Giuliani’s son makes $100k working as White House “sports liaison”.

I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House

So, he's not making millions at a foreign country that gets US taxpayer dollars based on what his dad orders.

Got it.

You are really stupid aren't you...

The OP made a false equivalency, but nonetheless, raises a good point. Why does the White House need a Sport Liaison?
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House

Wow, $95,000 per year. Get back to us when he starts making $50,000 - $80,000 per month.

Regardless, sounds like a bullshit job to me. Why does the White House need a Sports Liaison?

Why did Burisma need an unskilled slug on the board?

Why don't you ask them? We're talking about our government, not Ukraine's.

Sucking up American tax dollars.....
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
OMG!!! In Washington DC $95,000 is like making $45,000 anywhere else. You have to make $100,000 just to pay all of the taxes.

He is tramps personal assistant, and its our tax dollars paying his arse.

Reggie Love and Harry Hopkins come to mind as previous personal assistants to presidents.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
OMG!!! In Washington DC $95,000 is like making $45,000 anywhere else. You have to make $100,000 just to pay all of the taxes.

He is tramps personal assistant, and its our tax dollars paying his arse.
We should be grateful that White House sports is in safe hands and the president gets the correct scores.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
OMG!!! In Washington DC $95,000 is like making $45,000 anywhere else. You have to make $100,000 just to pay all of the taxes.

He is tramps personal assistant, and its our tax dollars paying his arse.
Trump drastically cut the WH staff from Obama regime numbers, saving us a ton of money.

I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House

So, he's not making millions at a foreign country that gets US taxpayer dollars based on what his dad orders.

Got it.

You are really stupid aren't you...

The OP made a false equivalency, but nonetheless, raises a good point. Why does the White House need a Sport Liaison?

I agree the job is ridiculous. In my opinion most federal jobs should be eliminated.
Dem thread FAIL #1,249 I feel like joining the Dem's team for a while so they don't appear so pathetic.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House

I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House

Trumps daughter works at the WH.

Her husband works at the WH.

Rudy’s son works at the WH.

Barr’s son in law works at the WH.

Barr’s dtr works at the treasury.

Trumps sons do foreign business.

His dtr is getting Chinese patents and Saudi grants.

But the focus in on Joes son, Hunter Biden

Yeah, but how many of them found themselves on the wrong end of a drug dealers gun or with a crack pipe in their car? How many of them have been let go due to substance abuse?
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
At least he's working in the White House and doesn't work for two foreign counties raking in millions per year......

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a private company, in the Ukraine, and his investment first did consulting work for Burisma in addition to his board position, and for a private investment company in China. He was not working for any government entity. Private company jobs pay better than the government work.

I know that Trump keep claiming that Hunter Biden was unqualified and a lout, but that's not true. He's a lawyer who has worked in business and investment all of his life. Yes, he's had drug poblems. Few families are immune to that stuff these days. It's not like he's Eric Trump, who ripped of St. Judes' children hospital and was investigated for fraud because of it! Trump's brother died of alcoholism so Trump has no room to speak.

Actually after the false investigation by the Russian they needed to repair there reputation so they hired not just Hunter but also the ex Polish President... This give investors confidence that there is a friendly face on the board and give them more trust.

People can complain about this or not but it is fairly standard business... GW Bush was a director of the The Carlyle Group and what did he know about financial services... I work in a Pharmaceutical company everyday and I know next to nothing about medical drugs, don't need work in that department.

Hunter was probably there to increase confidence and get investors..
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
Chelsea Clinton has made tens of millions of dollars and more and is not very bright. JFK's daughter is not bright either. In fact there are many children of politicians and government who are not to quick in the brain department but have made out quite well in life. And African Americans are into this big time also.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
At least he's working in the White House and doesn't work for two foreign counties raking in millions per year......

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a private company, in the Ukraine, and his investment first did consulting work for Burisma in addition to his board position, and for a private investment company in China. He was not working for any government entity. Private company jobs pay better than the government work.

I know that Trump keep claiming that Hunter Biden was unqualified and a lout, but that's not true. He's a lawyer who has worked in business and investment all of his life. Yes, he's had drug poblems. Few families are immune to that stuff these days. It's not like he's Eric Trump, who ripped of St. Judes' children hospital and was investigated for fraud because of it! Trump's brother died of alcoholism so Trump has no room to speak.

Actually after the false investigation by the Russian they needed to repair there reputation so they hired not just Hunter but also the ex Polish President... This give investors confidence that there is a friendly face on the board and give them more trust.

People can complain about this or not but it is fairly standard business... GW Bush was a director of the The Carlyle Group and what did he know about financial services... I work in a Pharmaceutical company everyday and I know next to nothing about medical drugs, don't need work in that department.

Hunter was probably there to increase confidence and get investors..

