Giss says second hottest Nov-Dec in recorded history


53 62 64 59 47 45 36 42 43 60 1997
1998 60 90 63 63 69 77 68 66 41 44 49 56 62 62 69 65 70

66 78 73 72 63 79 68 78 2014
2015 81 87 90 74 76 79 72 79 82 108 103 111 87 84 82 80 77 97 2015
2016 115 134 131 108 91 79 83 100 88 89 90 82 99 101 120 110 87 89 2016
2017 96 112 113 93 88 70 81 87 74 90 87

Now note how 1998 is a spike, where the last three years have all been much warmer than any three years. And both graphs on the numbers show that.
GISS temp monkey biz per Dr Roy..

Remember the last time Dr. Roy went head to head with the rest of the scientific establishment? Remember who won, and who lost? Dr. Roy better be damned careful, he hasn't any strikes left in this regard.
GISS temp monkey biz per Dr Roy..

Remember the last time Dr. Roy went head to head with the rest of the scientific establishment? Remember who won, and who lost? Dr. Roy better be damned careful, he hasn't any strikes left in this regard.

Would be a rookie move to misinterpret simple graph data --- wouldn't it? It just CHANGES.. EVEN the data from 1800s.. Like the wind.

Yeah -- he was CRUSHED about the 0.05deg correction in the UAH satellite data processing. What a drama queen you are..

53 62 64 59 47 45 36 42 43 60 1997
1998 60 90 63 63 69 77 68 66 41 44 49 56 62 62 69 65 70

66 78 73 72 63 79 68 78 2014
2015 81 87 90 74 76 79 72 79 82 108 103 111 87 84 82 80 77 97 2015
2016 115 134 131 108 91 79 83 100 88 89 90 82 99 101 120 110 87 89 2016
2017 96 112 113 93 88 70 81 87 74 90 87

Now note how 1998 is a spike, where the last three years have all been much warmer than any three years. And both graphs on the numbers show that.

Even the GISS data in 2008 was showing "the Pause".. Where is THAT now?? It's fucking wiped as well..

What fucking 'pause'? I see a leveling off at a much higher average than before from an El Nino, then a brief dive in a La Nina. Then we went up to a very big El Nino, and are in a weak La Nina at present, with almost no cooling.
GISS temp monkey biz per Dr Roy..

Remember the last time Dr. Roy went head to head with the rest of the scientific establishment? Remember who won, and who lost? Dr. Roy better be damned careful, he hasn't any strikes left in this regard.


Here is your "climate change"...also known as geo-engineering/ Solar Radiation Management/ Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Spraying.....use whatever term you want. You see, the nano-particulates of aluminum not only can reflect sunlight, it also traps heat much like aluminum foil does. We know that the heavy metals dispersion project (that has been going on in earnest since 1997) has 17 different military applications that all fall under the catch all of "National Security" ...anywhere from protecting military planes from being detected on radar, weather manipulation, alleged protection from a possible EMP attack to using the heavy metals like an x-ray machine bouncing satellite beams to detect areas of the globe that have precious metals like gold, uranium and lithium b y bouncing radio frequencies off of the ground. It's science that you wouldn't have the slightest clue about. In the mean time, they are destroying the biosphere and earth's ability to maintain normal weather patterns that allow food growth. The military industrial complex has so fucked up the climate that they have to keep doubling down on the spraying in order to maintain any semblance of normal weather. Just last week the Detroit area had snow fall while the temperature was above's called ice nucleation. So much that you have absolutely no clue about. You are simply a useful idiot.
What fucking 'pause'? I see a leveling off at a much higher average than before from an El Nino, then a brief dive in a La Nina. Then we went up to a very big El Nino, and are in a weak La Nina at present, with almost no cooling.

Yeah -- only in the GISS/Hadley data do you see it as significant "new level". Partly because GISS/Hadley are 80% NOAA ocean data. And partly because the 1998 El Nino had ALREADY BEEN PURGED from those data sets by 2008.. Go find a 2004 or 2005 comparison. It's different..
What fucking 'pause'? I see a leveling off at a much higher average than before from an El Nino, then a brief dive in a La Nina. Then we went up to a very big El Nino, and are in a weak La Nina at present, with almost no cooling.

