Gitmo prisoner who NEVER stood trial finally released

Serious question, do you think if we left the ME and ISIS, AQ, etc alone they would leave us alone?
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Then there's no possible reason Iran should be developing and performing ballistic missile tests shortly after the sanctions were over.

Iran Shoots a Hole in the Nuclear Deal
By stepping back, defending ourselves when attacks come, by not attacking either economically or militarily, or with verbal nonsense, trying to portray Islam as the enemy and so on.

So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?
Wouldn't have attacked in first place had we not committed economic terrorism against them. Course I am sure you know NOTHING nor care anything about that. Its ALWAYS the US is good and right and everyone we attack is bad.

You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Then there's no possible reason Iran should be developing and performing ballistic missile tests shortly after the sanctions were over.

Iran Shoots a Hole in the Nuclear Deal
You seem to think the US has ANY RIGHT to tell Iran what they can or can not do...silly silly people.
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Iran uses proxies to assured they are funding and attacking
As does the US and have for A LOT longer than Iran or anyone else. Iran learned from the best!
No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Then there's no possible reason Iran should be developing and performing ballistic missile tests shortly after the sanctions were over.

Iran Shoots a Hole in the Nuclear Deal
You seem to think the US has ANY RIGHT to tell Iran what they can or can not do...silly silly people.
Who is "you" dufus....? Your friend Obama thinks he has the right. And the stupid fuck thinks it's working.
By stepping back, defending ourselves when attacks come, by not attacking either economically or militarily, or with verbal nonsense, trying to portray Islam as the enemy and so on.

So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.

So you don't know how to stop them. I'll clue you in, you can't.

So, if you can't stop them all the time, then you might just want to make sure they don't target you then.

The Latin Americans don't have a problem with ISIS, do they? They don't need to stop ISIS. Why?

The State Department says Islamic terrorist groups are penetrating the Latin America region. Did you know this?

The State Department has said a lot of things.

Post-Saddam Iraq

"Mr. Chairman, President Bush is determined to see Iraq disarmed of its weapons of mass destruction. "

Yep, they said this, in 2003.

Even when they knew that Saddam didn't have WMDs at this time, they still pretended they thought he did.

Also, how are they "penetrating"? This is one of those terms that can mean anything. It could mean one of them went on holiday to do salsa dancing for a couple of weeks.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Serious question, do you think if we left the ME and ISIS, AQ, etc alone they would leave us alone?
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

You need to "rewind" centuries to find the beginning of Islamic terrorism

And when you do, you'll find the problem.

Afghanistan. The British were there and the locals couldn't beat the British Army in normal warfare, so they took up Jihad because this was the only way to get close to the British in terms of fighting.

Egypt. The British were there.

Sudan. The British were there.

Iraq. The British made Iraq and gave them a Saudi as a king, who they didn't want and got rid of.

Nigeria. The British were there.

Malaysia (Straits Settlement). The British were there.

Syria, a little different, the French were there.

I could go on and on and on, and it all turns out to be that the Muslims in their own countries were a little annoyed that they were being controlled by the British and the French, for ages.

Then the US came along post WW2, Israel was made, essentially, by the British, the Americans back Israel up.

Then came Lebanon, Somalia, Iran, Iraq (at the same time while they were fighting each other) and many other places the US decided to interfere in.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Serious question, do you think if we left the ME and ISIS, AQ, etc alone they would leave us alone?
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.

Only one country has ever used a nuclear bomb on a city.

Surely that's one area you wouldn't want with nukes.

It's the USA, in case you don't know your history.
In 1997, a U.S. Department of Defense report stated, “the data show a strong correlation between U.S. involvement abroad and an increase in terrorist attacks against the U.S.” Truth is, the only way America can win the “War On Terror” is if it stops giving terrorists the motivation and the resources to attack America. Terrorism is the symptom; American imperialism in the Middle East is the cancer. Put simply, the War on Terror is terrorism; only, it is conducted on a much larger scale by people with jets and missiles.

Well I can promise you that we could leave them alone and they are still going to attack....they've been doing it for centuries

Have they been attacking the US for centuries?
Hmm ISIS and AQ... 2 groups who fight with weapons we gave them. Sure let's go back in there. I wonder what the next crazy group to pop up will be afterwards? What we don't have to wonder about... is who they will have gotten their weapons from.

