Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Guilliani goon can say anything what’s he wants to say...... Idiot dumb ignorant Americans like you will just swallow it without any questions.

Where and when did Yavanovitch commit corruption aside lies coming from corrupt a henchmen Guilliani?

Since when a personal lawyer running around trying to discredit a 33 year career diplomat?
Since when that is acceptable?

Well you assholes do have a suspension of reality problem...with you it is getting terminal!

At the hearing just about every witness blasted and trashed Goouliani. Not a single Republicans or witness support that asshole.
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Creating it, maybe.

Uncovering? You can't do that with something that doesn't exist.
This shit did not just come about...Burisma, Biden, NABU,
money laundering from the UNB, etc....

This has been in the Ukraine news since 2014
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Corrupt? Well thats a new one. Because before the only accusation Trumpsters had against her was that she supposedly didn't like Trump.

She testified before Congress and not a single defender of Trump brought up anything to justify her being removed from her post.

Tell me, do you seriously belive every word Juliani says?
Top Ukrainian justice official says US ambassador gave him a do not prosecute list ...
... that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting. ... were frequent visitors of the U.S. Embassy put a shadow on that anti-corruption policy.".

Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian ...
Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian Officials to Enter US —
Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian Officials to Enter US — ... Marie Yovanovitch,denied Ukrainian officials visas to enter the United States. The Ukranian officials wanted to hand over to Trump administration officials, evidence of the.

Yovanovitch Emailed With Dem Staffer After Whistleblower Complaint, Contradicting Under-Oath Testimony

Yovanovitch Emailed With Dem Staffer After Whistleblower Complaint

Lying to Congress – Marie Yovanovitch Was Prepped by Obama ...

Representative Elise Stefanik brought to light interesting information today surrounding how the Obama administration was concerned about issues surrounding Vice-President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and his connection to a corrupt Ukraine.

Judicial Watch: Obama's Ukraine Ambassador May Have ...

Yovanovitch is a long-tenured bureaucrat who served as the U.S. ambassador for Kyrgyzstan and Armenia before being appointed to her post by former President Barack Obama in 2016. She was removed from her position as Ambassador in May, but still lingers.

Dissecting Marie Yovanovitch’s Disgraceful Opening Statement’s...

Dissecting Marie Yovanovitch’s Disgraceful Opening Statement ... Conflating her corrupt activities with the honorable service of those Iranian hostages in 1979-80 is disgraceful. Y: And we are Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Patrick Smith, Ty Woods, and.

Need more?

Yes I need more.

I want you to give me a link from a well known media. Not from an UNKNOWN media that catered only to your own kinds.

In short your link is nothing more than a cow dung.
Here is MORE....

EXCLUSIVE: Watch the unraveling of the biggest political scandal in US history. Travel with OAN’s Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani to Budapest and Kiev to capture explosive first-hand interviews with key Ukrainian officials highlighting DNC collaborated foreign interference into the 2016 presidential election. Hear the shocking first hand testimony of former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin on why he was fired and what corruption he uncovered.

Watch all 3 parts FREE below.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

From OAN? Bull fucking shit dude.

Get the fuck outta here?
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Creating it, maybe.

Uncovering? You can't do that with something that doesn't exist.
This shit did not just come about...Burisma, Biden, NABU,
money laundering from the UNB, etc....

This has been in the Ukraine news since 2014
Highly doubtful.
The president accuses Hunter Biden and his lap dog repeats the conspiracy theory. The problem is he has no evidence, What he has is two so called witnesses that agree with his conspiracy theory. In fact, one of them, Andrii Derkach is credited with creating it.

The whole purpose is to convince voters that Biden is guilty of something although they haven't decide what that might be. What do you bet that if it looks link someone else is going capture the nomination, the conspiracy theory will engulf the nominee and possible even the whole democratic party. That's the great thing about conspiracy theories. Unlike real evidence that would convince a grand jury to levy charges, a conspiracy theory is always flexible and can be changed as needed.
When Trump was accused of Russian Collusion and later Ukrainn Quid Pro Quo, the Democrats demanded that Trump unilaterally give up financial records.

Should Biden do the same?

Biden tax returns are available.

Trump tax returns are not available and he is hiding it because he is fucking corrupt. Any questions?

You have no single ioata of cow dung of evidence the Biden are corrupt except from conspiracy crap creator by John Solomon embrace by this lousy POTUS.

If this goes to court Trump and his gangster has to prove this big time. Biden should sue these fuckers.
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Creating it, maybe.

Uncovering? You can't do that with something that doesn't exist.
This shit did not just come about...Burisma, Biden, NABU,
money laundering from the UNB, etc....

This has been in the Ukraine news since 2014
Highly doubtful.
Dude, the parliament added amendments to laws to allow Lutsenko
to become PG...he does not have a law degree nor had experience

the Ukrainian parliament voted on Thursday afternoon to support amendments to legislation allowing a person to hold the public prosecutor's post without a law degree.

Earlier, the relevant law said that the nominee must have a law degree and work experience in the field of law of at least 10 years.

