Giss says Feb was the second hottest in recorded history!

Damn, the whack-a-loons are out in full force.

Here we have people that have repeatedly demonstrated that they are completely clueless concerning science, yet they believe that their inane mouthings are more than equal to the careful gathering of evidence by scientists.

And your credentials that make you un-clueless about science?

Let me ask you a question. If you were alive during Einsteins time and he argued for a static universe and even wrote it into his famous equation, would you have agreed with perhaps the greatest minds ever to walk the EARTH? Just because HE said it?
Im seeing another ghey thread with lots of vague words and colorful maps..............but no context as usual.:gay:

Know why there is never any context from these bozo's?

Because they would all look like meatheads in a nanosecond, that's why!!:spinner::spinner:
0.03 Deg F...... Got to laugh my ass off on this one again.. Only low information voters will suck this one up hook, line, and sinker.. Another marvel of smaller than the Margin Of Error for the recording devices used...

Damn, the whack-a-loons are out in full force.

Here we have people that have repeatedly demonstrated that they are completely clueless concerning science, yet they believe that their inane mouthings are more than equal to the careful gathering of evidence by scientists.

still no data sets just pictures I see you don't get it!
the only thing we're certain of is that a .0012% increase in CO2 since 1850 had nothing to do with any of it
Lol no way. This was the coldest February I can remember.
So it was the hottest in history other than that time in '98 so it fucking wasn't.

I'm pretty tired of this tax people for weather bullshit scheme. Fuck off.

Feb of 1998 was the heart of the strongest nino in recorded history. We don't have any nino at all right now...Understand the difference.

When they stop falsifying the data I'll care.
It sure wasn't in my neck of the woods. I think it is all a bunch of BS. I just can't figure out the motive.
Money. As in how much can they steal from you.

How do they profit from GW hysteria? I can see it is a grab for power but I see no profit, except for what Al Gore is doing. Time for revolution and getting rid of these fear mongering bastards. I am tired of the fear that is generated from the DNC.

They wish for the world to spend 76 TRILLION DOLLARS on repurposing the energy systems of the globe. You don't see any profit in that?

What the heck are you smoking?
Can you believe there are still people out there claiming there was a pause in warming?

There aren't many left willing to be that dishonest. The smarter deniers realize how crazy that claim looks, so they've retreated to declaring that all the data is fake.

Can you believe there are still people out there claiming there was a pause in warming?

There aren't many left willing to be that dishonest. The smarter deniers realize how crazy that claim looks, so they've retreated to declaring that all the data is fake.


Can you believe there are still stupid cats out there who are so devoid of ethics that they ignore well documented evidence for the "pause"? Here you go science denier....

Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus
Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus Nature Climate Change Nature Publishing Group

An apparent hiatus in global warming? TRENBERTH!
An apparent hiatus in global warming - Trenberth - 2013 - Earth s Future - Wiley Online Library

Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years

Climate science: The cause of the pause
Climate science The cause of the pause Nature Nature Publishing Group

Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling Nature Nature Publishing Group
And then ... there's the actual temperature records. Which show no pause.

So, if you say all the data is faked, why are you also saying there's a pause? Your combined conspiracy theory is that there's faked pause, which makes no sense. You need to settle on one conspiracy theory or the other and stick with it. That goes for deniers as a whole. You need to all get together and decide whether "the data is fake" or "there's no warming" is the official conspiracy theory.

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