Give Me A Break: Holocaust Survivors Grandchildren Call For Action Over Inherited Trauma

You made the argument that any idea of collective guilt is based on racism.
As a German, you of all people should know better than this.

You do not know anything about my background, and you are violating the rules of this forum, launching a personal attack.

My citizenship and background are irrelevant. Only my arguments count.

And no, I do not believe in any inherited guilt, shame or punishment.
If somebody believes that Germans, who were born after WWII, have some inherited "guilt", then he is just a German-Hater and a racist.

And BTW, I've lived in Germany, in Rheinland, for a long time now.

That is also irrelevant.

So, no, I am not invoking Godwin's law. YOU decided to jump into a thread started by a known Jew-hater in USMB.

To call somebody a "hater" is childish. It is just your personal opinion, you have to debunk the arguments of your opponents, instead of calling names.

I think that you are a German-Hater and a Zionist, but this is irrelevant in a discussion.
Even German-Haters and Zionists can have valid arguments, but you do not have any arguments, you do not even try to debunk the arguments of your opponents, you are just calling names, and that is childish.

Nice meltdown!!

I broke no rules here, you are just plain old butthurt because you are a Jew-Hater and I called you out on it.
No, I am not a German-hater. Quite the opposite. I just can't stand anti-semitic sludge like you.

So, auf in die Schlacht!! Viel Spaß, wirst du ja gut gebrauchen, Sportsfreund.
EU Parliament Holds Seminar to Discuss Welfare of Jewish Holocaust Hoaxers


A top priority of the EU is to ensure that Jews promoting lampshade and soap fairy tales are living well.

The European Parliament has shown the world once again that they are corrupted by Jewish influence. They have actually decided to hold a seminar to discuss the welfare of Jewish Holocaust hoaxers.

Why should any one care about a bunch of lying Jews who continually make up absurd fantasies and fairy tales about events that never happened?


A daylong seminar entitled “Living with Dignity” was held on Tuesday at the European Parliament in Brussels, focusing on the experiences and current affairs of European Holocaust survivors and the restitution of stolen property.

The event was hosted by Dutch European Parliament Member Bastiaan Belder of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR). MEP Belder is the vice chair of the delegation for relations with Israel at the European Parliament and an avid fighter against anti-Semitism in Europe.

...what's the difference between this and blacks demanding reparations for slavery (they never knew) and a free tax payer 'ride'?
I broke no rules here...

I have never told anything about my parents or family members in this forum, but you talk about my supposed background, and imply that I have to be ashamed or feel guilty because of my parents, family members, speak because of my background.

You imply that you know something about me, that I myself try to hide.

That is not permitted by the rules of this forum.

... you are a Jew-Hater and I called you out on it.

Well, I believe that you are a German-Hater, but this is irrelevant.
Even Jew-Haters or German-Haters can have valid arguments.
Do you have valid arguments, or are you going to call names without putting forward any own arguments and without debunking the arguments of your opponents?

No, I am not a German-hater. Quite the opposite.

Your argumentation is childish.
Nobody calls himself "hater" or "bad guy", the "bad guys" and "haters" are always "the others".
I do not think that I am a "hater", either.

But, as I said, my or your opinion about this is irrelevant.

Do you have any valid arguments, or are you going to use "ad hominem" in every post?
Ad-Hominem is a pseudo-argument.

argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments.

ad hominem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I just can't stand anti-semitic sludge like you.

I am supporting the native Semites of Palestine, it is idiotic to call me an "anti-Semite". I do not believe that most European Zionists have something to do with Semites, they are descendants of Slavs and Khazars. And if somebody hates Zionists, then he is not necessary an "anti-Semite". In fact, many Semites hate Zionists, and Zionists hate Semites.

Zionists are probably the biggest Semite-Haters in the world.

BTW, I do not mind to have a discussion with German-Haters or Zionist supremacists, if my opponents have some valid arguments.

