GISS maturity graph from 2008-2015


The reason-based people, being consistent, say nobody is making fraudulent changes.

The deniers, OTOH, are declaring changes are perfectly fine if it makes warming look smaller, while such changes are totally fraudulent if it makes warming look bigger.

So once more, consistency points are awarded to the rational side, and hypocrisy points are awarded to the deniers.
so you're saying they do make changes? Why?
Ian, since you love maturity graphs, here's the maturity graph for RSS. RSS has adjusted the present temperatures down and past temperatures up. That is, it seems to show some very obvious tampering to make the current warming look smaller. Why didn't any of the deniers bring that up?


I await the creative explanations as to why such obvious fudging by RSS wasn't really fudging.

Now, I personally don't think it's fudging. However, I'm using denier conspiracy cult standards, which say that anything that isn't random noise automatically has to be a conspiracy. Therefore, by denier conspiracy cult standards, the RSS data has been faked, fudged and forged in order to hide the warming trend. Deniers got some 'splainin to do about why they've all so joyfully embraced such outright fraud. If they so knowingly push such a fraud, how can we trust a word they say?

Comment from Dr Roy Spencer on the nature of the satellite corrections..

I know others have commented on the tendency of thermometer data adjustments by NOAA always leading to greater warming.

As Dick Lindzen has noted, it seems highly improbable that successive revisions to the very same data would lead to ever greater warming trends. Being the co-developer of a climate dataset (UAH satellite temperatures) I understand the need to make adjustments for known errors in the data…when you can quantitatively demonstrate an error exists.

But a variety of errors in data measurement and collection would typically have both positive and negative signs. For example, orbit decay causes a spurious cooling trend in the satellite lower tropospheric temperatures (discovered by RSS), while the instrument body temperature effect causes a spurious warming trend (discovered by us). The two effects approximately cancel out over the long term, but we (and RSS) make corrections for them anyway since they affect different years differently.

Also, the drift in satellite local observation time associated with orbit decay causes spurious cooling in the 1:30 satellites, but spurious warming in the 7:30 satellites. Again this shows that a variety of errors typically have positive and negative signs.

In contrast, the thermometer data apparently need to be adjusted in such a way that almost always leads to greater and greater warming trends.

How odd.

As expected, the bulk of the satellite corrections stem from the management of the odd collection of MSU packages in space and are due to their aging, their orbit, and miscellaneous self-heating effects that are WELL -KNOWN, WELL DOCUMENTED, and can be applied coherently both backwards and forwards in time.

The data processing itself has been extremely stable and mostly automatic. Only changes on major revisions of the methodology that occur on about 5 or 8 year intervals. Other than the automatic "calibration" adjustments, the remainder is also well documented with each new revision of methodology by RSS and UAH..

OTH --- the CONSTANT barrage of UNDOCUMENTED adjustments to the Surface Data are affecting 80 year old in ways that DON'T affect 40 yr old data or the most recent data. And have to do with the "expert judgements " applied to fill in the humongeous gaps in coverage of the surface stations. Situations dealing with lapse rates of altitude, choices of representative stations, and God knows what else.

Not the same accountability OR RESULTS for what appears in a "maturity" diagram..
Having known someone with access to all the original data, they have been telling me this and a few others for years. They are an insider, madder than hell, but knows there is only so much they can do.
Does that clear things up for you?

No. You didn't give the source of the graph. You didn't show exactly what data was used in the graph.

So, it's still a mystery graph from a mystery blog, making it unsuitable for any conclusions.

Why don't you supply us with a Church approved list of the 2000 era GISS corrections. They are changing EVERY DAY.. So I'm sure you are on top of this.

Just read an article yesterday about the 2014 July data for the US. Seems like to set that propaganda straight, they LOWERED the July 1938 reading by almost a degree. About 3 months later --- it was REINSTATED at the original value. Coincidentally --- that monkey biz coincided with an announcement that according to the Wizards of GIZZ -- July 2014 was the hottest ON RECORD (in the USA).. Of course -- that status was later (quietly) revoked..

Go fetch -- SURELY someone is doing monitoring and quality checks on the GISS Biz on your side. RIGHT???
Who might that be???? Maybe Cook/Nutti are watching that for ya....

See -- there's no Inspector General in the govt overlooking the books that GISS is cooking daily.
As expected, the bulk of the satellite corrections stem from the management of the odd collection of MSU packages in space and are due to their aging, their orbit, and miscellaneous self-heating effects that are WELL -KNOWN, WELL DOCUMENTED, and can be applied coherently both backwards and forwards in time.

And the recent ones are clearly adjusted down.

Therefore, it's very obvious, using denier standards, that deniers are trying to excuse some brazen fraud.

OTH --- the CONSTANT barrage of UNDOCUMENTED adjustments

... are a fantasy.

And that's why nobody outside of the cult pays any attention to your conspiracy theory.

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