Give me a good reason why James "Joker" Holmes should have a gun?

And I'd take the UK's 268 murders (only 48 committed with guns) to the US's 16,000 murders (11,000 committed with guns) any day of the week.

Airline tickets across the pond are still affordable,buy in advance and save even more.

Here is the crux of the left,I want therefor all should regardless.

And as usual you ignore the millions of violent crimes that occur through out the Country and the millions that are thwarted by armed citizens. In most cases all they have to do is show the weapon, no need to fire it at all.

England is a perfect example. When they banned firearms violent crimes other then murder sky rocketed and are still up there.

I ignore it because it doesn't happen.

Also, the UK has a lower crime rate than we do.

then move to the UK, Spooge

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.

We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.

Spoken like a true statist/dictator/communist.
Looks like JoeB131 has decided to stop lying about the UK!!
Good job really, his extreme retardation was becoming very obvious.

No, I just stopped reposting the same facts and figures you ignore, since you never post any that can't be debunked.

The UK has 48 gun murders a year. We have 11,101.

I think we know who has this right.

268 murders?
You really that stupid?
You are assuming that the UK government is a free and open government.
The little town of Huddersfield in West Yorkshire has an official total of 2 murders last year.
Yet more than 40 murders were reported in the local papers.
You Dope.
You don't know a fucking thing about the UK or how things work there.

oooh, right. The old "The Rest of the World Lies about their Statistics to look better than us" argument.

Man, this is hilarious, when a LIberTARDian assumes our government tells the truth, but everyone else's government lies.

And as usual you ignore the millions of violent crimes that occur through out the Country and the millions that are thwarted by armed citizens. In most cases all they have to do is show the weapon, no need to fire it at all.

England is a perfect example. When they banned firearms violent crimes other then murder sky rocketed and are still up there.

I ignore it because it doesn't happen.

Also, the UK has a lower crime rate than we do.

then move to the UK, Spooge

Again, why when we can fix this country.

This is what you guys don't get. You haven't won a straight up election in 20 years. All you old angry white people are kicking off, and the rest of us are tired of your shit.
I ignore it because it doesn't happen.

Also, the UK has a lower crime rate than we do.

then move to the UK, Spooge

Again, why when we can fix this country.

This is what you guys don't get. You haven't won a straight up election in 20 years. All you old angry white people are kicking off, and the rest of us are tired of your shit.

You dont want to fix this country, you want to destroy it.

We have won plenty of elections, especially at the state level.

Your shit is what is bankrupting this country, and giving it away to the government and the criminals.

eat a neg, you diseased horses ass.
then move to the UK, Spooge

Again, why when we can fix this country.

This is what you guys don't get. You haven't won a straight up election in 20 years. All you old angry white people are kicking off, and the rest of us are tired of your shit.

You dont want to fix this country, you want to destroy it.

We have won plenty of elections, especially at the state level.

Your shit is what is bankrupting this country, and giving it away to the government and the criminals.

eat a neg, you diseased horses ass.

And have one back...

Winning an election in some backwater where people's family trees don't fork isn't a great victory.

I mean, shit, what are Cleetus and Billybob ever going to do when the relief checks stop?

You guys are done... it's only a matter of time.
Again, why when we can fix this country.

This is what you guys don't get. You haven't won a straight up election in 20 years. All you old angry white people are kicking off, and the rest of us are tired of your shit.

You dont want to fix this country, you want to destroy it.

We have won plenty of elections, especially at the state level.

Your shit is what is bankrupting this country, and giving it away to the government and the criminals.

eat a neg, you diseased horses ass.

And have one back...

Winning an election in some backwater where people's family trees don't fork isn't a great victory.

I mean, shit, what are Cleetus and Billybob ever going to do when the relief checks stop?

You guys are done... it's only a matter of time.

You disdain of your fellow citizens is typical of the eliteist liberal douchebag we know you to be.

But keep supporting the rights of only the police and criminals to be armed. You are a good little stooge for both parties. It must be tough sucking criminal and government dick at the same time, but we have faith in your abilities with regards to this.

You disdain of your fellow citizens is typical of the eliteist liberal douchebag we know you to be.

But keep supporting the rights of only the police and criminals to be armed. You are a good little stooge for both parties. It must be tough sucking criminal and government dick at the same time, but we have faith in your abilities with regards to this.