But you do not have any arguments at all, you did not even try to debunk the arguments of your opponents, you are just calling names and telling your opponents that they are "bad guys", "haters" etc, and this is childish behaviour.

Serious grown up people do not discuss like that, they do not attack their opponents, they attack the arguments of their opponents.
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...what's the difference between this and blacks demanding reparations for slavery (they never knew) and a free tax payer 'ride'?

I think that this is another example of "collective punishment".

-Only about 2% of ancestors of today white Europeans in the USA used the labour of black Slaves.

-Most black Slaves were already Slaves in Africa, they just changed their masters, they were sold by their black slave masters to the slave-traders, that brought them to America.

-Many black Slaves had black slave-holders even in Ameerica.

-Many black Slaves had Jewish slave-holders.

-Jews were overrepresented in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

-Many millions of white Europeans were sold into slavery in the Middle Ages to Muslim countries. Jewish slave-traders were overrepresented in this slave-trade, too.

-There were a lot of white Slaves, sold into the New World, including the USA.

White Europeans were the people that abolished the slave trade and slavery.
After that it continued in Africa, and in some African countries it is unofficially practised till today.

But the media insinuates that white Europeans have some inherited guilt, because about 2% of the ancestors of white Europeans in the USA had kept black Slaves.

Sorry, but this looks like anti-European and anti-White racism to me.
I broke no rules here...

I have never told anything about my parents or family members in this forum, but you talk about my supposed background, and imply that I have to be ashamed or feel guilty because of my parents, family members, speak because of my background.

You imply that you know something about me, that I myself try to hide.

That is not permitted by the rules of this forum.

... you are a Jew-Hater and I called you out on it.

Well, I believe that you are a German-Hater, but this is irrelevant.
Even Jew-Haters or German-Haters can have valid arguments.
Do you have valid arguments, or are you going to call names without putting forward any own arguments and without debunking the arguments of your opponents?

No, I am not a German-hater. Quite the opposite.

Your argumentation is childish.
Nobody calls himself "hater" or "bad guy", the "bad guys" and "haters" are always "the others".
I do not think that I am a "hater", either.

But, as I said, my or your opinion about this is irrelevant.

Do you have any valid arguments, or are you going to use "ad hominem" in every post?
Ad-Hominem is a pseudo-argument.

argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments.

ad hominem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You just lied. I have not mentioned any person in your family.

Question: are you brain-damaged?
I just can't stand anti-semitic sludge like you.

I am supporting the native Semites of Palestine, it is idiotic to call me an "anti-Semite". I do not believe that most European Zionists have something to do with Semites, they are descendants of Slavs and Khazars. And if somebody hates Zionists, then he is not necessary an "anti-Semite". In fact, many Semites hate Zionists, and Zionists hate Semites.

Zionists are probably the biggest Semite-Haters in the world.

BTW, I do not mind to have a discussion with German-Haters or Zionist supremacists, if my opponents have some valid arguments.

But you do not have any arguments at all, you did not even try to debunk the arguments of your opponents, you are just calling names and telling your opponents that they are "bad guys", "haters" etc, and this is childish behaviour.

Serious grown up people do not discuss like that, they do not attack their opponents, they attack the arguments of their opponents.

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You couldn't make this crap up. Money making jews telling BS to help other jews make money and they wonder why they are the most hated people in the history of the world.

Holocaust survivors grandchildren call for action over inherited trauma World news The Guardian

Second generation to Holocaust survivors have inherited trauma, and that's a fact.

I don't think the same thing should go for grandchildren of Holocaust survivors.

And I speak in their behalf.
That being said, all Jew haters on this board can fuck off, regardless of this thread.

Thank you in advance:)
Second generation to Holocaust survivors have inherited trauma, and that's a fact.

What about the innocent German civilians, about the small German children, that survived the Inferno of Dresden and other German cities where children were burned alive with White phosphorus?

