine allowed Crimea to become roughly fifty to sixty percent ethnic Russians. This is what Mexico is trying to do with Texas, California and Arizona... Only they don't have the military muscle to do it. Once NATO hinted at preventing Putin access to his Naval fleet in Crimea the rest was a well-orchestrated pre-planned response. Sorry buddy in this instance NATO got what they deserved.



Yes. The internationalist leftists are doing the same thing to the US via Mexico. To conquer a people you replace them.
I do not give a shit...

Of course you don't. It's facts and evidence. If you cared about such things, you'd be a liberal.

No one has a crystal ball of course but I think it's fairly certain that Trump will be reelected....

Delusional, given his approval ratings.

and it's utterly hilarious if not childish that you pin all of your hopes and dreams on impeachment.

I understand. You can't debate what any liberal actually says, so you make up strawmen to debate instead. Your cult has created a fantasy dimension for you to reside in, and you get enraged when any liberals crack open the door and let some reality leak in.

Did it ever occur to you that this might be exactly what Trump wants you to do

I consider everything, but discard dumb theories like that. Like most of his followers, Trump runs on the butthurt of the moment, and isn't capable of such long-term planning.

Go back to the school yard because that's just about the league level of your posts, your conclusions and your interactions here with other posters.

It's not pretty when cults start to die, because the cultists go into these fits of rage-weeping.

Amazing detachment from reality.
So you are willing to stick your neck out
And say that Trump won't finish his first Term? There's nothing wrong with his approval ratings by the way they are exactly where most presidential approval ratings are at midterm. What is delusional is how you and all the rest of your horde believed the polls prior to Trump's winning the election in November of 2016. You can keep your polls because they're not any better than they were the last time you depended on them.

You are a very careless debater.
I will enjoy shoving that up your ass
For the next 24 months and trust me it's going to happen.

At the beginning of each month I'm going to call you out on your prediction...which is actually nothing more than an intricately entangled web of confirmation bias on top of confirmation bias.

Good luck.

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Oddball, it's not debatable that you've been lying about "no collusion!' for years. So why won't you own up to it? Think about it. It's not like you'll be able to keep up this charade much longer. The longer you put off 'fessing up and apologizing for betraying the USA, the worse it will look for you.

But then, it's a message board, so you always have the option of just running away. Same with real life. You hardcore Trump cultists will be able to set up communes out in the desert where you can keep chanting "NO COLLUSION!" at various altars to DearLeaderTrump.

You freaks are dopier than the birfers.
Remember when high Soviet officials "fell ill" for extended periods, only to eventually have it discovered that they had been dead for months?

Given her borderline Soviet politics, it seems quite apropos.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend scheduled talks in the upcoming weeks in Los Angeles and New York, following her surgery in December, after she missed Supreme Court arguments earlier this month, the event hosts said.


"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets that she is unable to attend the talk with David Rubenstein at 92Y on February 6," an email from the 92nd Street Y said. "She is curtailing travel and focusing on her work while recuperating from recent surgery."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cancels 2 upcoming events
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
Oddball, it's not debatable that you've been lying about "no collusion!' for years. So why won't you own up to it? Think about it. It's not like you'll be able to keep up this charade much longer. The longer you put off 'fessing up and apologizing for betraying the USA, the worse it will look for you.

But then, it's a message board, so you always have the option of just running away. Same with real life. You hardcore Trump cultists will be able to set up communes out in the desert where you can keep chanting "NO COLLUSION!" at various altars to DearLeaderTrump.

You freaks are dopier than the birfers.

All cults begin their ranting with an ultimatum statement. This lunatic is no different. They usually step up with what they consider to be irrefutable evidence of this or that and condescendingly bestow their knowledge upon the ignorant hordes.
This one fits all the classic ear marks
Of a totally self convinced hamburger.
It's like watching an end of worlder dance around on a public Street with a costume and a sign. When you ask them for proof of something they simply refer to themselves as the ultimate authority. This one is going to be fun though. I have no idea whether or not Trump will be reelected but will he be removed from office before his four years are up? I seriously doubt that. However our moonwalking poster here knows for a fact that Trump will not finish his term. He's worked it out all scientific like. Join me at reminding him at the first of each month that Trump is still president. It's the gift that just keeps on giving.

