Gitmo prisoner who NEVER stood trial finally released

How many times has Japan attacked us since we nuked their ass?
Wouldn't have attacked in first place had we not committed economic terrorism against them. Course I am sure you know NOTHING nor care anything about that. Its ALWAYS the US is good and right and everyone we attack is bad.

You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Serious question, do you think if we left the ME and ISIS, AQ, etc alone they would leave us alone?



The reason the fuck with us is that we have been fucking with them since 1949.

Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
Wouldn't have attacked in first place had we not committed economic terrorism against them. Course I am sure you know NOTHING nor care anything about that. Its ALWAYS the US is good and right and everyone we attack is bad.

You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.
Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
You have no idea what caused the war with Japan. That much is obvious.
The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor — and Global Economic Havoc
Read for yourself.

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
so, basically, we need to get the fuck out of the UN and shit. That's what I just gathered from this thread.
Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!

Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
What you posted is the VICTORS condensed bullshit version of history. What I posted was a RESEARCHED book by an author that did his job and wrote a book on the entire thing. I have come to the conclusion MOST people are to damn scared to be fully awakened because its not fun it pisses you off...I won't stop trying I will post links and express my views and even if one person clicks one link or does just a TINY bit of their own research it was not in vain
Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
Hogwash, learn real history and not some bunk in a book someone dreamed up.
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Who gives a fuck.. Cry me a river. To bad dude didn't come out in a body bag

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
What you posted is the VICTORS condensed bullshit version of history. What I posted was a RESEARCHED book by an author that did his job and wrote a book on the entire thing. I have come to the conclusion MOST people are to damn scared to be fully awakened because its not fun it pisses you off...I won't stop trying I will post links and express my views and even if one person clicks one link or does just a TINY bit of their own research it was not in vain

I'm tired of dealing with you, learn history and stop reading cheap spy novels
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Obama did all of it.
At the same time...why not post up what the guy did?
Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
Lol you do realize authors have to do RESEARCH and usually to get published have to include sources of their information? I guarantee you his sources are from the governments own archives.

Ah the mind of the typical low info voter....can't just be republicans anymore since Hillary is just as much of a war monger as Bush was.

The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
What you posted is the VICTORS condensed bullshit version of history. What I posted was a RESEARCHED book by an author that did his job and wrote a book on the entire thing. I have come to the conclusion MOST people are to damn scared to be fully awakened because its not fun it pisses you off...I won't stop trying I will post links and express my views and even if one person clicks one link or does just a TINY bit of their own research it was not in vain

I'm tired of dealing with you, learn history and stop reading cheap spy novels
Stay willfully ignorant dear. Its a sad life to lead but its comfortable to never have to question anything just nod your head and fall in line like a good sheeple.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Obama did all of it.
At the same time...why not post up what the guy did?
Is it not in the link? Obviously he didn't do a damn thing since he was never brought to ANY kind of trial.
so, basically, we need to get the fuck out of the UN and shit. That's what I just gathered from this thread.
Works for me but even without the UN the USA does its own damn invasions etc.
were we invading other nations(without fighting for OUR security) before we started joining globalist groups? Hell man, if we weren't worried about other nations, we wouldn't have the CIA in the first place.
Da Jews....
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
The war with Japan was due to Japanese aggression in East Asia which led to an oil embargo by the US, Britain and Netherlands West Indies. It was crippling Japan's quest to build their empire and their economy. They chose war....we kicked their ass. True story
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
What you posted is the VICTORS condensed bullshit version of history. What I posted was a RESEARCHED book by an author that did his job and wrote a book on the entire thing. I have come to the conclusion MOST people are to damn scared to be fully awakened because its not fun it pisses you off...I won't stop trying I will post links and express my views and even if one person clicks one link or does just a TINY bit of their own research it was not in vain

I'm tired of dealing with you, learn history and stop reading cheap spy novels
Stay willfully ignorant dear. Its a sad life to lead but its comfortable to never have to question anything just nod your head and fall in line like a good sheeple.

Like I said,learn history and I'm not your "dear" knock that shit off right now.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.

Obama did all of it.
At the same time...why not post up what the guy did?
Is it not in the link? Obviously he didn't do a damn thing since he was never brought to ANY kind of trial.

That is one helluva an assumption
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.
Is his head still attached to his body?

He got off easy, then. Fuck off, you piece of shit.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.
Is his head still attached to his body?

He got off easy, then. Fuck off, you piece of shit.
Aw a Jew doesn't think an INNOCENT MAN deserves to go free...
I always said do what you are best at..staying willfully ignorant is your forte so keep at it!
Why are so many people so willing to accept the victors version of history and not research for themselves? Its truly amazing.

Dude you need to stop, what I posted is the history, you posted some conspiracy theory. You must have slept through basic high school history classes
What you posted is the VICTORS condensed bullshit version of history. What I posted was a RESEARCHED book by an author that did his job and wrote a book on the entire thing. I have come to the conclusion MOST people are to damn scared to be fully awakened because its not fun it pisses you off...I won't stop trying I will post links and express my views and even if one person clicks one link or does just a TINY bit of their own research it was not in vain

I'm tired of dealing with you, learn history and stop reading cheap spy novels
Stay willfully ignorant dear. Its a sad life to lead but its comfortable to never have to question anything just nod your head and fall in line like a good sheeple.

Like I said,learn history and I'm not your "dear" knock that shit off right now.
Poor little thing. Thing is unless its "history" you approve of or better yet what the government has told you to believe in you don't believe it so why bother DEAR! :)
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.
Is his head still attached to his body?

He got off easy, then. Fuck off, you piece of shit.
Aw a Jew doesn't think an INNOCENT MAN deserves to go free...
He did go free.
Gitmo prisoner cleared for release after 14 years in prison

And you warmongers among us WONDER why we are so fucking hated? How about shit like this? How about propping up dictators and then sending them foreign aid? How about arming terrorist groups? How about bombing hospitals,homes,schools and using drones to murder citizens? Trump needs to END this shit with ISIS and get the fuck out of Iraq and Syria and let them mind their own damn business. PERIOD.
Is his head still attached to his body?

He got off easy, then. Fuck off, you piece of shit.
Aw a Jew doesn't think an INNOCENT MAN deserves to go free...
He did go free.
Oh yes after 14 years.....he did nothing wrong he should have been released within 6 months or hey lets actually get some REAL EVIDENCE of a crime before torturing and kidnapping an innocent person.
Spot On for the most part. However i'm a Trump supporter, and i know he won't end this Permanent War. Permanent War benefits the few wealthy & powerful Globalist Elites. Their plundering of foreign lands for more money and power isn't gonna end. They'll always invent a new Boogeyman for the Sheeple to hate & fear. ISIS for example, is obviously a US/West/Saudi creation. It was created to kill Assad in Syria. But most Americans can't or won't acknowledge that.

And you can even go back decades and research how Al Qaeda was created. The Globalist Elites love chaos. It all = more money & power for them. My advice to Americans would be to discourage their children from joining the Military. They'll only be sent to die to make some Elites richer. It makes me very sad saying that, but it is the ugly reality.

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