This was an article from 2016

Read more on UNIAN: Lutsenko appointed prosecutor general in Ukraine

Biden demands to dismiss Shokin - the people's deputy


Now, if you are not satisfied with the timeline
I can provide articles from Ukraine to corroborate

Here are some other articles as well...

Hmmm, my, my, odd

I have 100's of Ukraine articles bookmarked
that I translated into English using Google

As I'm pulling up the articles they reverted back to Ukraine/Russian
and when I try to use Google translate a page appears saying
Error, this page is no longer available


I will find a way to get these here
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network




Money funneled through Burisma
ended up in the hands of Hillary

If Hunter put his hand in the cookie jar
it was after the fact....
I believe he was put in Burisma to cover for Hillary
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network




Money funneled through Burisma
ended up in the hands of Hillary

If Hunter put his hand in the cookie jar
it was after the fact....
I believe he was put in Burisma to cover for Hillary

You are confusing me. Which sides are you in?
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network




Money funneled through Burisma
ended up in the hands of Hillary

If Hunter put his hand in the cookie jar
it was after the fact....
I believe he was put in Burisma to cover for Hillary

You are confusing me. Which sides are you in?
What do you mean?
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Creating it, maybe.

Uncovering? You can't do that with something that doesn't exist.
This shit did not just come about...Burisma, Biden, NABU,
money laundering from the UNB, etc....

This has been in the Ukraine news since 2014
Highly doubtful.
Dude, the parliament added amendments to laws to allow Lutsenko
to become PG...he does not have a law degree nor had experience

the Ukrainian parliament voted on Thursday afternoon to support amendments to legislation allowing a person to hold the public prosecutor's post without a law degree.

Earlier, the relevant law said that the nominee must have a law degree and work experience in the field of law of at least 10 years.

This was an article from 2016

Read more on UNIAN: Lutsenko appointed prosecutor general in Ukraine

Biden demands to dismiss Shokin - the people's deputy


Now, if you are not satisfied with the timeline
I can provide articles from Ukraine to corroborate

Here are some other articles as well...

Hmmm, my, my, odd

I have 100's of Ukraine articles bookmarked
that I translated into English using Google

As I'm pulling up the articles they reverted back to Ukraine/Russian
and when I try to use Google translate a page appears saying
Error, this page is no longer available


I will find a way to get these here
None of that has anything to do with Joe Biden or his son.

You're spinning fantasies.
Money funneled through Burisma
ended up in the hands of Hillary

...Yep, you are keeping shit really real :rolleyes:

Hillary? Geezus, just when you think you’ve heard it all.
Victor Pinchuk was part of the money laundering scheme
and donated $29 million dollars of stolen money
to the Clinton Foundation

We have 10 years of Clinton's personal tax returns. There are no transfers from the Clinton Foundation, on the contrary, Clinton donated millions to the Foundation.

On the other hand with have Trump's foundation which was spending money on legal fees for Trump's other business, $10,000 portraits of Trump, has not recieved a penny from Trump in a decade and was told by the state to cease and desist it's corrupt activities.

So WTF are you talking about?
Last edited:
We have 10 years of Clinton's personal tax returns. There are no transfers from the Clinton Foundation, on the contrary, Clinton donated millions to the Foundation.


Yeah, they donated money to their own foundation
they could write off and keep.

As far as the rest, what can I say other than I don't care.
Trump was not selling out our country
"Sens. Johnson, Grassley and Graham ask five former Obama admin officials for records and interviews regarding Burisma and Hunter Biden"

Rudy Giuliani is under investigation for his criminal activities in Ukraine.

I don't think it is a coincidence he suddenly felt the need to rush to Ukraine. He has to cover his tracks.

This other bullshit is just a massive smokescreen while he tries to cover up his criminal activities.

I wonder when corruption-busting Comrade Trump is going to call Zelensky to ask for help looking into Rudy's crimes? Hmmmmm...
Ukrainian gas executive cooperating in US probe of Giuliani

Federal prosecutors are planning to interview an executive with Ukraine’s state-owned gas company as part of an ongoing probe into the business dealings of Rudy Giuliani and two of his Soviet-born business associates.

Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating the business dealings of Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, including whether he failed to register as a foreign agent, according to people familiar with the probe. The people were not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Giuliani’s close associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were arrested last month at an airport outside Washington while trying to board a flight to Europe with one-way tickets. They were later indicted by federal prosecutors on charges of conspiracy, making false statements and falsification of records.

One big happy crime family:



Rudy Giuliani is under investigation for his criminal activities in Ukraine.

I don't think it is a coincidence he suddenly felt the need to rush to Ukraine. He has to cover his tracks.

This other bullshit is just a massive smokescreen while he tries to cover up his criminal activities.

I wonder when corruption-busting Comrade Trump is going to call Zelensky to ask for help looking into Rudy's crimes? Hmmmmm...

Cart > Horse.

Great job there ChiCom bot!
I wonder if the tards will ever figure out they have no moral legs to stand on. They voluntarily amputated them at the hip, for a pervert they worship.

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