***Give Mueller More Power***

I get the impression that you commies think that just by impeaching Trump, he'll be gone and a democrat will then sit in the office. Criminal Clinton was impeached and so was Andrew Johnson, they both continued to serve out their presidencies and doing their jobs. The worst that would happen would be that if there was some way of actually getting Trump out, he'd be replaced by the ultra-religious Mike Pence, who goes along with Trump's agenda, because that's what those who voted for Trump wanted and...he's a "career" politician who has a squeaky clean record and was picked at the last minute by Trump, therefore has absolutely no connection with any of the myriad of claims against the administration. Remember, unlike Trump.....per Pence, Jesus personally talks to him.

They're not worried about Pence.
If they manage to remove Trump.....Pence will be no problem.
You can rest assured, they already have teams working on Pences background and removal strategies. Unlike the Right, those fuckers have strategies and they act on them.
You don't find it odd....the LACK of opposition to all these things the Left is getting away with?

Has there been ANY significant resistance?
The silence is equivalent to the Right confessing to every one of the Left's claims.

We're inching closer
The left has always been opposed to the right, these days however, I am concerned about the deep state element of pro-Marxists, which could bode poorly for our Constitutional Republic.

You do know that Cambridge Analytica started all that "Deep State" and "Drain the Swamp" crap, don't you? That's where Trump got it from.
Damn right, but Trump is such an easy target, with his foot-shooting disorder, Mueller must be laughing all the way to the impeachment.
I get the impression that you commies think that just by impeaching Trump, he'll be gone and a democrat will then sit in the office. Criminal Clinton was impeached and so was Andrew Johnson, they both continued to serve out their presidencies and doing their jobs. The worst that would happen would be that if there was some way of actually getting Trump out, he'd be replaced by the ultra-religious Mike Pence, who goes along with Trump's agenda, because that's what those who voted for Trump wanted and...he's a "career" politician who has a squeaky clean record and was picked at the last minute by Trump, therefore has absolutely no connection with any of the myriad of claims against the administration. Remember, unlike Trump.....per Pence, Jesus personally talks to him.
That's fine. Dems can handle a conservative Congress much better than a chaotic unpredictable and ignorant leader like Trump.

"The United States Attorney is in a unique and powerful position to affect the lives of many persons in the administration of justice in his district.1 He is vested with broad discretionary authority as the district's chief federal law enforcement officer and prosecutor; this includes the authority to initiate investigations and to bring charges.2 In exercising his responsibilities, he must be vigorous and vigilant in attacking crime, but must temper his zeal with a recognition that his broader responsibilities are to seek justice and not merely to prosecute with the single-minded goal of winning cases and achieving convictions. He must seek to protect the innocent, as well as to vindicate the public's interest against those who violate its laws. His client is the public whose interest is in justice being served, not merely the parochial interests of a government agency."
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done. Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr. This Trump crime syndicate is much more serious than President Bill Clinton lying about blow jobs in the Oval Office. Bill's BJs were never a threat to American democracy.

Don't you agree?

Starr is the reason the independent counsel statue was allowed to expire by congress. Mueller with the complicity of Rosenstien has expanded the roll of the Special Counsel beyond all congressional intent. You can bet the law will be reconsidered when this is over.


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