Girl shot by's your chance to whine about Christians!

...while trying to shove christianity down everyone's throats here. You are aware that she's prostheletizing on here right? Its all she does. Complain about people who don't live a life like hers. Sad. Wheres that in the good book?
Sweetie, if people didn't proselytize Christianity in this country, we'd have to double the size of two areas: cemeteries and incarceration facilities, because many of our 51 states with the District of Columbia figured in do not do eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth justice. Or worse yet, caveman justice. (Biggest kill stick wins)

If KG had her way, and possibly yourself too, you'd construct a steeple on the U.S. Capitol. :eusa_eh: Amiright? :eusa_whistle:
Walk around Washington, DC sometimes, Sweetcakes. See any etchings on edifices that say

In God We Trust

Washington Post

In Congress, a really good law is like a really good movie. If audiences liked it the first time, they’re going to love a remake — or two. That appeared to be the logic Tuesday evening as the House debated whether “In God We Trust” should be the national motto. Of course, “In God We Trust” already is the national motto, guaranteed by an act of Congress in 1956.


U. S. House of Representatives Chamber

The irony!!!

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Sweetie, if people didn't proselytize Christianity in this country, we'd have to double the size of two areas: cemeteries and incarceration facilities, because many of our 51 states with the District of Columbia figured in do not do eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth justice. Or worse yet, caveman justice. (Biggest kill stick wins)

If KG had her way, and possibly yourself too, you'd construct a steeple on the U.S. Capitol. :eusa_eh: Amiright? :eusa_whistle:
Walk around Washington, DC sometimes, Sweetcakes. See any etchings on edifices that say

In God We Trust

Oh, wait, Toots, you're carrying some of that in your billfold too!

The irony!!!

u just proved my point sugartits :thup: We don't need dopes like KG going @ this board promoting it.
Truth is a good muslim apologist...deny that muslims kill while at the same time denying the holocaust.

The Taliban are the equivalent of the KKK in this country who used terrorism to enforce their despicable beliefs. The KKK also killed innocent little girls. The KKK was a Christian organization, yet we did not blame all Christians for their actions

Beginning after the Civil War, members of the Protestant-led. Ku Klux Klan organization began engaging in arson, beatings, cross burning, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, and whipping against African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

They were explicitly Christian terrorist in ideology, basing their beliefs on a "religious foundation" in Christianity. The goals of the KKK included, from an early time on, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible," and believe that "Jesus was the first Klansman." Their cross-burnings were conducted not only to intimidate targets, but to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the lighting ritual was steeped in Christian symbolism, including the saying of prayers and singing of Christian hymns
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Sweetie, if people didn't proselytize Christianity in this country, we'd have to double the size of two areas: cemeteries and incarceration facilities, because many of our 51 states with the District of Columbia figured in do not do eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth justice. Or worse yet, caveman justice. (Biggest kill stick wins)

If KG had her way, and possibly yourself too, you'd construct a steeple on the U.S. Capitol. :eusa_eh: Amiright? :eusa_whistle:
Walk around Washington, DC sometimes, Sweetcakes. See any etchings on edifices that say

In God We Trust

Washington Post

In Congress, a really good law is like a really good movie. If audiences liked it the first time, they’re going to love a remake — or two. That appeared to be the logic Tuesday evening as the House debated whether “In God We Trust” should be the national motto. Of course, “In God We Trust” already is the national motto, guaranteed by an act of Congress in 1956.

The irony!!!

:eusa_hand: what was going on in 1956 hmmm? :rolleyes: Also how did the country survive w/o it for so long :eusa_whistle:
Typical conclusion from syreen no matter what the instance. She just wants to come and be a Muslim hater. The Pakistani Taliban crazies don't represent Pakistanis.
Who hid bin Laden on a Pakistani military base for 7 years?

The Queen of Sheba? :evil:
"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

Funny, this is what i found:

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Rohrabacher claimed that the Clinton administration�out of office for eight months when the attacks occurred�had ignored his pleas not to negotiate with the Taliban, a fundamentalist Islamic party controlling most of Afghanistan since 1996.[/FONT]"

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] he labeled them "a pack of dogs killing anyone" and "the most anti-Western, anti-female, anti-human rights regime in the world." They will also show you records of the congressman berating Clinton administration foreign-policy advisors for misreading Taliban intentions and for trying to negotiate peace in Afghanistan with the militant Islamic group�s Mullah Mohammed Omar, a bin Laden associate. "

In 1996, five years before 911, he held a different view. But obviously as he learned more about them he began to be alarmed, and he shared that with everyone who would listen.

But anyway, we digress. You think he's to blame for the girl getting shot?
If KG had her way, and possibly yourself too, you'd construct a steeple on the U.S. Capitol. :eusa_eh: Amiright? :eusa_whistle:
Walk around Washington, DC sometimes, Sweetcakes. See any etchings on edifices that say

In God We Trust

Oh, wait, Toots, you're carrying some of that in your billfold too!

The irony!!!

u just proved my point sugartits :thup: We don't need dopes like KG going @ this board promoting it.
Speak for yourself, Dottie dearest.

This nation was built on very good faith in the character of Pilgrims doing what they said they were going to do.

The Whack-a-molly obfuscation specialists that were going to transform Washington into this shining light of transparency knew they were lying their asses off before they were elected on their little house of card tricks.

That house of cards has been shown to be an empty chair.

And a house of cards that has had its foundation lie card removed is pretty flat on the floor.

