Giss says Feb was the second hottest in recorded history!

And then ... there's the actual temperature records. Which show no pause.

So, if you say all the data is faked, why are you also saying there's a pause? Your combined conspiracy theory is that there's faked pause, which makes no sense. You need to settle on one conspiracy theory or the other and stick with it. That goes for deniers as a whole. You need to all get together and decide whether "the data is fake" or "there's no warming" is the official conspiracy theory.
What a Joke.... Your "temperature" record is the one they have molested and manufactured to make it say what they want.. while the unadjusted real one shows you a liar... But hey, we knew that already...

Billy, we already know how you like to post unsourced fraudulent mystery data, and will keep posting it, no matter how many times you get called out on the fraud.

You do that because all the real data contradicts you, and because you're addicted to fraud. If you can't fudge data at least 6 times a day, you start getting the shakes.
Billy, we already know how you like to post unsourced fraudulent mystery data, and will keep posting it, no matter how many times you get called out on the fraud.

You do that because all the real data contradicts you, and because you're addicted to fraud. If you can't fudge data at least 6 times a day, you start getting the shakes.
hahahahahahahaha, you still haven't posted anything that correlates to reality. So now you're saying the IPCC is wrong. So who is it you do believe? oh yeah, you! now that's funny!

The Version 5.6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for February, 2015 is +0.30 deg. C, down a little from the January 2015 value of +0.35 deg. C (click for full size version):

And Dr. Spencer is considered a skeptic. The February temperature was higher than any temperature prior to 1998. Average the years prior to 1998, then the years since. Wonder if the next jump is going to the same or larger.

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