Give me a good reason why James "Joker" Holmes should have a gun?

repeating the question:

why should there be any stupid "gun free zones" which act as a magnet for sickos?

Frankly, I wouldn't know. I've never encountered these mythical "Gun free zones" you talk about.

every school dumbfuck

Do you mean schools where they have metal detectors to make sure kids aren't packing?

Honestly, I'd hope we'd have those.

Kids and guns, usually doesn't end well.
And race crimes by blacks against whites occour at 50 times the level of white on black race crimes.
That point you hide, you and your left wing media( 90% of media is leftist), those who mention black racism are automatically declared racist.
The term has no meaning.
There is no white racism against blacks in the USA anymore.
Unless asking a customer for an ID in a liquor store is racist.....

86% of Whites are killed by other whites.
94% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

You are mostly likely to be killed by someone you know. This is just the truth of the matter.

But you guys will cling to your guns living in absolute fear of "some black" guy when you are far more likely to be killed by somene you know.
Anyone who would give you a spotless mental health record obviously hasn't read what you post here every day.

Fact is, every other industrialized country either bans guns or severely restricts who can own them... and they have a fraction of our gun death rate.

They had the same fraction before they banned guns. its cultural you doddering old fool.

Also, Message board personality does not equal real personality. Here I have free reign to call you the waste of sperm you really are.

You mean you aren't a gun toting whackjob with serious mental problems in real life? Whew...

And frankly, that isn't the case. Australia had a lot of gun violence before they banned guns, and it dropped. Japan never had that many privately owned guns to start with, but they had a lot of political violence before WWII (which is how the military took over.)

Point is, only in this country, where a misreading of the Second Amendment and a greedy gun manufacturing industry, do we have the insanity of 32,000 gun deaths a year.

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.
every school dumbfuck

Do you mean schools where they have metal detectors to make sure kids aren't packing?

Honestly, I'd hope we'd have those.

Kids and guns, usually doesn't end well.
No one is allowed a gun in a school.
Hence criminals are assured unarmed victims.
Hence mass shootings tend to happen in schools and other gun free zones.

Actually, a lot of schools have armed guards.

And frankly, the reason why they don't let the employees walk in with guns is that they are just as likely to flip out or be negligent than some stranger is.

Did you all just forget how weird most of your teachers were in school? Frankly, thinking of the faculty of my Catholic HS, I can't imagine letting them go around packing being a good idea in any universe.

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.

We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.
And race crimes by blacks against whites occour at 50 times the level of white on black race crimes.
That point you hide, you and your left wing media( 90% of media is leftist), those who mention black racism are automatically declared racist.
The term has no meaning.
There is no white racism against blacks in the USA anymore.
Unless asking a customer for an ID in a liquor store is racist.....

86% of Whites are killed by other whites.
94% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

You are mostly likely to be killed by someone you know. This is just the truth of the matter.

But you guys will cling to your guns living in absolute fear of "some black" guy when you are far more likely to be killed by somene you know.

I know I will not be killed by anyone.
I pity the scum who tries.
I won't need a gun.

You need a padded cell!

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.

We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.

So we can't smoke? And unless you CHANGE the Constitution it is not a privilege it is a PROTECTED RIGHT.

So get cracking on that amendment you need for your wet dream to come true.
Do you mean schools where they have metal detectors to make sure kids aren't packing?

Honestly, I'd hope we'd have those.

Kids and guns, usually doesn't end well.
No one is allowed a gun in a school.
Hence criminals are assured unarmed victims.
Hence mass shootings tend to happen in schools and other gun free zones.

Actually, a lot of schools have armed guards.

And frankly, the reason why they don't let the employees walk in with guns is that they are just as likely to flip out or be negligent than some stranger is.

Did you all just forget how weird most of your teachers were in school? Frankly, thinking of the faculty of my Catholic HS, I can't imagine letting them go around packing being a good idea in any universe.

One of my teachers DID go around packing! He worked as an armored truck guard in the summer. Another was a retired Marine NCO.
Given that you wish to deny anyone other than criminals the right to own a firearm.
Why do you want to see the innocent murdered?
Some kind of sociopath?

Guy, most murders are committed by "innocent" people.

The fight over whether you were banging the neighbor or who drank the last can of Milwaukee's best.

Most murders are people in the household killing someone else in the household, or suicides. Shit, man, just watch any episode of "Cops". They aren't busting hardened criminals, they are arresting some guy in what is called a "wife-beater tee-shirt", which got its name because that's what they wear when they are caught.

So let's say of 11,000 gun murders, 1000 are committed by hardened criminals, and the rest are domestic abuse murders. And 19K suicides.

So now you've eliminated 30,000 deaths, you can concentrate your resources on preventing the last 1000.

Oh, snap, wait, this is exactly what the UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, Italy, and France do. Imagine that!

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.

We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.
Constitutionally protected right.

Liberals love to cause suffering to the many because of the retardation of the few!!
Obamacare for example....

Fuck the constitution. It's not written on a stone tablet from God.

It's not a fucking holy relic.