There are still a lot of Germans alive that survived that inferno.

Do they not have any trauma? Do they not deserve any compensations?
I am talking about people who really suffered, not about their children or grandchildren.
I have never told anything about my parents or family members in this forum, but you talk about my supposed background, and imply that I have to be ashamed or feel guilty because of my parents, family members, speak because of my background.

You imply that you know something about me, that I myself try to hide.

That is not permitted by the rules of this forum.

So, I am going to call you on the carpet about this and clear this up for once and for all.

You have already insinuated once on this thread that I have attacked your family.

You lied.

I have never once mentioned any member of your family, anywhere, nor does it interest me, nor do I need to to tell me anything about your family. In fact, even people here in USMB who strongly dislike me will be forced to admit that not even once, on any thread, anywhere, have I attacked a family member of a member of USMB. Not even one single time, ever.

Don't ever try to pull that trick again, and just to make sure of this, I am calling Coyote and Dont Taz Me Bro into this.

Accusing someone of having attacked your family is a serious accusation. You had better be able to prove it, and since there is not one single posting of mine on this or any other thread pertaining to any member of your family, I would say you have a major problem on your hands.

Or, it could be that you do not understand our language, the English language. This appear to be a huge difference between us: I am quite perfect in your language - in Wort und Schrift, sogar per Amtsdeutsch - but you seem to be having major difficulties expressing yourself in English.

Either that, or you are just as stupid as a box of rocks, which I could also not care about.

I will remind again: accusing someone of a bannable offense, only for everyone to find out it was a lie, may not work out well for you at all. I plan to see this to its logical end.

So, Butter mit den Fischen: where exactly did I say that? *cough-cough*

Good luck with that, Jew-Hater.
Second generation to Holocaust survivors have inherited trauma, and that's a fact.

What about the innocent German civilians, about the small German children, that survived the Inferno of Dresden and other German cities where children were burned alive with White phosphorus?

There are still a lot of Germans alive that survived that inferno.

Do they not have any trauma? Do they not deserve any compensations?
I am talking about people who really suffered, not about their children or grandchildren.

You have a hell of a lot of gall talking about Dresden, after what Hitler's Germany did to Rotterdam, Warsawa, Fiorenze, Guernica, Lidice, Kursk, Stalingrad (as it was called at the time) and Coventry, just to name 8 of many cities that were completely, and I mean, completely obliterated by the Nazis.

I have many, many German friends, and by many, I mean, into the many hundreds, and every single one of them with whom I have spoken over this very nasty part of the war, has said to me something like "Dresden was terrible, but we deserved what we got".

The ONLY people I know of in Germany who harp on Dresden are the Right-Extremist scum, just so you know what company you keep.

And BTW, I've been to Dresden, have even overnighted many times in Radebeul.

Just so the USMB membership knows load and clear, this Art__Allm person is not representative of Germans in any way. They are sane. He is not.
Did a nazi board shut down?,Seems like the hitler ass lickers have swarmed this board lately

Including one very, very unseemly German who is making Germans look terrible, but rest assured, his is simply just one individual asswipe and not representative of 99.99% of all Germans.
They want free money and more immigration into Europe as payback for trauma they inherited through breast milk???



Second generation to Holocaust survivors have inherited trauma, and that's a fact.

What about the innocent German civilians, about the small German children, that survived the Inferno of Dresden and other German cities where children were burned alive with White phosphorus?

There are still a lot of Germans alive that survived that inferno.

Do they not have any trauma? Do they not deserve any compensations?
I am talking about people who really suffered, not about their children or grandchildren.

'innocent' Germans who were hurt were more than welcome to demand their rights from the German government.

That's none of the business of the Jewish people
The krauts can never do enough to makup for the unspeakable acts they perpetrated on the world, twice in the last century.
As for their victims, get over it.

Lol, they made handbags out of Jews and jodhpurs.

Those Nazis, right?

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