And nothing attracts investors and gives confidence more than a drug addict kicked out of the military, and attended rehab three times.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
Chelsea Clinton has made tens of millions of dollars and more and is not very bright. JFK's daughter is not bright either. In fact there are many children of politicians and government who are not to quick in the brain department but have made out quite well in life. And African Americans are into this big time also.

Where is your proof Chelsea Clinton is not very bright... She has a masters degree from Oxford...
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
At least he's working in the White House and doesn't work for two foreign counties raking in millions per year......

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a private company, in the Ukraine, and his investment first did consulting work for Burisma in addition to his board position, and for a private investment company in China. He was not working for any government entity. Private company jobs pay better than the government work.

I know that Trump keep claiming that Hunter Biden was unqualified and a lout, but that's not true. He's a lawyer who has worked in business and investment all of his life. Yes, he's had drug poblems. Few families are immune to that stuff these days. It's not like he's Eric Trump, who ripped of St. Judes' children hospital and was investigated for fraud because of it! Trump's brother died of alcoholism so Trump has no room to speak.

Actually after the false investigation by the Russian they needed to repair there reputation so they hired not just Hunter but also the ex Polish President... This give investors confidence that there is a friendly face on the board and give them more trust.

People can complain about this or not but it is fairly standard business... GW Bush was a director of the The Carlyle Group and what did he know about financial services... I work in a Pharmaceutical company everyday and I know next to nothing about medical drugs, don't need work in that department.

Hunter was probably there to increase confidence and get investors..

And nothing attracts investors and gives confidence more than a drug addict kicked out of the military, and attended rehab three times.

Ray it is not you they are trying to impress you... He is a known name and they wanted that...
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
At least he's working in the White House and doesn't work for two foreign counties raking in millions per year......

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a private company, in the Ukraine, and his investment first did consulting work for Burisma in addition to his board position, and for a private investment company in China. He was not working for any government entity. Private company jobs pay better than the government work.

I know that Trump keep claiming that Hunter Biden was unqualified and a lout, but that's not true. He's a lawyer who has worked in business and investment all of his life. Yes, he's had drug poblems. Few families are immune to that stuff these days. It's not like he's Eric Trump, who ripped of St. Judes' children hospital and was investigated for fraud because of it! Trump's brother died of alcoholism so Trump has no room to speak.
The fuck up that is Slow Joe and his fucked up piece of shit spawn have zero credibility in the real world...
Why the fuck should you care you being a Canuck and all?
Shut the fuck up you old rag... lol

My family has lived in North America since before either Canada or the USA existed. I have a lot of family and friends living on both sides of the border. The USA is our largest trading partner, and whatever happens to the USA economically generally happens to us too.

Our recession wasn't nearly as bad as yours as our banks are more heavily regulated and we don't allow our banks to lend of get involved in sub-prime mortgages or derrivatives here. Finance minister, Paul Martin, refused to deregulate Canadian banks in 1999 when the US relaxed their regulations regarding sub-prime mortgages and derrivatives, and that refusal saved our economy when yours crashed.

Trump is a danger to the USA, and the rest of the world too, and the idea of US senators parrotting Russian propaganda must have Putin dancing with glee.
I’m sure he was the most qualified candidate and didn’t land a bogus White House job based on his dad being Trunps lawyer .

White People Affirmative Action!

Rudy Giuliani's son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
At least he's working in the White House and doesn't work for two foreign counties raking in millions per year......

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a private company, in the Ukraine, and his investment first did consulting work for Burisma in addition to his board position, and for a private investment company in China. He was not working for any government entity. Private company jobs pay better than the government work.

I know that Trump keep claiming that Hunter Biden was unqualified and a lout, but that's not true. He's a lawyer who has worked in business and investment all of his life. Yes, he's had drug poblems. Few families are immune to that stuff these days. It's not like he's Eric Trump, who ripped of St. Judes' children hospital and was investigated for fraud because of it! Trump's brother died of alcoholism so Trump has no room to speak.

Actually after the false investigation by the Russian they needed to repair there reputation so they hired not just Hunter but also the ex Polish President... This give investors confidence that there is a friendly face on the board and give them more trust.

People can complain about this or not but it is fairly standard business... GW Bush was a director of the The Carlyle Group and what did he know about financial services... I work in a Pharmaceutical company everyday and I know next to nothing about medical drugs, don't need work in that department.

Hunter was probably there to increase confidence and get investors..

And nothing attracts investors and gives confidence more than a drug addict kicked out of the military, and attended rehab three times.

Ray it is not you they are trying to impress you... He is a known name and they wanted that...

Or they wanted a favor. An email obtained using the FOIA displayed Berisma using Hunters name to curry favor with the State Department for meetings. That's just what we know about.

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