Give me a good reason illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship

To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

My daughter was a Brownie. She didn't pay taxes then either.

Of course a racist must denigrate the "darkies" (or do you prefer "Mud People"?) to compensate for some deficiency in their own life.
Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.

Most humans wouldn't qualify as pets. Not worthy of said status.

True...that's kind of an insult to my Labs as they're more productive than many brownies.

Fucking Wetbacks, right Hitler Youth? So many of them and so few ovens that even the Jews have to wait their turn...

Nah...I'd never want to incinerate any human. Even the brown ones writing unauthorized checks from my bank account to feed their Anchor Babies. It's easier to just send them and the anchor home peacefully. Why does that suck? Oh sucks because you have no respect for our laws and you hate our Constitution...I almost forgot.
Nah...I'd never want to incinerate any human. Even the brown ones writing unauthorized checks from my bank account to feed their Anchor Babies. It's easier to just send them and the anchor home peacefully. Why does that suck? Oh sucks because you have no respect for our laws and you hate our Constitution...I almost forgot.
agreed when they get into your credit after they have stolen your ss and gotten themselves whatever it does tend to piss one off. The illegals all need to go back to where they came from.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

My daughter was a Brownie. She didn't pay taxes then either.

Of course a racist must denigrate the "darkies" (or do you prefer "Mud People"?) to compensate for some deficiency in their own life.

I think I'm missing your point.
Are you saying I'm making up lies and bullshit to make myself feel better?
What am I making up?
Hey look, I'm just here to expose the real truth about real shit in very candid fashion....Hurt your feelings? So phuckin what...time to grow a pair. FUCK PC!
Awwww, hey'ell, we a Wigga today! That's cool. Expunk hipster anarchist was getting old.

Because it will help take down the white devil
Liberals will claim "immigrants built this country".

Oh sure, so true. Yet the change in circumstances runs right over their collective head. You know, things like over-population, dragging down wages, unemployment, multi- culturism that brings chaos and destruction, and a welfare state.

They desire to bring down the USA for sake of one world order, votes, and socialism, if not communism. They seek to eliminate white people, and even gender. Somehow they've come to a conclusion if everyone is brown there will be peace. That's sure worked well for the middle east. They only know the hipster narratives hung on them, ignorant of critical thought, history and character. It's they who prove to be the most racist. Liberals project and don't take responsibility for anything. They displace responsibility out of weakness, which is in accord with the direction toward socialism or communism.

Democrats promote these things without articulation, because they're dumb, selfish, power hungry, and ignorant of history and critical thought. They represent a lie. They claim a desire for progress, yet their actions prove the opposite. They desire to see the middle class and USA destroyed. That's why the assault on our history, our Constitution, our traditions and our thought.

Winston Churchill said it best............... liberals seek an equal sharing of misery.
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The darkies aren't going away, Hitler Youth.

Oh trust me...I'm fully aware of that. Democrats would never allow that...the DNC needs their pet humans to count on them to survive...Just as my Labradors need me. It's the only way the DNC can stay relevant.

Most humans wouldn't qualify as pets. Not worthy of said status.

True...that's kind of an insult to my Labs as they're more productive than many brownies.

Fucking Wetbacks, right Hitler Youth? So many of them and so few ovens that even the Jews have to wait their turn...

Nah...I'd never want to incinerate any human. Even the brown ones writing unauthorized checks from my bank account to feed their Anchor Babies. It's easier to just send them and the anchor home peacefully. Why does that suck? Oh sucks because you have no respect for our laws and you hate our Constitution...I almost forgot.

I don't hate what my kind wrote.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

My daughter was a Brownie. She didn't pay taxes then either.

Of course a racist must denigrate the "darkies" (or do you prefer "Mud People"?) to compensate for some deficiency in their own life.

I think I'm missing your point.
Are you saying I'm making up lies and bullshit to make myself feel better?
What am I making up?
Hey look, I'm just here to expose the real truth about real shit in very candid fashion....Hurt your feelings? So phuckin what...time to grow a pair. FUCK PC!