I toe tawwy. :eusa_boohoo:
Walk around Washington, DC sometimes, Sweetcakes. See any etchings on edifices that say

In God We Trust

Oh, wait, Toots, you're carrying some of that in your billfold too!

The irony!!!

u just proved my point sugartits :thup: We don't need dopes like KG going @ this board promoting it.
Speak for yourself, Dottie dearest.

This nation was built on very good faith in the character of Pilgrims doing what they said they were going to do.

The Whack-a-molly obfuscation specialists that were going to transform Washington into this shining light of transparency knew they were lying their asses off before they were elected on their little house of card tricks.

That house of cards has been shown to be an empty chair.

And a house of cards that has had its foundation lie card removed is pretty flat on the floor.

I toe tawwy. :eusa_boohoo:

Aren't you in Texas? Bu$h II supporter the whole time as well? Why didn't you people secede :eusa_wall:
I knew that the terrorist supporters would flock to this thread to defend the attack on a child.
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I'm just here to watch KG proselytize :eusa_pray: about how her mythology has any more credence than anyone else's :dunno:
No, what you see are the usual suspects lining up to lie about Christianity, and me, in order to divert attention from yet another depraved human rights violation committed by, and supported by, muslims.

So are you going to quote my "proselytizing"?
you stating how christianity is superior to other myths is proselytizing :eusa_pray:
No, what you see are the usual suspects lining up to lie about Christianity, and me, in order to divert attention from yet another depraved human rights violation committed by, and supported by, muslims.

So are you going to quote my "proselytizing"?

Hate to break it to you, but you are not Christianity

Attacking you is not attacking Christianity.....far from it, in fact

You represent the worst that Christianity has to offer........selfish, judgemental, condescending, hateful
Who hid bin Laden on a Pakistani military base for 7 years?

The Queen of Sheba? :evil:
"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

Funny, this is what i found:

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Rohrabacher claimed that the Clinton administration�out of office for eight months when the attacks occurred�had ignored his pleas not to negotiate with the Taliban, a fundamentalist Islamic party controlling most of Afghanistan since 1996.[/FONT]"

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] he labeled them "a pack of dogs killing anyone" and "the most anti-Western, anti-female, anti-human rights regime in the world." They will also show you records of the congressman berating Clinton administration foreign-policy advisors for misreading Taliban intentions and for trying to negotiate peace in Afghanistan with the militant Islamic group�s Mullah Mohammed Omar, a bin Laden associate. "

In 1996, five years before 911, he held a different view. But obviously as he learned more about them he began to be alarmed, and he shared that with everyone who would listen.

But anyway, we digress. You think he's to blame for the girl getting shot?
Your post is typical of the complete dishonesty of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood, and why no quote from the Right can ever be trusted. Below is the whole quote, which exposes Rohrabacker's "FRAUD" with the out of context snippets you took in red. Rohrabacker had the same views in 2001 as 1996, as thew whole article shows, he just postured differently in public for gullible suckers like you.

The next day, The Orange County Register reported in a top story, "Horror and Hindsight," that the terrorist attacks "could turn out to be a horrific told-you-so" for Rohrabacher. To make sure his "angry" comments were amplified, the congressman granted multiple television, radio and newspaper interviews and authored an unsolicited column that carried this note: "A must read. You will be livid over the level of incompetency [sic] in our intelligence agencies." In it, Rohrabacher claimed that the Clinton administration�out of office for eight months when the attacks occurred�had ignored his pleas not to negotiate with the Taliban, a fundamentalist Islamic party controlling most of Afghanistan since 1996. (A hardcore partisan Republican, Rohrabacher remained silent about numerous meetings between George W. Bush�s advisors and the Taliban throughout 2001.) On Sept. 17, 2001, the congressman declared, "There is rage in my soul."

Right-wing organizations across the nation immediately picked up on Rohrabacher�s anti-Taliban, anti-Clinton statements and hailed him a "hero."

In fact, Rohrabacher�s post-Sept. 11 finger-pointing was a fraud designed to distract attention from his own ongoing meddling in the foreign-policy nightmare. Federal documents reviewed by the Weekly show that Rohrabacher maintained a cordial, behind-the-scenes relationship with Osama bin Laden�s associates in the Middle East�even while he mouthed his most severe anti-Taliban comments at public forums across the U.S. There�s worse: despite the federal Logan Act ban on unauthorized individual attempts to conduct American foreign policy, the congressman dangerously acted as a self-appointed secretary of state, constructing what foreign-affairs experts call a "dual tract" policy with the Taliban.

A veteran U.S. foreign-policy expert told the Weekly, "If Dana�s right-wing fans knew the truth about his actual, working relationship with the Taliban and its representatives in the Middle East and in the United States, they wouldn�t be so happy."

Nowadays, Rohrabacher and his numerous aides are quick to provide copies of the congressman�s pre-Sept. 11 rants against the Taliban. They will tell you that he labeled them "a pack of dogs killing anyone" and "the most anti-Western, anti-female, anti-human rights regime in the world." They will also show you records of the congressman berating Clinton administration foreign-policy advisors for misreading Taliban intentions and for trying to negotiate peace in Afghanistan with the militant Islamic group�s Mullah Mohammed Omar, a bin Laden associate.

What they won�t mention is that Rohrabacher also once lobbied shamelessly for the Taliban. A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:

�Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

�Media reports documenting the Taliban�s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

�The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

�The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.

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