Give me a good reason why James "Joker" Holmes should have a gun?

Add to this argument another psychopath who given today's policy would have been able to buy the assault weapon. Now think of the consequences.

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."

Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"

"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms! " p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

That is the dumbest thing I have ever read, which is remarkable considering the fact that you regularly post on the same board as rdean and franco.

FYI, every single dealer who sells guns in the US is licensed. The law makes absolutely no distinction between private and non private dealers.
So rather than deny the insane, the gun lovers simply rationalize that freedom to bear arms extends to everyone regardless of public safety concerns. They must therefore believe that shooting sprees and gun deaths are nothing more than the price society must pay to maintain their freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Should all Americans agree with this stilted logic, or can common sense and public safety hold any priority at all?

The insane are denied,you just have to make the list,and your rational is no different.

In this country we once were considered innocent until proven otherwise,your kind want it the other way around,funny thing about the constitution,its say otherwise.

freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Then you post this nonsense,proving ignorance on the subject.

And yes a free nation does come with a few risks,you will never stop ALL the nut cases ever.

The guy that killed 13 people in Binghamton NY a few years back,was approved by the local sheriff to have a pistol permit,and NY is not easy to get one.Didn't mean a thing now did it.

The bottom line ,we have a constitutional right to own guns its that simple.
So rather than deny the insane, the gun lovers simply rationalize that freedom to bear arms extends to everyone regardless of public safety concerns. They must therefore believe that shooting sprees and gun deaths are nothing more than the price society must pay to maintain their freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Should all Americans agree with this stilted logic, or can common sense and public safety hold any priority at all?

The insane are denied,you just have to make the list,and your rational is no different.

In this country we once were considered innocent until proven otherwise,your kind want it the other way around,funny thing about the constitution,its say otherwise.

freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Then you post this nonsense,proving ignorance on the subject.

And yes a free nation does come with a few risks,you will never stop ALL the nut cases ever.

The guy that killed 13 people in Binghamton NY a few years back,was approved by the local sheriff to have a pistol permit,and NY is not easy to get one.Didn't mean a thing now did it.

The bottom line ,we have a constitutional right to own guns its that simple.
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?
So rather than deny the insane, the gun lovers simply rationalize that freedom to bear arms extends to everyone regardless of public safety concerns. They must therefore believe that shooting sprees and gun deaths are nothing more than the price society must pay to maintain their freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Should all Americans agree with this stilted logic, or can common sense and public safety hold any priority at all?

The insane are denied,you just have to make the list,and your rational is no different.

In this country we once were considered innocent until proven otherwise,your kind want it the other way around,funny thing about the constitution,its say otherwise.

freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Then you post this nonsense,proving ignorance on the subject.

And yes a free nation does come with a few risks,you will never stop ALL the nut cases ever.

The guy that killed 13 people in Binghamton NY a few years back,was approved by the local sheriff to have a pistol permit,and NY is not easy to get one.Didn't mean a thing now did it.

The bottom line ,we have a constitutional right to own guns its that simple.
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
Some might say: For suicide.

I don't think I'd agree with that.

As he shouldn't ever be released from a facility for what he has done, I can't think of a good reason for him to have a gun.

However, if he was released and found to be totally sane and he paid his debt to society, should he be allowed to have a weapon for self defense reasons? I think an argument could be made either way.

Should we lose our natural right to self defense because we have been completely evil in the past? I dont know
The insane are denied,you just have to make the list,and your rational is no different.

In this country we once were considered innocent until proven otherwise,your kind want it the other way around,funny thing about the constitution,its say otherwise.

freedom to own weapons suited for military use, not sport or defense.

Then you post this nonsense,proving ignorance on the subject.

And yes a free nation does come with a few risks,you will never stop ALL the nut cases ever.

The guy that killed 13 people in Binghamton NY a few years back,was approved by the local sheriff to have a pistol permit,and NY is not easy to get one.Didn't mean a thing now did it.

The bottom line ,we have a constitutional right to own guns its that simple.
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?
Okay, throwdown time, Gun Whacks.

James "Joker Holmes. Crazy as batshit. Was able to buy and AR-15 and a drum magazine that held up to 100 rounds.

Everyone in his life knew he was batshit crazy.

Why should this person have the freedom to buy a gun.

No distractions about "founding fathers" or "he would have just gotten one illegally".