We are all very aware of your Nazi mentality. TY.
Make the case for granting citizenship. Not Dreamers...illegal immigrants.

And no "out of the shadows" argument...they can do that by going home...boom...out of the shadows.

Because politicians make their careers on pandering to voting blocks and no one wants to alienate 800,000 illegals and the millions that would defend them? Never mind that once those 800,000 have a family their number will then be 3 million, or a full 1% of the nation. Give them another 20 years and they will be 10%. Then the Democrats will never lose an election again.
A nation built by immigrants does not turn its back on said thing. If you wanted everyone here to be legal you should have closed the borders 60 years ago.

A nation built by immigrants does not turn its back on said thing. If you wanted everyone here to be legal you should have closed the borders 60 years ago.

Peter will be ripped for this post. Rightfully so.
why should he be?.....this country has allowed this shit to happen for decades and did nothing,even after Reagan granted amnesty in the 80's and still they spit in our faces and this country did jack shit about it and now everyone wants to cry about it but yet nothing will still get done,just more big talk.....

A short story:
An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?
whatever that has to do with what i said.....??
Wow- so you really believe that all of the farmers and factories and contractors that exploit illegal immigrants are 'the left'?


Do you deny the left wants to give illegals citizenship? Farmer's don't, factories and contractors don't.

There are certainly some on the left that want to give illegals citizenship. Clearly not all- since I am very much of the 'left' and I disagree with that proposal.

Just like I disagree with the proposals from the Right to toss them all out of the country.

But you are right- the Right would prefer not to give citizenship to illegals- so that farmers, factories and contractors- mostly of the Right- can continue to exploit them.

The amount of illegal crime on American citizens going on is UNACCEPTABLE

'illegal crime'

Personally I find all crime on American citizens- and even non-citizens unacceptable.

Not just the hilariously redundant 'illegal crime'.

There should be ZERO crimes committed by illegals since illegals should not be in our country in the first place.

Yes we need to crack down on all that crime that is illegal- you know that illegal crime.

Do you deny the left wants to give illegals citizenship? Farmer's don't, factories and contractors don't.

There are certainly some on the left that want to give illegals citizenship. Clearly not all- since I am very much of the 'left' and I disagree with that proposal.

Just like I disagree with the proposals from the Right to toss them all out of the country.

But you are right- the Right would prefer not to give citizenship to illegals- so that farmers, factories and contractors- mostly of the Right- can continue to exploit them.

The amount of illegal crime on American citizens going on is UNACCEPTABLE

'illegal crime'

Personally I find all crime on American citizens- and even non-citizens unacceptable.

Not just the hilariously redundant 'illegal crime'.

There should be ZERO crimes committed by illegals since illegals should not be in our country in the first place.

Yes we need to crack down on all that crime that is illegal- you know that illegal crime.


I love how the left defend illegals who kill, rape, and rob Americans, you will get what's coming to you.
To help fund the baby boomers retirement (SS), we need more taxpayers.

We've been paying to support the greatest generation all my life.

Brownies don't pay income tax....they don't earn enough at their brainless jobs....their effective tax rate is fact we rebate working brownies via Child Tax Credit making their effective tax rate a negative percentage.
Remember, four in ten brownies are spoon fed by taxpayers via welfare, they receive free health care and subsidized housing. Most brownies have many silver tooth anchors attending public schools at $10,600 per year per costs $10,000 to birth each anchor.
There is no net gain from brownies....economically or socially.
Shit...I guess they do pay sales tax on Tapatio, Bud Light, carne asada and LA Dodger apparel.

My daughter was a Brownie. She didn't pay taxes then either.

Of course a racist must denigrate the "darkies" (or do you prefer "Mud People"?) to compensate for some deficiency in their own life.

I think I'm missing your point.
Are you saying I'm making up lies and bullshit to make myself feel better?
What am I making up?
Hey look, I'm just here to expose the real truth about real shit in very candid fashion....Hurt your feelings? So phuckin what...time to grow a pair. FUCK PC!

We are all very aware of your Nazi mentality. TY.

Oh look, it's "if you're not one of us then you're a NAZI".

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