Yeah -- only in the GISS/Hadley data do you see it as significant "new level". Partly because GISS/Hadley are 80% NOAA ocean data. And partly because the 1998 El Nino had ALREADY BEEN PURGED from those data sets by 2008.. Go find a 2004 or 2005 comparison. It's different..
Increasing the ocean temps by Karl Et AL did major damage to the records. When they increased the more accurate records to be as flawed as the old records and then claimed that they were more precise makes me laugh every time. They tripled the error range doing what they did, making the output LESS CERTAIN than using the old data unchanged.. The idiocy escapes me.. And then the idiots who suck it up as gospel, all I can do is shake my head at their incompetence. ( or is it ignorance?)
What fucking 'pause'? I see a leveling off at a much higher average than before from an El Nino, then a brief dive in a La Nina. Then we went up to a very big El Nino, and are in a weak La Nina at present, with almost no cooling.

Yeah -- only in the GISS/Hadley data do you see it as significant "new level". Partly because GISS/Hadley are 80% NOAA ocean data. And partly because the 1998 El Nino had ALREADY BEEN PURGED from those data sets by 2008.. Go find a 2004 or 2005 comparison. It's different..
Increasing the ocean temps by Karl Et AL did major damage to the records. When they increased the more accurate records to be as flawed as the old records and then claimed that they were more precise makes me laugh every time. They tripled the error range doing what they did, making the output LESS CERTAIN than using the old data unchanged.. The idiocy escapes me.. And then the idiots who suck it up as gospel, all I can do is shake my head at their incompetence. ( or is it ignorance?)

Neither incompetence or ignorance. It's most likely calculated script writing for the public "good"...
Earth has been warming up for over 12,000 years. Why do you regressives deny nature?
No, it has not. It reached a peak on interglacial warming about 8000 years ago, and has been slowly cooling ever since. Until we loaded the atmosphere with GHGs, and now it is warmer than it was at that peak.


Global Warming:A Chilling Perspective

We’ve had relative stable warm temps for the last 8000 years, and it’s all much warmer than 12000 years ago like I said. Your own graph shows we are no where near other warm periods, which proves the hysteria is all bullshit. There have been plenty of times in Earth history that we’re warmer, and yet we still had ice ages afterwards and life did just fine. You people are so full of shit with your doom and gloom hysteria.
Giss says second hottest Nov-Dec in recorded history at .89c.. It will depend on how December turns out on the exact ranking of 2017. We will see. At this moment I'd say the odds are in favor of this year being second.
law of equalization
cold moves to warmer
hot moves to cooler

Cold never moves to warm...cold tends to warm due to the loss of energy from warm to cool.
We’ve had relative stable warm temps for the last 8000 years,

Temperatures have been slowly cooling for the past 6000 years. Until the last few decades, when they suddenly shot up. That's not natural. The planet was supposed to keep cooling into the next ice age, not suddenly heat up.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it.

and it’s all much warmer than 12000 years ago like I said.

And that's a meaningless deflection, like the normal people have said.

Your own graph shows we are no where near other warm periods, which proves the hysteria is all bullshit

Logic, not your strong point.. The fact that climate has changed naturally in the past does not mean humans can't change climate.

There have been plenty of times in Earth history that we’re warmer, and yet we still had ice ages afterwards and life did just fine.

Another logic failure. 7 billion humans weren't on the planet during the last climate cycle, with a civilization built around a stable climate. A sudden change will kill many of those humans, which is why we should stop causing a sudden change.

You people are so full of shit with your doom and gloom hysteria.

"Doom and gloom hysteria" is a buzzphrase you use so you won't have to address what we actually say. Cowardly cultists like you are nothing new.
We’ve had relative stable warm temps for the last 8000 years,

Temperatures have been slowly cooling for the past 6000 years. Until the last few decades, when they suddenly shot up. That's not natural. The planet was supposed to keep cooling into the next ice age, not suddenly heat up.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it.

and it’s all much warmer than 12000 years ago like I said.

And that's a meaningless deflection, like the normal people have said.

Your own graph shows we are no where near other warm periods, which proves the hysteria is all bullshit

Logic, not your strong point.. The fact that climate has changed naturally in the past does not mean humans can't change climate.

There have been plenty of times in Earth history that we’re warmer, and yet we still had ice ages afterwards and life did just fine.

Another logic failure. 7 billion humans weren't on the planet during the last climate cycle, with a civilization built around a stable climate. A sudden change will kill many of those humans, which is why we should stop causing a sudden change.

You people are so full of shit with your doom and gloom hysteria.

"Doom and gloom hysteria" is a buzzphrase you use so you won't have to address what we actually say. Cowardly cultists like you are nothing new.

