Give me a good reason why James "Joker" Holmes should have a gun?

Has nothing to do with the OP's question. His question focuses not on banning all firearms for all people but on keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill. So, please, answer the OP's question.

Then why did you start babbling about bananas? Are you uncomfortable in defending your assertion that there is no logical connection between the 1st and 2nd Amend?

As for keeping firearms out of the hands of mentally ill, the issue is that people tend to ignore mental illness rather than report it... people would rather than pretend it is not a problem until something happens. If the school had reported Holmes as they should have, the incident could have been prevented. What we need is much better mental health outreach programs to detect and help these people.

BTW, the OP did assert a complete ban on private ownership of arms as a solution.
That doesn't work logically. That's like saying, bananas are yellow, therefore everything that is yellow is a banana. The point is, just because something is a law or an amendment to the constitution, it doesn't mean it is equal or parallel and can be considered as the same thing. Although they are all amendments (yellow) does not mean they are all bananas.

No, it's like saying that the law of the land is the constitution.
If the 2nd amendment grants the right to bear arms then that is equal to all other amendments to the constitution and the bill of rights.
If you hate the law of the land, you hate the land.
In that case, fuck off elsewhere.

Another stray bullet. You guys do not know how to debate this issue logically.

All parts of the Constitution are EQUAL. Logically that means my right to own a gun equals my right to free worship and freedom of speech. That means unless you CHANGE the Constitution me telling you a law offensive to the 2nd is the same as a law that is offensive to freedom of Speech are the same, they are of equal value and worth.
This has nothing to do with the OP's question.

True, but it does have to do with your assertion that freedom of speech is unrelated to the right to keep and bear arms. Authoritarian governments which seek to suppress dissent will ALWAYS disarm the opposition.

Do you think Madison was wrong when he said this:

Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.

Has nothing to do with the OP's question. His question focuses not on banning all firearms for all people but on keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill. So, please, answer the OP's question.

There is no answer, read the entire thread the op wants all guns banned from everyone and he is using this guy as the excuse. It is already ILLEGAL for a mentally deranged person to own a firearm. There are procedures in place legally to flag said people so they can not legally buy firearms. People, local authorities and groups refuse to follow the law, they refuse to take the needed steps to flag someone.

No additional laws will change that.

What the rest if the world thinks is usually jealousy.
If the USA is so terrible.
And the UK so fucking awesome.

Explain to me why Brits are leaving the UK live in the USA at several hundred times the rate of Americans moving to the UK?
You dope!!
But I love learning all about the UK from an expert on the UK like you.
Tell me more about the UK.
You clearly know more about the place than I!!

Guy, we aren't getting lots of people from the UK or anywhere else in Europe.

We are getting a bunch of folks fromthe third world... which is probably okay beacuse they vote Democratic...but still, we are not the "Shining City on the Hill", we are the "Country you can get into because it has pourous borders."
Tell me why then of I er 100 regular customers at my store( daily regulars) 30 of them were from the UK.
Can you tell me, in your vast experience of the UK, which local wine stores have 30% of their regular customers coming from the USA?

Look at Boston, NYC, Chicago, Florida.
You will meet lots of Brits and Irish.
You dope.
For someone who claims to be well traveled you don't know much!!
But we did establish that you lied on that claim, didn't we!!

Guy, whenever a LiberTARDian tells me about his personal encounters, I usually want to check his drug mix, because most of you guys need to be medicated.

I live in Chicago. I meet a few people from the UK, but I'm more likely to meet immigrants from India, Mexico or Poland.

What the rest if the world thinks is usually jealousy.
If the USA is so terrible.
And the UK so fucking awesome.

Explain to me why Brits are leaving the UK live in the USA at several hundred times the rate of Americans moving to the UK?
You dope!!
But I love learning all about the UK from an expert on the UK like you.
Tell me more about the UK.
You clearly know more about the place than I!!

Guy, we aren't getting lots of people from the UK or anywhere else in Europe.

We are getting a bunch of folks fromthe third world... which is probably okay beacuse they vote Democratic...but still, we are not the "Shining City on the Hill", we are the "Country you can get into because it has pourous borders."
Tell me why then of I er 100 regular customers at my store( daily regulars) 30 of them were from the UK.
Can you tell me, in your vast experience of the UK, which local wine stores have 30% of their regular customers coming from the USA?

Look at Boston, NYC, Chicago, Florida.
You will meet lots of Brits and Irish.
You dope.
For someone who claims to be well traveled you don't know much!!
But we did establish that you lied on that claim, didn't we!!

We are getting the people who want to work from those countries, the people who are sick of supporting a welfare state that sees people continously on the dole, and people who are sick of government nannyism.

We are getting the people who want to work from those countries, the people who are sick of supporting a welfare state that sees people continously on the dole, and people who are sick of government nannyism.

You mean we are getting those country's selfish assholes?

We have plenty of those already, we don't need to import them.

We are getting the people who want to work from those countries, the people who are sick of supporting a welfare state that sees people continously on the dole, and people who are sick of government nannyism.

You mean we are getting those country's selfish assholes?

We have plenty of those already, we don't need to import them.

No, we are getting the non-leeches. Good luck for thier system when they start running out of those people.

