"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

So you believe, based on past experience, liberals 'gearing unfortunately a fight' refers to passive techniques and actions?!


They have ALREADY engaged in violence and intimidation, snowflake. Attacking cops, burning squad cars, etc..., I guess, is your idea of passive peaceful protests.

Hilarious. Tell me, how do you like your new position on Mayorkas' 'Truth Commission'?


The argument is it is happening. So it seems we can dismiss that argument as false.
There are a very small number of people like that. Ted K, Ammon Bundy, but unfortunately they will not make much of a difference.
There are more like them who will erupt when provoked enough. When confidence in things like the SC is gone, only force remains, and the left has been eroding confidence in the Court for years now. They want to add Justices until they can guarantee the votes they want, which of course would just turn it into a rubberstamp, and watch what happens should Roe be overturned. I would not be surprised if a crazed leftwing loon attempts to assassinate one or more justices. Yes, the rightwing has been quiet for a long time, but there is a lot of resentment just below the surface and unfortunately, when it erupts it will be bad. They have guns.
There are more like them who will erupt when provoked enough. When confidence in things like the SC is gone, only force remains, and the left has been eroding confidence in the Court for years now. They want to add Justices until they can guarantee the votes they want, which of course would just turn it into a rubberstamp, and watch what happens should Roe be overturned. I would not be surprised if a crazed leftwing loon attempts to assassinate one or more justices. Yes, the rightwing has been quiet for a long time, but there is a lot of resentment just below the surface and unfortunately, when it erupts it will be bad. They have guns.

People with too much to lose are never scary.
I view them as the SAME KIND OF PEOPLE who did
"sit-ins" ---AND MASSIVE VANDALISM in the 1960's-
I IS OLD. SCUM!!! The sit-in vandals of the
1960s deserved jail. THEY WERE LIONIZED AS
HEROES (even a few pieces of their shit who
murdered 'pigs') VILE DISGUSTING BITCH
ASSATA SHAKUR as far as I know is still out
there. FOR CONSISTENCY----the trespassers
of Jan. 6 deserve the same consideration
That's what I'm talking about. The left has been accustomed to getting little pushback when they commit violence. I believe they will be shocked when the right really gets in the game. Just see their reaction to Kyle Rittenhouse, for example. They lied out the wazoo about him, desperately trying to destroy him. I hate to say it, but I see a lot of violence in our future and a lot of head scratching and wondering where in the world it came from.
The argument is it is happening. So it seems we can dismiss that argument as false.
Liar. I just posted a link to the article reporting how liberal extremists engaged in more violence in California just the other night over this...which you obviously did not read / ignored.

I just proved it is happening now, and you just proved nothing you say can be believed because you are LYING.

Go rejoin your 'Truth Commission' buddies and remind us all how Biden is a devout Catholic and how liberals are not using the leaked brief to raise money to fund legalizing abortions during all 9 months of Pregnancy.

(*The link to that one was provided / posted last night, fyi...)
People with too much to lose are never scary.
The bar of "too much to lose" can move and does. When someone faces down a crazed leftwing mob out to kill them, as Rittenhouse did, "too much to lose" suddenly goes out the window. We've seen what happens when two mobs run into each other in Charlottesville, but that was only a foreshadowing of the violence yet to come. All you need is for a crowd of legally armed citizens to be attacked by a crazed leftwing mob to see a real death toll.

I wish I was just talking crazy, but it's going to happen, and people will wonder why. This is why.
There's only one way to find out.

Jokes aside you fail to realize that out in the hinterlands some bunch of assholes bent on burning/looting in our AO would be met with deadly force.....It's not idle talk, it's a dead certainty. We have means and the will to put a stop to it were they foolish enough to try.

Back when every town would have a small "St. Floyd" march we had one too.....There were more armed men keeping a eye on them than there ware marchers along the route.

It was all good, they were peaceful, mostly white women, and they disappeared into the local wine bars afterwards.

LOL....I always wondered how many did the walk of shame the next morning after they got "loosened-up" a bit and enterprising young men took full advantage of the situation. ;)

During the Kristallnacht, Reich leaders like Kamala Harris, AOC, Cory Booker, et al. kept threatening to send their Brown Shirt Troops into the suburbs.

In the suburb of Los Angeles, Norco, California, the Reich did send the Brown Shirts.

It didn't go well for the democrat troops.