Please explain why THIS GUY should be allowed to buy a gun.


For the exact same reason 10 guilty men should be set free instead of one innocent man being convicted. There are procedures in place to take away ones right to own a firearm. It is NOT the fault of law abiding citizens that those procedures are not followed. The failure to follow those procedures does not invalidate the law abiding from the right to own firearms.

A knee jerk reaction based on FEELINGS does not trump Constitutional rights.
because a person or even a majority feel something should happen does not give them the right in the USA to take away others rights.

Holmes slipped through the cracks. There were people aware he was a danger and they did nothing. Just as the guy in Virginia slipped through the cracks. My rights and those of MILLIONS of people are not open for you to remove because an insignificant number of people don't get caught or properly processed.
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?

The percentage of murders committed with firearms when compared to the overall population or the number of firearms available in the Country is INSIGNIFICANT. 100's of millions do not suddenly lose their rights cause you FEEL the country is awash in dangerous firearms.

Using the gun grabbers logic we should have many thousand more murders a year because according to them more firearms means more death and violence. And it simply is NOT TRUE. We have been adding thousands of firearms to the population for years and the death rate is going DOWN, violent crimes are going DOWN, murder rates are going DOWN.

Every State that enacted concealed carry and open carry we were warned it would be a blood bath, a return to the wild west. And it has not happened in a single State. Crime rates are going down not up.
Okay, throwdown time, Gun Whacks.

James "Joker Holmes. Crazy as batshit. Was able to buy and AR-15 and a drum magazine that held up to 100 rounds.

Everyone in his life knew he was batshit crazy.

Why should this person have the freedom to buy a gun.

No distractions about "founding fathers" or "he would have just gotten one illegally".

Please explain why THIS GUY should be allowed to buy a gun.


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I'm fairly certain that those words, in that order, can be found in our Constitution, right after the words Second Amendment.

but I could be wrong...
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?

When are idiots going to stop using a quote from the ruling that made it illegal to criticize the government to justify their defense of government overreach?
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?

This country has been awash with guns from day one,we have many gun laws on the books that don't prevent nut cases from being nuts.We have a people problem not a gun one.

Enforce the laws we have,and don't infringe on peoples constitutional rights,under the false banner of safety.
Luddly - you've gone nuts again. I do hope you don't have any firearms! :eek:

It's always a sticky wicket to ascribe motive to a political group. It seldom reveals truth, and all too often serves only to obfuscate and distract. No one but criminals and illegals and crazies want to have absolutely no restrictions on gun ownership.

Conservatives see the problem, but approach solutions from a different path. They want to be assured that their rights are not infringed, but they provide no solution to the problems of gun violence other than a call to arms.

First paragraph here is great, and it applies to both ends of the political spectrum.

Second paragraph...not so much. Conservatives see the problem, and we see the lack of effectiveness of current gun laws. Look at Chicago or DC; two cities with the strictest gun laws in the nation. How is that working for you? Liberals provide no solution to the problems of gun violence other than taking away more guns from law-abiding citizens.

...I just wish some gun lover would offer up some common sense solution and not the same old 'stick 'em up' responses.

I just wish some gun grabger would offer up some common sense solutions and not the same "make it more difficult for anyone to have a gun" response.
Okay, throwdown time, Gun Whacks.

James "Joker Holmes. Crazy as batshit. Was able to buy and AR-15 and a drum magazine that held up to 100 rounds.

Everyone in his life knew he was batshit crazy.

Why should this person have the freedom to buy a gun.

No distractions about "founding fathers" or "he would have just gotten one illegally".

Please explain why THIS GUY should be allowed to buy a gun.

Because mental health records are not provided nor required for background checks. This law needs to be changed but the left doesn't want it changed.

The News Media didn't need to see Joker's mental health records. All they did was go down and talk to some folks he went to class with.

In fact, in this case, the University has been HIDING his mental health record.

So if a reporter can quickly find out that a guy is nuts (albeit after he does something), why is it so hard to find out if someone is nuts before they get a small arsenal....
He shouldn't have been allowed to.

Based upon why? Why should he have lost his RIGHTS before he committed a crime?

Hindsight is great. Too bad it only comes after the event.

Foresite would have been wonderful, too.

"Hey, Dean Wormer, your student James Holmes came into my store today and wanted to buy a gun!"

