Ginsburg: Shades of the Soviet Union

Now just admit you side with the Russians in calling Ukrainians Russian.

In fact, Russians and Ukrainians are basically same people artificially separated by Deep State puppets for their dirty geopolitical purposes .

Same people who have been dividing America have been dividing us (Ukrainians and Russians) as well (we lived peacefully together for ages).
Total horseshit...Ukraine couldn't split off and get closer to the west fast enough when the USSR fell...

What you seem to be missing is the fact that over the course of several decades the migration policies of the Ukraine allowed Crimea to become roughly fifty to sixty percent ethnic Russians. This is what Mexico is trying to do with Texas, California and Arizona... Only they don't have the military muscle to do it. Once NATO hinted at preventing Putin access to his Naval fleet in Crimea the rest was a well-orchestrated pre-planned response. Sorry buddy in this instance NATO got what they deserved.

Oddball, it's not debatable that you've been lying about "no collusion!' for years. So why won't you own up to it? Think about it. It's not like you'll be able to keep up this charade much longer. The longer you put off 'fessing up and apologizing for betraying the USA, the worse it will look for you.

But then, it's a message board, so you always have the option of just running away. Same with real life. You hardcore Trump cultists will be able to set up communes out in the desert where you can keep chanting "NO COLLUSION!" at various altars to DearLeaderTrump.

Better have mommy go check under your bed to make sure there aren't RUSSIANS! hiding there.

You and your fellow authoritarian-followers spent a couple years whinmpering "NO COLLUSION!", ignoring all the actual evidence, solely because you were ordered to. After all, telling the party "No, I won't lie for you" would have required brains and courage, and Trump cultists lack both.

Now that the collusion has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, you've switched to blubbering "But ... but ... but ... DearLeaderTrump wasn't personally involved in the collusion!".

Nice attempt at goalpost moving, but nobody is buying it. You and the rest of your corrupt party hacks spent years spreading lies, and even your party admits it now.

Do you regret your role in spreading the "No collusion!" lies and running cover for treason, or do you only regret getting busted for lying and running cover for treason?

View attachment 240756

I see no collusion of any kind however there is a great deal of evidence for delusion.

Oddball, it's not debatable that you've been lying about "no collusion!' for years. So why won't you own up to it? Think about it. It's not like you'll be able to keep up this charade much longer. The longer you put off 'fessing up and apologizing for betraying the USA, the worse it will look for you.

But then, it's a message board, so you always have the option of just running away. Same with real life. You hardcore Trump cultists will be able to set up communes out in the desert where you can keep chanting "NO COLLUSION!" at various altars to DearLeaderTrump.

Tell Lefty Central talking points that the it's not debatable opening is getting too tired to use any more. Seriously need to get some new material.

Remember when high Soviet officials "fell ill" for extended periods, only to eventually have it discovered that they had been dead for months?

Given her borderline Soviet politics, it seems quite apropos.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend scheduled talks in the upcoming weeks in Los Angeles and New York, following her surgery in December, after she missed Supreme Court arguments earlier this month, the event hosts said.


"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets that she is unable to attend the talk with David Rubenstein at 92Y on February 6," an email from the 92nd Street Y said. "She is curtailing travel and focusing on her work while recuperating from recent surgery."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cancels 2 upcoming events think RBG is dead?
...and that's one of the symptoms of Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) respond in an irrational way whenever they see the name Trump. :cuckoo:

Sort of looking forward to watching their heads explode when Meuller comes back with a no prosecution recommendation for lack of evidence. :lol:

Maybe we should set up some type of containment zone to help with clean up.
If he does, he does. Do you think that's what's gonna happen?

Let's see:
1.) Trump still POTUS

Not for long. It's unlikely he'll finish his term, and if he does, his re-election chances are zero. Polls already show 57% saying they would definitely vote against him, which means no chance for a Trump win. Historically, those polls have been spot-on.

2.) Mueller about to close up shop

No sign of that. Pure wishful; thinking on your part.

3.) Government is still in shut down

A bad thing for democracy and the economy, and a disaster for the Republicans electorally. Polls show Republicans getting reamed over the shutdown, and it's only going to get worse.

4.) Ginsberg soon to be replaced

No sign of that.

5.) Most pro-business, anti monopoly AG in the past 20 years about to be appointed

He's a Republican, so he'll kiss monopoly butts especially fervently. That's a given. And he's stated he'd imprison journalists for anti-government reporting. No wonder Republicans love him.

What collapsing are you referring to.

The very visible collapse of the Trump admin, and the electoral and demographic collapse of the republican party. Even your party admits that they can't win elections any more without vote suppression, and it's only going to get worse for you. A strong majority of the country hates your positions, and you can only cling to power by tyranny of the minority.
I see no collusion of any kind however there is a great deal of evidence for delusion.

Here are 101 examples, for starters.

Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 101 contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project

However, I understand how the cult forbids you to look at any non-cult sources, so just scream "Fraud!" and move on, so that you don't have to face up to it.

I will point out that Trump's lawyer Rudy has already switched to a "well, there was collusion in the admin, but Trump wasn't involved personally, and I never said there was no collusion at all, even though video shows me saying that over and over!" defense. Is Rudy wrong?
I see no collusion of any kind however there is a great deal of evidence for delusion.

Here are 101 examples, for starters.

Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 101 contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project

However, I understand how the cult forbids you to look at any non-cult sources, so just scream "Fraud!" and move on, so that you don't have to face up to it.