I'm not going to take the advice of guys who thought that a musket that took three minutes to unload was cutting edge technology on how to regulate semi-automatic weapons any more than I would take the advice of guys who thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment on how to pay for an MRI.
Given that you wish to deny anyone other than criminals the right to own a firearm.
Why do you want to see the innocent murdered?
Some kind of sociopath?

Guy, most murders are committed by "innocent" people.

The fight over whether you were banging the neighbor or who drank the last can of Milwaukee's best.

Most murders are people in the household killing someone else in the household, or suicides. Shit, man, just watch any episode of "Cops". They aren't busting hardened criminals, they are arresting some guy in what is called a "wife-beater tee-shirt", which got its name because that's what they wear when they are caught.

So let's say of 11,000 gun murders, 1000 are committed by hardened criminals, and the rest are domestic abuse murders. And 19K suicides.

So now you've eliminated 30,000 deaths, you can concentrate your resources on preventing the last 1000.

Oh, snap, wait, this is exactly what the UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, Italy, and France do. Imagine that!

And as usual you ignore the millions of violent crimes that occur through out the Country and the millions that are thwarted by armed citizens. In most cases all they have to do is show the weapon, no need to fire it at all.

England is a perfect example. When they banned firearms violent crimes other then murder sky rocketed and are still up there.

And as usual you ignore the millions of violent crimes that occur through out the Country and the millions that are thwarted by armed citizens. In most cases all they have to do is show the weapon, no need to fire it at all.

England is a perfect example. When they banned firearms violent crimes other then murder sky rocketed and are still up there.

I ignore it because it doesn't happen.

Also, the UK has a lower crime rate than we do.
We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.
Constitutionally protected right.

Liberals love to cause suffering to the many because of the retardation of the few!!
Obamacare for example....

Fuck the constitution. It's not written on a stone tablet from God.

It's not a fucking holy relic.

I'm not going to take the advice of guys who thought that a musket that took three minutes to unload was cutting edge technology on how to regulate semi-automatic weapons any more than I would take the advice of guys who thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment on how to pay for an MRI.

The Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND. The Founding Fathers, knowing they could not know what would happen in the future provided a specific means to change it. It is called the Amendment process.

Your ranting and raving do not somehow make legal laws that violate the Constitution.

Further your disdain for the 2nd Amendment does not enable the Government to ignore or modify it with laws.

The ONLY process that does that is the Amendment process.

You are one stupid moron if you think cause you don't like a part of the Constitution it is ok to ignore it. That leads to all kind of legal nightmares and a possible revolution.

And YES it is written in STONE, BUT the Founders gave us a chisel to make changes.

The rest of the world is shit.
The USA is greater than all the shitholes you list.
Why do you want the USA to be a shithole?
Gun crime in the UK is far higher now than it was before the ban.
Given that only about 2% of the population owned handguns at the time the ban was put in place.
In the 25 years preceding the UK handgun ban 2 police officers were shot dead in the course of duty.
In the 16 years since 25 police officers have been shot to death in the course of duty.
A gun crime is not reported as a gun crime if;-
A/ the weapon is not discharged and
B/the criminal is not caught.

You really are a traitor who hates that America is great aren't you?

Guy, I don't delude myself into loving a great America that doesn't exist.

Kind of like I wouldn't tell my signifigant other she looked just fine if she was morbidly obese.

Denial of a problem doesn't help anyone.

We have too many guns in too many hands. Period.

And I'd take the UK's 268 murders (only 48 committed with guns) to the US's 16,000 murders (11,000 committed with guns) any day of the week.

And as usual you ignore the millions of violent crimes that occur through out the Country and the millions that are thwarted by armed citizens. In most cases all they have to do is show the weapon, no need to fire it at all.

England is a perfect example. When they banned firearms violent crimes other then murder sky rocketed and are still up there.

I ignore it because it doesn't happen.

Also, the UK has a lower crime rate than we do.

The UK( retard) is not ENGLAND(retard).
The crime rates in the UK are far higher than in the civilized USA.
You clearly spent little, no, you have never been to the UK have you?

England is part of the UK, the part where most of the population actually lives.
Okay, throwdown time, Gun Whacks.

James "Joker Holmes. Crazy as batshit. Was able to buy and AR-15 and a drum magazine that held up to 100 rounds.

Everyone in his life knew he was batshit crazy.

Why should this person have the freedom to buy a gun.

No distractions about "founding fathers" or "he would have just gotten one illegally".

Please explain why THIS GUY should be allowed to buy a gun.



Good job, morons.

Of which 11 to 14 thousand are murders. The majority are justified or suicide. But even if we use your 32 thousand do the math. 340 million people 32000 deaths. point zero zero zero zero nine four. as in .000094 percent. You would deny law abiding citizens their protected right because an insignificant percentage of people die due to firearms and most are suicides.

Talk about retarded, foolish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Firearms are not even close to the leading cause of death in any category except maybe murders.You would deny 340 MILLION people their rights because 9 people out of 100000 might die due to firearms.

We ban substances that cause cancer in less than 1% of the population, so yeah, I'd have no problem deying 340 million people the PRIVILAGE of owning a gun, because probably about 330 Million of them aren't qualified to have them.

One bad law deserves another, eh?

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