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Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.

If you want to see stupidity, look at the DNC platform and the liberal/progressive far left mindset that support them. It is purely anti American. That is stupidity.

It also looks like Trump will get a third Supreme Court appointment, as Constitution Hater, Bolshevik Ruthie is on her death bed.
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Remember when high Soviet officials "fell ill" for extended periods, only to eventually have it discovered that they had been dead for months?

Given her borderline Soviet politics, it seems quite apropos.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend scheduled talks in the upcoming weeks in Los Angeles and New York, following her surgery in December, after she missed Supreme Court arguments earlier this month, the event hosts said.


"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets that she is unable to attend the talk with David Rubenstein at 92Y on February 6," an email from the 92nd Street Y said. "She is curtailing travel and focusing on her work while recuperating from recent surgery."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cancels 2 upcoming events
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.

Not more stupid than a brain stroked vegetable lying in bed hiding from the public though.

What you seem to be missing is the fact that over the course of several decades the migration policies of the Ukraine allowed Crimea to become roughly fifty to sixty percent ethnic Russians.
What you guys all are missing is the fact that Crimea for ages was part of Russia (until USSR collapsed) and always had over 90% of Russians.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?
Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

This country shall at first give stolen territorials to Mexico and Native Americans back and than discuss about Crimea.
Now just admit you side with the Russians in calling Ukrainians Russian.

In fact, Russians and Ukrainians are basically same people artificially separated by Deep State puppets for their dirty geopolitical purposes .

Same people who have been dividing America have been dividing us (Ukrainians and Russians) as well (we lived peacefully together for ages).

Well now...I’m sure it’s much more peaceful since the Ukrain dismantled the third largest nuclear force in the world in exchange for a US and Russian promise to respect their borders? :)
Ukraine is now under total control from Deep State. Peace is the last thing Deep State needs in Ukraine: they are trying to make Ukraine a spear to hurt Russia. And the spear must be sharp, but it must NOT be happy or peaceful.

But you're partially right: Ukraine with nukes would be a monkey with grenade.

And Deep State is totally controlled by NWO, Soros and Israel.
This country shall at first give stolen territorials to Mexico and Native Americans back and than discuss about Crimea.

OK, let's start with YOUR HOUSE. Give it back. NOW.

Crimea is Russia!

Interesting why Jews like 'judge' Ginsburg hate Russians so much?
Probably as 'thank' for the release from Auschwitz?
This 'female' shall stop to pervert the US justice

She may have been dead for a while now. Just getting carried around like Weekend At Bernie's.

Ginsberg being a Democrat Saint we can reflect on the journeys of St. Cuthbert. Dragged around England for 7 years by a demented band of monks (primitive Democrats?) before being laid to rest....

St Cuthbert biography

When they finally admit to her being dead the faithful will tear her corpse apart grabbing for even toe bones to enshrine as relics...... Thousands may die in the struggle.

But since all would be Democrats, no loss.

Let's see here, you support Trump a man under investigation for being a Putin lapdog, who praises the communist Xi, and who says he loves the totalitarian Kim. Then you ludicrously accuse Ginsburg of being pro-soviet. Look in the mirror big boy to see the soviet stooge.

It's difficult to be pro-soviet when you're pro decomposition.
All cults begin their ranting with an ultimatum statement.

Says the guy who just issued an ultimatum statement, thus defining himself as a cultist.

Not the brightest bunch, these Trump cultists.