I will point out that Trump's lawyer Rudy has already switched to a "well, there was collusion in the admin, but Trump wasn't involved personally, and I never said there was no collusion at all, even though video shows me saying that over and over!" defense. Is Rudy wrong?

Trump was elected... Not his staff.
Now let's go over this again.
I see no collusion....but I do see lots of
Delusion. Trump would do well to be more careful who he hires but then again this is how he became Trump.

Oddball, it's not debatable that you've been lying about "no collusion!' for years. So why won't you own up to it? Think about it. It's not like you'll be able to keep up this charade much longer. The longer you put off 'fessing up and apologizing for betraying the USA, the worse it will look for you.

But then, it's a message board, so you always have the option of just running away. Same with real life. You hardcore Trump cultists will be able to set up communes out in the desert where you can keep chanting "NO COLLUSION!" at various altars to DearLeaderTrump.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote.

It's OK, you're safe here, Jake. Many of your Progressive friends secretly admitted they fell prey to Putin's mind control beam. Let it out
If he does, he does. Do you think that's what's gonna happen?

Meuller has been quick to prosecute everyone else. He clearly has no case or needs quite a bit more evidence before bringing his case against Trump. In the end it will be some vague finger pointing with no charges.
What you seem to be missing is the fact that over the course of several decades the migration policies of the Ukraine allowed Crimea to become roughly fifty to sixty percent ethnic Russians.
What you guys all are missing is the fact that Crimea for ages was part of Russia (until USSR collapsed) and always had over 90% of Russians.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?
Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
Remember when high Soviet officials "fell ill" for extended periods, only to eventually have it discovered that they had been dead for months?

Given her borderline Soviet politics, it seems quite apropos.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend scheduled talks in the upcoming weeks in Los Angeles and New York, following her surgery in December, after she missed Supreme Court arguments earlier this month, the event hosts said.


"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets that she is unable to attend the talk with David Rubenstein at 92Y on February 6," an email from the 92nd Street Y said. "She is curtailing travel and focusing on her work while recuperating from recent surgery."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cancels 2 upcoming events
What Soviet politics does she endorse?
Trump was elected... Not his staff.

So, just like Rudy, you also appear to be admitting that Trump's staff was involved in collusion.

That means apologies are in order. We were right, you were wrong. We were telling the truth, you were spreading lies.

I do not give a shit... I am not like Rudy or you or anyone else I am like myself.

Your constant nattering at irrelevant issues is not going to win an election for you nor is it going to lose one for Trump.

No one has a crystal ball of course but I think it's fairly certain that Trump will be reelected.....and it's utterly hilarious if not childish that you pin all of your hopes and dreams on impeachment. Did it ever occur to you that this might be exactly what Trump wants you to do?

Go back to the school yard because that's just about the league level of your posts, your conclusions and your interactions here with other posters.


Let's see here, you support Trump a man under investigation for being a Putin lapdog, who praises the communist Xi, and who says he loves the totalitarian Kim. Then you ludicrously accuse Ginsburg of being pro-soviet. Look in the mirror big boy to see the soviet stooge.
I presume you have thrown out everything in your possession made in Mexico, Russia and China.

Let's see here, you support Trump a man under investigation for being a Putin lapdog, who praises the communist Xi, and who says he loves the totalitarian Kim. Then you ludicrously accuse Ginsburg of being pro-soviet. Look in the mirror big boy to see the soviet stooge.
I presume you have thrown out everything in your possession made in Mexico, Russia and China.

With a moniker like that he probably has a Superman costume he puts on before he signs in to post. It strikes me how all of these people are the same. They believe that they are appealing to logic and then they produce so-called proof that's easily identified as confirmation bias. Then comes the shaming part which might actually work on me if I had a shred of it in me... Truth is I don't. But the one consistent and unmistakable mark of a fledgling totalitarian is the inevitable and always present conclusion that there is only one very narrow path to enlightenment and that they are the ones guarding the gate.

I do not give a shit...

Of course you don't. It's facts and evidence. If you cared about such things, you'd be a liberal.

No one has a crystal ball of course but I think it's fairly certain that Trump will be reelected....

Delusional, given his approval ratings.

and it's utterly hilarious if not childish that you pin all of your hopes and dreams on impeachment.

I understand. You can't debate what any liberal actually says, so you make up strawmen to debate instead. Your cult has created a fantasy dimension for you to reside in, and you get enraged when any liberals crack open the door and let some reality leak in.

Did it ever occur to you that this might be exactly what Trump wants you to do

I consider everything, but discard dumb theories like that. Like most of his followers, Trump runs on the butthurt of the moment, and isn't capable of such long-term planning.

Go back to the school yard because that's just about the league level of your posts, your conclusions and your interactions here with other posters.

It's not pretty when cults start to die, because the cultists go into these fits of rage-weeping.
How long before we see Weekend at Ruth's?

Alyssa Milano will be one side and Rosie O Donnel on the other with RBG between them, they'll be propping her up and helping her corpse "walk" etc etc
What you seem to be missing is the fact that over the course of several decades the migration policies of the Ukraine allowed Crimea to become roughly fifty to sixty percent ethnic Russians.
What you guys all are missing is the fact that Crimea for ages was part of Russia (until USSR collapsed) and always had over 90% of Russians.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?
Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

Well said....
Of course the real problem is that NATO wanted to cut off Putin's access to his naval fleet. A totally unnecessary logistical move on their part but characteristic of the aggressive attitude that NATO tends to sport. There's no doubt in my mind that Putin saw this coming and was ready. Crimea would still be with the Ukraine today if it wasn't so that clandestine effort which was roundly and rightfully rebuked by Russia.

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