Give me a good reason why James "Joker" Holmes should have a gun?

NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?
Poor example.

NYC's stop and frisk does violate the rights of the citizens of NYC. However, that policy does NOT punish Me for what NYC police are doing. Ending Stop and Frisk does NOT punish Me for the crimes of the NYPD.

Taking away gun rights punishes the innocent for the crimes of a very few.

False premise.

Try again.
So you're okay with others having their rights violated, but your right to own a deadly weapon is sacrosanct despite the public safety issues?

What? You are willing to have over one hundred million honest gun owners rights trampled because of the criminal behavior of less than 20,000 bad people? How about we lock those bad people up forever and then you can go back to your blissful ignorance...
And shouldn't he have a gun in case he doesn't agree with the trial judge, then he can shoot the bailiffs to assert his "freedoms"... that is NRA-nutter logic.
And shouldn't he have a gun in case he doesn't agree with the trial judge, then he can shoot the bailiffs to assert his "freedoms"... that is NRA-nutter logic.

No, that's your nutter illogic. But what would a person expect from a nutter like you...

"Particularly corrosive to the mantra are the facts as to rural
African‐Americans gun ownership. Per capita, rural African‐
Americans are much more likely to own firearms than are urban
African‐Americans.94 Yet, despite their greater access to
guns, the firearm murder rate of young rural black males is a
small fraction of the firearm murder rate of young urban black
These facts are only anomalous in relation to the mantra that
more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death.
In contrast, these facts accord with the earlier point regarding
the aberrance of murderers. Whatever their race, ordinary people
simply do not murder. Thus preventing law‐abiding, responsible
African‐Americans from owning guns does nothing
at all to reduce murderers, because they are not the ones who
are doing the killing. The murderers are a small minority of
extreme antisocial aberrants who manage to obtain guns whatever
the level of gun ownership in the African American community."

If you are FOR additional gun control restriction, and you vote, then PLEASE read the article linked above. It is a well researched and well written paper.

If you have some suggestions for ways to prevent gun violence that have been proven to work (or, at least, NOT proven NOT to work), then please let me know. Until then, don't try to take away my rights, and YOUR rights, simply because you "want to do SOMETHING" to make yourself feel better.
Did that scary negro shoot dozens of people in a theatre, or did you just think that you could slip in a little racism there without being challenged?
No, I was just asking which stormfront site he got that picture off of, or how he thought Joker Holmes having a gun was going to protect him from the Scary Black man.

Because, honestly, Joker HOlmes is a lot scarier.
Did that scary negro shoot dozens of people in a theatre, or did you just think that you could slip in a little racism there without being challenged?

The photograph is of a hero of liberalism.
He bravely killed a greedy one percenter, slave owner racist.

Who was sat in his stroller oppressing the poor abused minorities.

The photo is of a vile racist murderer.
He murdered a 13 month old.
Such hatred is the result of Sharpton, Jackson and OBAMAS baiting and propagandizing.

Strange how the liberal press didn't give it the thousands of hours of airtime or lines of print.

Exept when they tried to blame the parents.

What is racist about pointing out that owning a gun is a right, because people like him exist.
Because people like Holmes exist?
You won't stop until all guns are banned and your beloved criminals can commit their crimes with impunity.

No, one very poor person killed the child of another very poor person.

And that person's first thought was that this was related to her other son who had been stabbed to death, that's the kind of places the poor neighborhoods in this country are...

Which I'm guessing you are perfectly fine with.
Which is why these anti white race crimes are an epidemic in this country.

Des Moines Iowa Friday 3 black youth beat to death 40 year old male

others join in

described as a mob

What gun grabbers think is that by making it harder or impossible for ME to buy a gun, someone with no criminal record and a spotless mental health record, you will somehow magically prevent said crazy people from aquiring firearms.

Gun grabbers are also the same idiots who think calling something a "gun free zone" without actually providing a check perimeter and armed security will magically protect the people inside from gun violence.

I suggest look at the grabber's side logic first. You then realize its full of emotional idiocy and half assed ideas.