This lunatic is no different. They usually step up with what they consider to be irrefutable evidence of this or that and condescendingly bestow their knowledge upon the ignorant hordes.
This one fits all the classic ear marks
Of a totally self convinced hamburger.
It's like watching an end of worlder dance around on a public Street with a costume and a sign. When you ask them for proof of something they simply refer to themselves as the ultimate authority. This one is going to be fun though. I have no idea whether or not Trump will be reelected but will he be removed from office before his four years are up? I seriously doubt that. However our moonwalking poster here knows for a fact that Trump will not finish his term. He's worked it out all scientific like. Join me at reminding him at the first of each month that Trump is still president. It's the gift that just keeps on giving.

That was a fine unibomber-style rant.

I assume nobody has broken the news to you that you sound crazy. That's why I'm always the one who has to stage these interventions.
All cults begin their ranting with an ultimatum statement.

Says the guy who just issued an ultimatum statement, thus defining himself as a cultist.

Not the brightest bunch, these Trump cultists.

This lunatic is no different. They usually step up with what they consider to be irrefutable evidence of this or that and condescendingly bestow their knowledge upon the ignorant hordes.
This one fits all the classic ear marks
Of a totally self convinced hamburger.
It's like watching an end of worlder dance around on a public Street with a costume and a sign. When you ask them for proof of something they simply refer to themselves as the ultimate authority. This one is going to be fun though. I have no idea whether or not Trump will be reelected but will he be removed from office before his four years are up? I seriously doubt that. However our moonwalking poster here knows for a fact that Trump will not finish his term. He's worked it out all scientific like. Join me at reminding him at the first of each month that Trump is still president. It's the gift that just keeps on giving.

That was a fine unibomber-style rant.

I assume nobody has broken the news to you that you sound crazy. That's why I'm always the one who has to stage these interventions.

Quick check:

Trump is still president.

Quick check:

Trump is still president.

Then why are you so obviously miserable? You donn't see any liberals pissing and moaning and weeping uncontrollably like you do. We thought you losers would be happy Trump won, and you'd stop whining. Instead, you all turned up the crying even higher.

Face it. You're clearly only happy in your natural condition of loserdom, where you can pretend to be the victim and cry freely. Don't worry. You'll get your wish soon enough, so take pleasure in that.
So you are willing to stick your neck out And say that Trump won't finish his first Term

No. That's why I made an "or" statement. Trump would not finish his term _or_ he'd lose the election big. Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong point, which is one reason why you got sucked into the cult.

After all, it's unlikely that the RepubliRussian agents in the senate will vote to convict Trump, but it could happen.

There's nothing wrong with his approval ratings by the way they are exactly where most presidential approval ratings are at midterm.

Amazing detachment from reality.

What is delusional is how you and all the rest of your horde believed the polls prior to Trump's winning the election in November of 2016. You can keep your polls because they're not any better than they were the last time you depended on them.

You're not very bright. Those polls were taken before Comey deliberately threw the election to Trump. The polls were very accurate for the time they were taken.

You also need to make up your mind. First you say the polls support Trump, then you say they don't matter. You're flailing, tossing everything at the wall in the hopes that something sticks.

You are a very careless debater.
I will enjoy shoving that up your ass
For the next 24 months and trust me it's going to happen.

You're not the first pout-stalker I've had, you know. The others all melted down in a most amusing fashion. That's the circle of life here. After all, the mentally healthy aren't triggered by my simple honesty, common sense and good morality.

At the beginning of each month I'm going to call you out on your prediction...which is actually nothing more than an intricately entangled web of confirmation bias on top of confirmation bias.

So you're going to lie about a prediction I never made every month? That's another quality my pout-stalkers all shared, pathological dishonesty.
Interesting why Jews like 'judge' Ginsburg hate Russians so much?
Probably as 'thank' for the release from Auschwitz?
This 'female' shall stop to pervert the US justice


Openly faking ginsburg quotes now?

FACT CHECK: Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg Say that Pedophilia Was Good for Children?

You'll burn in Hell for that lie, unless you repent for it, right here. And remember, eternity is a long time. And don't think that you've cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. He's the Lord of Lies, so he doesn't keep his word. You'll burn with all the others.

Plus, more sexist insults the 'female' bit. That will get you an even hotter fiery pit.

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