"HOly shit, he's crazy!!!! Don't sell him a gun!"

Problem solved.
Do you approve of the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy?


And no I don't for that matter
NYPD's Stop and Frisk restricts rights under the fourth amendment. Just as not being permitted to shout "FIRE!" in a theater restricts rights under the 1st. Flexibility was found to serve public safety interests in both cases. Is the second amendment amenable to such flexibility, or must we suffer the consequences of a society awash with deadly weapons?
Poor example.

NYC's stop and frisk does violate the rights of the citizens of NYC. However, that policy does NOT punish Me for what NYC police are doing. Ending Stop and Frisk does NOT punish Me for the crimes of the NYPD.

Taking away gun rights punishes the innocent for the crimes of a very few.

False premise.

Try again.
How do you define an "assault weapon" Nosmo? Is it a "scary" looking gun? Is it something like you saw on television? What exactly is a "High capacity magazine"?

When fruitcake walked into the movie theater he had a bag full of guns and a room full of targets. If he had a couple of shotguns (legal even in your utopian world) he could still have killed just as many, if not more (due to increased lethality at close range).

Same thing with many of the school shootings.

Oh, yeah, and then there was the nutcase who stabbed everyone in the island camp in Norway (??)...are you going to ban knives as well?

Grow up. Bad things are going to happen to people no matter how many rules you put in place.

I define assault weapons as:

1) A firearm with a semi-automatic firing system.

2) A firearm capable of being fitted with a high capacity magazine*

*High capacity magazine~ a clip or mechanism that feeds more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition into the chamber.

These are the accoutrement that make "mass shootings" "mass shootings".

These are weapons designed for a theater of war, not a Cineplex in the suburbs. They have no legitimate place on our streets. They belong in "well regulated militias" (a phrase so easily dismissed by gun lovers).

And there's the slender reed gun lovers all too often try feebly to hang their arguments upon: would you ban knives as well? The corollary often extends to cars, swimming pools, hatchets and other tools not designed to throw lethal lead out at amazing rapidity.

I own one of these:


It will take hi capacity -14 mags with a slight modification. Does that make it scarier? Is it an "assault weapon"


This rifle will accept 5, 10, 20 and 30 round magazines. Is IT an assault weapon?


Is this an assault weapon? It's scary looking. It can use 10, 20 and 30 round magazines.
I crack myself up every time I post this gem.........

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Vid really does give some insight into how uber-nutty the gun grabbers are. I mean.....stupid levels of k00k.:2up:
How do you define an "assault weapon" Nosmo? Is it a "scary" looking gun? Is it something like you saw on television? What exactly is a "High capacity magazine"?

When fruitcake walked into the movie theater he had a bag full of guns and a room full of targets. If he had a couple of shotguns (legal even in your utopian world) he could still have killed just as many, if not more (due to increased lethality at close range).

Same thing with many of the school shootings.

Oh, yeah, and then there was the nutcase who stabbed everyone in the island camp in Norway (??)...are you going to ban knives as well?

Grow up. Bad things are going to happen to people no matter how many rules you put in place.

I define assault weapons as:

1) A firearm with a semi-automatic firing system.

2) A firearm capable of being fitted with a high capacity magazine*

*High capacity magazine~ a clip or mechanism that feeds more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition into the chamber.

These are the accoutrement that make "mass shootings" "mass shootings".

These are weapons designed for a theater of war, not a Cineplex in the suburbs. They have no legitimate place on our streets. They belong in "well regulated militias" (a phrase so easily dismissed by gun lovers).

And there's the slender reed gun lovers all too often try feebly to hang their arguments upon: would you ban knives as well? The corollary often extends to cars, swimming pools, hatchets and other tools not designed to throw lethal lead out at amazing rapidity.

I own one of these:


It will take hi capacity -14 mags with a slight modification. Does that make it scarier? Is it an "assault weapon"


This rifle will accept 5, 10, 20 and 30 round magazines. Is IT an assault weapon?


Is this an assault weapon? It's scary looking. It can use 10, 20 and 30 round magazines.

Ernie bro.......these guys consider NURF rifles to be infamatory.

My collection........

in .44 Mag >>>

in .45lc >>>>

Semi-auto 930spx >>>>>

and a pump Mossberg 500

I really love the Circuit go to for home defense w/ .410 SS's
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