If you are a poor person who lives in a "right to work" state where you are getting paid less and have no job security, clinging to your Bible and your Gun, and you still vote for Republicans because you hate the thought of a Negro in the White House, frankly, you kind of deserve every bit of disdain I can throw at you.

We have a criminal problem because we have a wealth disparity problem, combined with the fact that it's just too easy to get guns.

And the rest of the world has figured this out. You can have wealth and capitalism, as long as everyone benefits, and most citizens shouldn't have guns because they don't know how to use them. (As evidenced by the fact we have 32,000 gun deaths and 80,000 gun injuries every year.)

You disdain of your fellow citizens is typical of the eliteist liberal douchebag we know you to be.

But keep supporting the rights of only the police and criminals to be armed. You are a good little stooge for both parties. It must be tough sucking criminal and government dick at the same time, but we have faith in your abilities with regards to this.

If you are a poor person who lives in a "right to work" state where you are getting paid less and have no job security, clinging to your Bible and your Gun, and you still vote for Republicans because you hate the thought of a Negro in the White House, frankly, you kind of deserve every bit of disdain I can throw at you.

We have a criminal problem because we have a wealth disparity problem, combined with the fact that it's just too easy to get guns.

And the rest of the world has figured this out. You can have wealth and capitalism, as long as everyone benefits, and most citizens shouldn't have guns because they don't know how to use them. (As evidenced by the fact we have 32,000 gun deaths and 80,000 gun injuries every year.)

19,000 suicides, I have a feeling those idiots knew how to use the gun pefectly well.

Same as the gangbangers who the shootings, the ones that will still have guns even after you disarm the rest of us in your facist government utopia.

Keep being an eliteist dickwad, it suits you well.

19,000 suicides, I have a feeling those idiots knew how to use the gun pefectly well.

Same as the gangbangers who the shootings, the ones that will still have guns even after you disarm the rest of us in your facist government utopia.

Keep being an eliteist dickwad, it suits you well.

Yeah, frankly, can't see a good reason for you to have a gun, really.

I mean, just reading your posts, you can tell you're a disaster looking for a place to happen.
Obama said that the USA is the greatest country in the history of the world.
You disagreed with him.
The liberal mantra says that disagreeing with the fearless leader is racist.
You are a vile racist pig.

I wonder, if you are the leader of the greatest country on wrath, why would you want to change it?
To change from greatest can only be to not greatest?
Hence, destroying the USA is the ultimate goal of liberals.

The rest of the world has it figured out?
Greece, Spain, Portugal, N Korea......... ????

Perhaps if you had ever moved beyond the town you were born in you might see something.

Guy, I've been all over the country and all over the world.

Most of the world looks at America as fat, lazy, stupid and religious. And potentially dangerous.

FIXING the USA should be everyone's goal. But much like the fat guy who eats a bucket of chicken wings and never goes to the Gym, the first thing you have to get rid of is the denial.

We have too much wealth disparity.
We have too many guns.

History already shows this is never a good mix.
Many gun deaths are cause for celebration.
As are injuries.
Dead and injured criminals cause you upset?
Those figures wi quadruple if you get your way.
Why to you wish to empower criminals?

Except criminals are almost never s hot, except by other criminals.

And, no, every country that has banned private gun ownership has seen their murder numbers plummet.

19,000 suicides, I have a feeling those idiots knew how to use the gun pefectly well.

Same as the gangbangers who the shootings, the ones that will still have guns even after you disarm the rest of us in your facist government utopia.

Keep being an eliteist dickwad, it suits you well.

Yeah, frankly, can't see a good reason for you to have a gun, really.

I mean, just reading your posts, you can tell you're a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Many gun deaths are cause for celebration.
As are injuries.
Dead and injured criminals cause you upset?
Those figures wi quadruple if you get your way.
Why to you wish to empower criminals?

Except criminals are almost never s hot, except by other criminals.

And, no, every country that has banned private gun ownership has seen their murder numbers plummet.

A total crock of shit s0n >>>>>>>>

Not according to Harvard University ( 2013). The full paper which decimates the gun grabber gayness on the subject ( click on link)

A summary >>>>>

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Having a society with more guns appears to not only reduce violent crime and keep citizens safe, but also dissuades dangerous criminals from wanting to approach people with guns. According to the study, three out of five polled felons say that they won't mess with an armed victim.

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