Give Trump the House

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
I just saw a by-line on the news that exclaimed the Democrats plan an internal battle if we re-elect Trump.
We can rid ourselves of the turmoil of the past four years of impeaching, investigations, lying, prying, crying bullshit of Pelosi, AOC, and Omar by taking back the House. Let's tell Nancy to sit down and shut up...
Pelosi will run again for speaker but leftists and many liberals have stated they will be voting for a more left partisan if they have one who can beat her. This division among the ranks will result into a breakup of the party eventually. If those who promote enhanced socialistic measures have their say this time around, Pelosi will be sitting in the back row so they can take over the reigns. They've stated as much.
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I just saw a by-line on the news that exclaimed the Democrats plan an internal battle if we re-elect Trump.
We can rid ourselves of the turmoil of the past four years of impeaching, investigations, lying, prying, crying bullshit of Pelosi, AOC, and Omar by taking back the House. Let's tell Nancy to sit down and shut up...

So Trump can do even more damage than he's already done, forget about it.
People made a mistake in 2018 because they believed The DemNazi Uber Propaganda of Russian Collusion. That is the only reason the Dems got the house back.

Now they are pissed and turning out in record numbers.

Americans don't like being lied to.
Wouldn't surprise me if the Dems lose the House after four years of the bull shit they pulled. They wasted millions of tax payer dollars with the crap they pulled. They certainly weren't working for Americans. Oh and I'd bet the voters noticed
$48 Million just to prove they were lying and Joe Biden was on the take
Looks like Republicans are going to lose more House Seats in the Suburbs.

Once the new Census redistricting is done in 2021, they will lose their Gerrymander and not hold the House for at least a decade

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