There is nothing selfish about not wanting the government to dictate how one spends thier own money, lives thier own life, and does what they want with thier own possessions as long as it does not negatively impact others DIRECTLY.

No, we are getting the non-leeches. Good luck for thier system when they start running out of those people.

There is nothing selfish about not wanting the government to dictate how one spends thier own money, lives thier own life, and does what they want with thier own possessions as long as it does not negatively impact others DIRECTLY.

The problem with "I got mine, Fuck You" is eventually, they stop letting you keep it.

No, we are getting the non-leeches. Good luck for thier system when they start running out of those people.

There is nothing selfish about not wanting the government to dictate how one spends thier own money, lives thier own life, and does what they want with thier own possessions as long as it does not negatively impact others DIRECTLY.

The problem with "I got mine, Fuck You" is eventually, they stop letting you keep it.
That's the bit you represent.
Robbing the people who are doing the right thing, giving the fruits of their labor to the lazy, stupid LOSERSSSSSSS!!!!
Know what I meen, loser!

The people with the wealth are the ones who stole it from the people who did the actual work.

But some of you are pretty easy to fool into voting against your own economic interests.

Guy, this is something you LibeTARDians don't get. The rich do not want to live in Somalia. They want government as much as the liberal does. They just want government keeping you in your place.
The problem with "I got mine, Fuck You" is eventually, they stop letting you keep it.
That's the bit you represent.
Robbing the people who are doing the right thing, giving the fruits of their labor to the lazy, stupid LOSERSSSSSSS!!!!
Know what I meen, loser!

The people with the wealth are the ones who stole it from the people who did the actual work.

But some of you are pretty easy to fool into voting against your own economic interests.

Guy, this is something you LibeTARDians don't get. The rich do not want to live in Somalia. They want government as much as the liberal does. They just want government keeping you in your place.

So anyone with more money than you doesn't work? You are such a greedy douchnozzle.

Rich libs want government to redistribute other people's money, not thiers. they just want to keep useful idiots such as yourself placated while they pretend to care and laugh at their parties, which you will not be invited to no matter how much you want to be.

No, we are getting the non-leeches. Good luck for thier system when they start running out of those people.

There is nothing selfish about not wanting the government to dictate how one spends thier own money, lives thier own life, and does what they want with thier own possessions as long as it does not negatively impact others DIRECTLY.

The problem with "I got mine, Fuck You" is eventually, they stop letting you keep it.

Wanting the government to be minimally involved in my life is not I got mine, fuck you. Its giving me the choice to help who I want to, not who YOU want me to help at the behest of the force of the government.

Use your own money, you miserly shit stain.
So rather than deny the insane, the gun lovers simply rationalize that freedom to bear arms extends to everyone regardless of public safety concerns. They must therefore believe that shooting sprees and gun deaths are nothing more than the price society must pay to maintain their freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Should all Americans agree with this stilted logic, or can common sense and public safety hold any priority at all?

JoeB's whole scenario is a straw man, since we ALEADY have laws that SHOULD have kept guns out of the hands of batshit crazy people. The problem is that the system broke down, not that guns are too dangerous, libbie.
My economic best interests?
Listen retard, I'm capable of earning my way, paying my way.

If you decided to get off your lazy stupid ass and DID THE FUCKING WORK you might not be such a loser today.

Blah, blah, blah, and you have a 10 inch penis and a corvette and a mansion. Everyone can be awesome on the internets....

Frankly, guy, you sound way too crazy to hold down a job. It's why you never see Ron Paul bumper stickers in a company parking lot. You just see them on beat up old junkers with rifle racks in the back.
So rather than deny the insane, the gun lovers simply rationalize that freedom to bear arms extends to everyone regardless of public safety concerns. They must therefore believe that shooting sprees and gun deaths are nothing more than the price society must pay to maintain their freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Should all Americans agree with this stilted logic, or can common sense and public safety hold any priority at all?

JoeB's whole scenario is a straw man, since we ALEADY have laws that SHOULD have kept guns out of the hands of batshit crazy people. The problem is that the system broke down, not that guns are too dangerous, libbie.

Well, I'll agree, the system broke down.

The system broke down when Congress passed a law that exempted gun makers and sellers from liability for how their products are used.
Joe remind us how you want to outlaw all firearms ownership and violate the Constitution to do it.

"Well-Regulated Militia". No need to violate the constitution at all.

You can have a gun if you are part of the militia. Just head on down to the National Guard Armory and sign right up.
So anyone with more money than you doesn't work? You are such a greedy douchnozzle.

Rich libs want government to redistribute other people's money, not thiers. they just want to keep useful idiots such as yourself placated while they pretend to care and laugh at their parties, which you will not be invited to no matter how much you want to be.

Guy, middle class wages have remained flat since 1980, while Executive compensation has increased by 400%. Do you REALLY think those executives are working that much harder?

No, we are getting the non-leeches. Good luck for thier system when they start running out of those people.

There is nothing selfish about not wanting the government to dictate how one spends thier own money, lives thier own life, and does what they want with thier own possessions as long as it does not negatively impact others DIRECTLY.

The problem with "I got mine, Fuck You" is eventually, they stop letting you keep it.

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

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