Giuliani May Get Disbarred! Maybe Can Defend Himself, "Let's Do Trial By Combat(?)!" It's All The Rage, Now(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hello From Law and Order, so far: The New York Bar Association. Anyone hopes that the House of Representatives will create a Standing Impeachment Committee, drawing in complaints for investigation--then maybe by a Special Counsel. Anyone can call it, "Orderly Procedure's Revenge!" Giuliani will get to face that brand of far more orderly mob rule: Entirely likely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)
Yeah, the backlash is proving painful for those that tried to pull the coup off.
Hello From Law and Order, so far: The New York Bar Association. Anyone hopes that the House of Representatives will create a Standing Impeachment Committee, drawing in complaints for investigation--then maybe by a Special Counsel. Anyone can call it, "Orderly Procedure's Revenge!" Giuliani will get to face that brand of far more orderly mob rule: Entirely likely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)
no its not,, dems are cowards and use government force to gain their objectives,,,
And so an, "Oops! as usual," actually posted, "Trial By Combat Of The Hour," award goes to progressive hunter poster!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)
And so an, "Oops! as usual," actually posted, "Trial By Combat Of The Hour," award goes to progressive hunter poster!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)
now thats some funny shit coming from cowards that spent the last 4 yrs attacking innocent people in their homes,,,
Hello From Law and Order, so far: The New York Bar Association. Anyone hopes that the House of Representatives will create a Standing Impeachment Committee, drawing in complaints for investigation--then maybe by a Special Counsel. Anyone can call it, "Orderly Procedure's Revenge!" Giuliani will get to face that brand of far more orderly mob rule: Entirely likely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)
Please leave Giuliani alone. He is about as effective a lawyer for Trump as a dead cat, but he will be defending Trump against his second impeachment, so we want him to stay in that role. Bigly!!!
Hello From Law and Order, so far: The New York Bar Association. Anyone hopes that the House of Representatives will create a Standing Impeachment Committee, drawing in complaints for investigation--then maybe by a Special Counsel. Anyone can call it, "Orderly Procedure's Revenge!" Giuliani will get to face that brand of far more orderly mob rule: Entirely likely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)

Great news! I just read that. With great care and deliberate effort....everyone of these traitors need to pay dearly. And I am sure they will!

Scum among Scum
Then explain to illiterate poser, progressive hunter, that all these will be procedural, and so not, "Trial By Combat:" Kind of like an admission of guilt via some personal pardon(?)! The act of placement of oneself above the law exists in both concepts--pardon and guns-drawn duels!

Alexander Hamilton knew about duels, even! School wrestling teams even know about duels, but allowed within the sport procedures. Football can be construed as sissy combat, per illiterate poser, progressive hunter.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(After the first 1000 years post-Fables, the Holy Father applied the rules of the Christian Kingdom--Matt 25: 14-30--to baby abandonment. Safe Haven Baby Abandonment locations are again even legal in some Red States, another 1000 Protestant years later. Seems in matter one: That the blessed were being tossed into the Tiber River--True Believer kind of stuff!)

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