Give me a good reason illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship

Your country? This ain't Germany 1940.
It's not their country. They're here illegally. So yes it's my country. Theirs is somewhere else and I'm not trying to break the law to get in to it.
They walked right in and found work. That's not their fault, that's yours. An open door is an invitation.
Yet you are against any action to close that door. Again, why do you hate the poor in the US and favor illegals?
I am? I do? Unlike you I deal in reality. 12 million people aren't going to be deported over your dream 60 foot wall.
I can get that done in a year. Easy.
You think like a Nazi, a Nazi child.
Make the case for granting citizenship. Not Dreamers...illegal immigrants.

And no "out of the shadows" argument...they can do that by going home...boom...out of the shadows.
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

You're welcome.
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I obviously posted beyond your ability to comprehend. I'm sorry you're so dumb but will keep that in mind for further interaction.
What you posted is a lie, thinking some inner city dark skin will move to Florida to clean rooms for Trump at a now much better wage.
So we now know what you think of black people. Or darkies as you call them. They're just too fucking dumb to move and get a better job. So let's keep those stupid "darkies" on welfare in the inner city and replace them with a lighter skin tone of illegal.

Thank you. You proved my point. I can move on to better posters.
Your fight is with capitalism and you are totally clueless.
And you're a fucking idiot. Capitalism sucks so bad people risk their lives to get here. Nobody risks anything to get to a socialist country.

Without capitalism they have no reason to come here.
Capitalism is why they are here. Fix that and you fix your problem but capitalism rules this country hence the open border for six fucking decades. Are you planning to heavily regulate American capitalism?
So the key to the illegal problem isn't secure our borders and enforce our law. Fuck that. In order to stop illegal immigration is to make the US a socialist shit hole just like Mexico and they will have no reason to come here. That's fucking brilliant!

Capitalism is so inherently evil it's makes people want to come here because life is so much better. Eliminate that and everyone's life could suck equally with no reason to cross a border. Like I said, you're a fucking all star intellectual.
What you posted is a lie, thinking some inner city dark skin will move to Florida to clean rooms for Trump at a now much better wage.
So we now know what you think of black people. Or darkies as you call them. They're just too fucking dumb to move and get a better job. So let's keep those stupid "darkies" on welfare in the inner city and replace them with a lighter skin tone of illegal.

Thank you. You proved my point. I can move on to better posters.
Your fight is with capitalism and you are totally clueless.
And you're a fucking idiot. Capitalism sucks so bad people risk their lives to get here. Nobody risks anything to get to a socialist country.

Without capitalism they have no reason to come here.
Capitalism is why they are here. Fix that and you fix your problem but capitalism rules this country hence the open border for six fucking decades. Are you planning to heavily regulate American capitalism?
So the key to the illegal problem isn't secure our borders and enforce our law. Fuck that. In order to stop illegal immigration is to make the US a socialist shit hole just like Mexico and they will have no reason to come here. That's fucking brilliant!

Capitalism is so inherently evil it's makes people want to come here because life is so much better. Eliminate that and everyone's life could suck equally with no reason to cross a border. Like I said, you're a fucking all star intellectual.
The 'illegal' problem isn't one but you think it is. To fix it you'd need to crash the economy. It's why not even Trump will actually go for it. It would be a huge mistake.
Ah, so the left can pat themselves on the back for caring while exploiting illegals for cheap labor?

Wow- so you really believe that all of the farmers and factories and contractors that exploit illegal immigrants are 'the left'?


Do you deny the left wants to give illegals citizenship? Farmer's don't, factories and contractors don't.

There are certainly some on the left that want to give illegals citizenship. Clearly not all- since I am very much of the 'left' and I disagree with that proposal.

Just like I disagree with the proposals from the Right to toss them all out of the country.

But you are right- the Right would prefer not to give citizenship to illegals- so that farmers, factories and contractors- mostly of the Right- can continue to exploit them.

The amount of illegal crime on American citizens going on is UNACCEPTABLE

'illegal crime'

Personally I find all crime on American citizens- and even non-citizens unacceptable.

Not just the hilariously redundant 'illegal crime'.

There should be ZERO crimes committed by illegals since illegals should not be in our country in the first place.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.
A nation built by immigrants does not turn its back on said thing. If you wanted everyone here to be legal you should have closed the borders 60 years ago.

A nation built by immigrants does not turn its back on said thing. If you wanted everyone here to be legal you should have closed the borders 60 years ago.

Peter will be ripped for this post. Rightfully so.
why should he be?.....this country has allowed this shit to happen for decades and did nothing,even after Reagan granted amnesty in the 80's and still they spit in our faces and this country did jack shit about it and now everyone wants to cry about it but yet nothing will still get done,just more big talk.....

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.

Most humans wouldn't qualify as pets. Not worthy of said status.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.

Most humans wouldn't qualify as pets. Not worthy of said status.

True...that's kind of an insult to my Labs as they're more productive than many brownies.
'Give me a good reason illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship'

Here ya go....
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.

Most humans wouldn't qualify as pets. Not worthy of said status.

True...that's kind of an insult to my Labs as they're more productive than many brownies.

Fucking Wetbacks, right Hitler Youth? So many of them and so few ovens that even the Jews have to wait their turn...

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