People with too much to lose are never scary.
People with 'too much to lose' are often so desperate they will do anything not to lose...

Perhaps you are saying violent liberal extremists who loot, burn, attack, intimidate, etc...have nothing to lose and thus make perfect foot soldiers for the Democrat Party?!
The bar of "too much to lose" can move and does. When someone faces down a crazed leftwing mob out to kill them, as Rittenhouse did, "too much to lose" suddenly goes out the window. We've seen what happens when two mobs run into each other in Charlottesville, but that was only a foreshadowing of the violence yet to come. All you need is for a crowd of legally armed citizens to be attacked by a crazed leftwing mob to see a real death toll.

I wish I was just talking crazy, but it's going to happen, and people will wonder why. This is why.

Single instances are not much of an argument. I noted there will be the rare circumstance. They do not change much of anything. What did Ted K accomplish?
People with 'too much to lose' are often so desperate they wi do anything not to lose...

Perhaps you are saying violent liberal extremists who loot, burn, atrack, intimidate, etc...have nothing to lose and thus make perfect foot soldiers for the Democrat Party?!

Sadly you see this only in terms of Republican/Democrat. A part of the brainwashed majority.
Single instances are not much of an argument.
Single instances?

Dozens of times, billions perpetrated in terrorist attacks / damage, and once again liberals are immediately calling for violence and intimidation now. Give it up - this is who they are.
Single instances?

Dozens of times, billions perpetrated in terrorist attacks / damage, and once again liberals are immediately calling for violence and intimidation now. Give it up - this is who they are.

I supported the acts of those who were having their rights violated.
Sadly you see this only in terms of Republican/Democrat. A part of the brainwashed majority.
No, O see this as liberal extremism, of which there are dozens and dozens of cases, examples in which their 1st immediate reaction is to loot, burn, intimidate, attack, murder, destroy in their wild EMOTION-driven tantrums.

I know lots of Democrats who abhor what the party has become after being hijacked by these extremists.

The Democrat Party today is not your daddy's Democrat Party. It's Bill Ayers, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, & compromised dementia Or's party.
No, O see this as liberal extremism, of which there are dozens and dozens of cases, examples in which their 1st immediate reaction is to loot, burn, intimidate, attack, murder, destroy in their wild EMOTION-driven tantrums.

I know lots of Democrats who abhor what the party has become after being hijacked by these extremists.

The Democrat Party today is not your daddy's Democrat Party. It's Bill Ayers, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, & compromised dementia Or's party.

Again........as I said.........
Nothing, and you will note that they have to include a picture of the George FLoyd protests to try and make their imaginary point. As least when Kilmeade ends up getting sued Fox News will be able to use the "No one is actually suppose to believe him" defense.
Floyd was useless. A net negative man to humanity that cost civilization. He did not even repent on his ways and was 46 or so when he died. Progs made the rules about ghettos.
I supported the acts of those who were having their rights violated.
So which ones of the terrorists who were bussed in, tried to burn. Federal agents alive, and burned down others' communities were having their rights violated...

...and how did they solve anything except destroy others' lives through their terrorist activities?

The USSC is ruling on the Constitutionality of Constitutional legal jurisdiction - no one's rights are being violated. Liberals' feelings are just being hurt because they aren't - possibly - getting their way.
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So which ones of the terrorists who were bussed in, tried to burn. Federal agents alive, and burned down others' communities were having their rights violated...

...and how did they solve anything except destroy others' lives through their terrorist activities?

The USS is ruling on the Constitutionality of Cinstitutional legal jurisdiction - no one's rights are being violated. Liberals' feelings are just being hurt because they aren't - possibly - getting their way.

I have no desire to address things within your framework. Those defending their civil rights are never terrorists.
Again........as I said.........
Everything you have said has proven to be a lie. You said there has been / is no violence perpetrated by rhe left yet. The article from L.A. and the reporter gave proven you are a liar. Just stfu and go away with what integrity you falsely claim to have left...
As Liberal Extremists now question the legitimacy of the USSC after seemingly not getting their way on RVW, they quickly return to their tactics of violence and intimidation.

Who needs the USSC when Rule Of Law and legitimacy can be settled by violent leftist mob rule?!

THIS, by the way, is what you end up with when kids are not taught how to win AND lose with honor, integrity, and class but instead 'everyone gets a trophy'.
Let them do it, that would end liberalism.

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