The planet was supposed to keep cooling into the next ice age, not suddenly heat up.

All this "unnatural" heating going to prevent the next ice age?
We’ve had relative stable warm temps for the last 8000 years,

Temperatures have been slowly cooling for the past 6000 years. Until the last few decades, when they suddenly shot up. That's not natural. The planet was supposed to keep cooling into the next ice age, not suddenly heat up.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it.

and it’s all much warmer than 12000 years ago like I said.

And that's a meaningless deflection, like the normal people have said.

Your own graph shows we are no where near other warm periods, which proves the hysteria is all bullshit

Logic, not your strong point.. The fact that climate has changed naturally in the past does not mean humans can't change climate.

There have been plenty of times in Earth history that we’re warmer, and yet we still had ice ages afterwards and life did just fine.

Another logic failure. 7 billion humans weren't on the planet during the last climate cycle, with a civilization built around a stable climate. A sudden change will kill many of those humans, which is why we should stop causing a sudden change.

You people are so full of shit with your doom and gloom hysteria.

"Doom and gloom hysteria" is a buzzphrase you use so you won't have to address what we actually say. Cowardly cultists like you are nothing new.

Wrong. Temperatures have been going up and down over the last 6,000 years. The graph shows there were periods of warmth greater than our current temps. The earth has had an exponential increase in temps just before an ice age occurs. The change to an ice age isn’t gradual over thousands of years, it’s rather sudden after the increase. And yes, it’s perfectly natural.

The number of humans today doesn’t change the fact that humans survived the previous drastic changes. I never said humans can’t affect the climate. Just that we don’t need to be afraid of such changes.

Enviro-wackos like to make it sound like the ice caps will all melt within a few hundred years and everyone is going to die. Most of the fresh water ice is locked up in Antarctica, in high elevation so it has no chance of melting even if temps go way up.
Wrong. Temperatures have been going up and down over the last 6,000 years.

And the trend is unmistakably down.


The graph shows there were periods of warmth greater than our current temps.

Not within the past 100,000 years, but hey, it's just sheer coincidence that the sudden heating happened right now, eh?

The last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago

The earth has had an exponential increase in temps just before an ice age occurs.

No, the cycles don't work that way. There's a rapid warmup at the end of an ice age, then a slow cooldown into the next ice age. That rapid warmup ended 6000 - 8000 years ago, and we've been in the slow cooldown ever since. According to the natural cycles, the earth should be cooling for at least the next 20,000 years. Instead, that slow cooling suddenly reversed into fast warming. That's definitely not natural.

Moreover, we know the warming isn't natural because we directly observe the smoking guns for human-caused global warming, such as stratospheric cooling, an increase in backradiation, and a decrease in outgoing longwave. A natural warming cycle would not result in such things.

The change to an ice age isn’t gradual over thousands of years, it’s rather sudden after the increase. And yes, it’s perfectly natural.

Have you been watching "The Day After Tomorrow"? Again, no. Ice ages arrive slowly, not suddenly, and they're preceded by millennia of slow cooling.

The number of humans today doesn’t change the fact that humans survived the previous drastic changes. I never said humans can’t affect the climate. Just that we don’t need to be afraid of such changes.

Humans aren't small bands of hunter-gatherers any more. We can't escape warming or cooling by moving away. Cities can't be moved, and all the land on earth is claimed by other humans who won't allow newcomers to take that land.
All this "unnatural" heating going to prevent the next ice age?


However, that should have been something to worry about in 20,000 years. Overheating the earth now to avoid an ice age in 20,000 years is like setting your furnace to full blast in summer because you know winter will eventually arrive.
All this "unnatural" heating going to prevent the next ice age?


However, that should have been something to worry about in 20,000 years. Overheating the earth now to avoid an ice age in 20,000 years is like setting your furnace to full blast in summer because you know winter will eventually arrive.


Excellent! Because Ice Ages really suck.

that should have been something to worry about in 20,000 years.

Why? Is there an Ice Age clock that says that's when the next one starts, or are you just guessing?
All this "unnatural" heating going to prevent the next ice age?


However, that should have been something to worry about in 20,000 years. Overheating the earth now to avoid an ice age in 20,000 years is like setting your furnace to full blast in summer because you know winter will eventually arrive.

Overheating the earth now to avoid an ice age in 20,000 years is like setting your furnace to full blast in summer because you know winter will eventually arrive.

If I knew winter was going to kill half the population or more, you bet your ass I'd set my furnace to full blast.

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