Anyone who would give you a spotless mental health record obviously hasn't read what you post here every day.

Fact is, every other industrialized country either bans guns or severely restricts who can own them... and they have a fraction of our gun death rate.

They had the same fraction before they banned guns. its cultural you doddering old fool.

Also, Message board personality does not equal real personality. Here I have free reign to call you the waste of sperm you really are.
Fact is, every other industrialized country either bans guns or severely restricts who can own them... and they have a fraction of our gun death rate.

They had the same fraction before they banned guns. its cultural you doddering old fool.

While this is true (lower violent crime rate before the banning of guns), the banning of guns in these countries often resulted in HIGHER violent crime rates. See England for example.

Again, anyone who wants to reduce gun ownership because they think it reduces violent crime should become educated on the subject. Read this:

It was an indoctrinated black kid taught to hate.
Targeting a white infant because in his mind white is subhuman and evil.
White is 1%er.
White is oppressor!

That is the indoctrination public schools push on children.
Which is why these anti white race crimes are an epidemic in this country.
The AG has given his blessing to these crimes, denying whites any protection from the federal government in these cases.

Really? You really think in Public Schools, they are teaching "Kill Whitey 101".

The reason why there's been an uptick is because the RW Media is trying to paper over Zimmerman by paying more attention to it.

But the fact is, if you are a white person who gets murdered, 86% of the time, it will be by another white person.

What gun grabbers think is that by making it harder or impossible for ME to buy a gun, someone with no criminal record and a spotless mental health record, you will somehow magically prevent said crazy people from aquiring firearms.

Gun grabbers are also the same idiots who think calling something a "gun free zone" without actually providing a check perimeter and armed security will magically protect the people inside from gun violence.

I suggest look at the grabber's side logic first. You then realize its full of emotional idiocy and half assed ideas.

Anyone who would give you a spotless mental health record obviously hasn't read what you post here every day.

Fact is, every other industrialized country either bans guns or severely restricts who can own them... and they have a fraction of our gun death rate.

They had the same fraction before they banned guns. its cultural you doddering old fool.

Also, Message board personality does not equal real personality. Here I have free reign to call you the waste of sperm you really are.

You mean you aren't a gun toting whackjob with serious mental problems in real life? Whew...

And frankly, that isn't the case. Australia had a lot of gun violence before they banned guns, and it dropped. Japan never had that many privately owned guns to start with, but they had a lot of political violence before WWII (which is how the military took over.)

Point is, only in this country, where a misreading of the Second Amendment and a greedy gun manufacturing industry, do we have the insanity of 32,000 gun deaths a year.
Because it is his 2nd Amendment right.

But you better explain to me, why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

repeating the question:

why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?
Because it is his 2nd Amendment right.

But you better explain to me, why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

repeating the question:

why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

Frankly, I wouldn't know. I've never encountered these mythical "Gun free zones" you talk about.

It was an indoctrinated black kid taught to hate.
Targeting a white infant because in his mind white is subhuman and evil.
White is 1%er.
White is oppressor!

That is the indoctrination public schools push on children.
Which is why these anti white race crimes are an epidemic in this country.
The AG has given his blessing to these crimes, denying whites any protection from the federal government in these cases.

Really? You really think in Public Schools, they are teaching "Kill Whitey 101".

The reason why there's been an uptick is because the RW Media is trying to paper over Zimmerman by paying more attention to it.

But the fact is, if you are a white person who gets murdered, 86% of the time, it will be by another white person.

they are teaching kiss black people's asses 101 and 14% whites being killed by blacks is unacceptable
Because it is his 2nd Amendment right.

But you better explain to me, why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

repeating the question:

why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

Frankly, I wouldn't know. I've never encountered these mythical "Gun free zones" you talk about.

every school dumbfuck
Because it is his 2nd Amendment right.

But you better explain to me, why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

repeating the question:

why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

Frankly, I wouldn't know. I've never encountered these mythical "Gun free zones" you talk about.

Yes, you have. You just aren't bright enough to realize it!

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