No, apparently we are too busy wasting our time using our troops as advisors to the Iraqi military there. If you are looking for where you may find possible weapons filtering in, try Iran as we seem to have reduced sanctions there in seeing them as being less of a threat.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Iran uses proxies to assured they are funding and attacking

So does the USA.
Let us rewind to the 50's when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and helped a brutal dictator come to forward 20 years and the revolution happens....again the US should have stayed out because its a completely different world over there and it causes US nothing but problems in the long run.

That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Then there's no possible reason Iran should be developing and performing ballistic missile tests shortly after the sanctions were over.

Iran Shoots a Hole in the Nuclear Deal
You seem to think the US has ANY RIGHT to tell Iran what they can or can not do...silly silly people.
Who is "you" dufus....? Your friend Obama thinks he has the right. And the stupid fuck thinks it's working.
Obama is a moron and an amateur. He is no different than Bush.
That's one region that doesn't deserve to be playing around with enriching uranium, their "history" proves that. Cutting a deal with Iran is a mistake democrats are going to have to live with when they become an even bigger more powerful threat to the region.
Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 300 years,The US is a bully with an inferiority complex or needle dick syndrome that makes it need to prove itself every 2 or 3 years but getting innocent men and women killed for the industrial military complex and big business to get rich.

Then there's no possible reason Iran should be developing and performing ballistic missile tests shortly after the sanctions were over.

Iran Shoots a Hole in the Nuclear Deal
You seem to think the US has ANY RIGHT to tell Iran what they can or can not do...silly silly people.
Who is "you" dufus....? Your friend Obama thinks he has the right. And the stupid fuck thinks it's working.
Obama is a moron and an amateur. He is no different than Bush.

Amateur? He gets paid for what he's doing. That's not an Amateur.
So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?
Wouldn't have attacked in first place had we not committed economic terrorism against them. Course I am sure you know NOTHING nor care anything about that. Its ALWAYS the US is good and right and everyone we attack is bad.

You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

It would take a long time. But yes, within 50 years the US wouldn't have problems.

Question. When was the last time Latin America got bombed by ISIS?

So for 50 years we deal with them? How?

By stepping back, defending ourselves when attacks come, by not attacking either economically or militarily, or with verbal nonsense, trying to portray Islam as the enemy and so on.

So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?

How many times has San Marino attacked since 1945? Oh, must have been because Japan was nuked. Or maybe since 1945 Japan has been a US ally.

Jeez, what an argument.
So for 50 years we deal with them? How?

By stepping back, defending ourselves when attacks come, by not attacking either economically or militarily, or with verbal nonsense, trying to portray Islam as the enemy and so on.

So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?

How many times has San Marino attacked since 1945? Oh, must have been because Japan was nuked. Or maybe since 1945 Japan has been a US ally.

Jeez, what an argument.
So then, Islamic states are about to become our allies? Weirdo gots da brain freeze...yo.
By stepping back, defending ourselves when attacks come, by not attacking either economically or militarily, or with verbal nonsense, trying to portray Islam as the enemy and so on.

So we wait for them to attack us? How will we stop these attacks?

You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?

How many times has San Marino attacked since 1945? Oh, must have been because Japan was nuked. Or maybe since 1945 Japan has been a US ally.

Jeez, what an argument.
So then, Islamic states are about to become our allies? Weirdo gots da brain freeze...yo.

Japan saw American might and wisely decided it's better to join us then oppose us
You're waiting anyway. How do you stop them? Maybe sometimes you won't stop them.

Saying that, the chances of there being anywhere near as many deaths from these attacks as people who died in Iraq is almost nil.

You reap what you sow, the seeds have been sown, you'll have to accept that some lives will be lost because of this. However, more lives will be saved by doing this, than by attacking, which will just lead to more anger, more attacks from future generations.
How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?
Wouldn't have attacked in first place had we not committed economic terrorism against them. Course I am sure you know NOTHING nor care anything about that. Its ALWAYS the US is good and right and everyone we attack is bad.

You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

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