Both GISS and NOAA reports that March was the second hottest in recorded history

Um, the fact that you don't know why you sound incredibly stupid shows that you probably shouldn't even be commenting.
Really? Let's see who's incredibly stupid:

Utah's snowpack breaks all records, including estimate from 1952​


Temperature in Cedar City, Utah 4/14/2023:

Low temperature at 7:53AM was 31°

Now who's an "idiot?"
Really? Let's see who's incredibly stupid:

Utah's snowpack breaks all records, including estimate from 1952​


Temperature in Cedar City, Utah 4/14/2023:

Low temperature at 7:53AM was 31°

Now who's an "idiot?"
That of course would be you. Yes, thinking that a lot of precipitation in one state over a 6 month period in a country that comprises less than 2% of the surface area of the planet somehow debunks AGW is embarrassingly stupid. Middle school children know better.
That of course would be you. Yes, thinking that a lot of precipitation in one state over a 6 month period in a country that comprises less than 2% of the surface area of the planet somehow debunks AGW is embarrassingly stupid. Middle school children know better.
You mean ... Middle School kids have been more thoroughly misinformed and indoctrinated. It's okay ... being honest for once won't kill you.
No, they learn actual science, in science class. And they would all laugh at your very stupid mistake.
The same science teachers that say a man can be a woman? Or are you talking about the ones that said masks could stop Covid? Those ones?
The same science teachers that say a man can be a woman? Or are you talking about the ones that said masks could stop Covid? Those ones?
Nobody has to give any time to these low IQ white wing fantasies.

Haha, you think that, because there was a lot of snow it Utah, global warming is fake.


So stupid
Nobody has to give any time to these low IQ white wing fantasies.

Haha, you think that, because there was a lot of snow it Utah, global warming is fake.


So stupid
Lol the spear chucker with afto hair checks in. Smartest people in the world
While the State of Utah recorded the most snow pack in the State in recorded history. I live in southern Utah and woke up to 32° temps this morning. This Global Cooling has GOT to stop.
No No No, Whatsa Matter with you, They are saying "climate change" now -- global warming or cooling are too simple to debunk and they can backtrack in either direction with climate change. LMAO.
Because it's about more than global warming. Acidification of the oceans, and changes in weather patterns, for example.

How can you right wing goobers be so dumb? Anyone can look this stuff up.

Change the subject.

Global warming causes floods AND draughts, right??

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