"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

Maybe the problem is that we teach them the Founders were good role models. Is it any wonder they think burning and looting are acceptable when we venerate the Boston Tea Partiers? (The real ones not the cosplayers)
By standards now, standards that consist of opposition to anything Democrays are for make you a 'racist', almost everyone born before the late 1900s were racists and horrible role models...

Hell, liberals still claim all whites are still racist and white supremacists....

The fact is they were pretty average people for back then, for the times, the culture, etc...

...and they managed to carve out / create the greatest nation ever created (arguably) and author the greatest Constituion ever written in human history (arguably).

What they created has been able to survive and thrive longer than any other 'empire' ...

...and it's greatest threat has come from liberal extremists who hijacked the Democratic Party and who are trying to rip this nation apart.

Why are you cowering with that laptop under your little youth bed?

Oh, I see....forbidden to play with matches!
The only people who can threaten are Parents of young girls, everything from the demofks aren't threats. it's verbatim
Maybe the problem is that we teach them the Founders were good role models. Is it any wonder they think burning and looting are acceptable when we venerate the Boston Tea Partiers? (The real ones not the cosplayers)
against an enemy? sure, everyday dude. Who's your enemy you wish to burn?
By standards now, standards that consist of opposition to anything Democrays are for make you a 'racist', almost everyone born before the late 1900s were racists and horrible role models...
Any Democrat who says disagreeing with them in and of itself is racist is either a moron or using hyperbole. Can you argue without hyperbole? How about we agree I speak for myself and not all Democrats?

I don't think time has standards, I think people do. If you think rape, murder and slavery are wrong today but moral okay at a different point in time, I'd be fascinated to hear the logic you think supports that.
Hell, liberals still claim all whites are still racist and white supremacists....
All liberals? Aren't you now just exhibiting the same behavior you seem to be admonishing Democrats for up above?
The fact is they were pretty average people for back then, for the times, the culture, etc...
What does average mean? 😄 I've heard of things being morally good and things being morally bad but I've never before heard of morally average. This is honestly my first time. Can you explain this to me?
...and they managed to carve out / create the greatest nation ever created (arguably) and author the greatest Constituion ever written in human history (arguably).
You think the slave state they created is the greatest nation ever? Really? Not even this, for all its faults, that you know, doesn't keep people as slaves?
What they created has been able to survive and thrive longer than any other 'empire' ...
Ummm... the Roman empire last over a thousand years...
...and it's greatest threat has come from liberal extremists who hijacked the Democratic Party and who are trying to rip this nation apart.
If anything it's greatest threat are morons who don't know basic facts. 😄
All liberals? Aren't you now just exhibiting the same behavior you seem to be admonishing Democrats for up above?
If you are going to try to attack me or accuse me of something at least use my exact words.

I never said 'ALL' liberals - YOU did.

Seems you got on a roll with your rant and stepped off the ledge, falsely accusing me of something I did not say...as everyone can see for themselves.
Telling me to go back to it certainly implies you think I came from there. What a weird part to nit pick and fight over. 😄
You are equating today's leftist tards rioting to our forefathers fighting oppressive FOREIGHNERS.

You are a shining example of a failed public education system.

You then unsurprisingly missed my point....TWICE
Well, not everyone can be like your heroes, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, Goat Curious.

I know you clowns react emotionally when I point out the facts about your own heroes (which is honestly part of the fun) and why you have to make stories about who mine. It only serves to reinforce the fact that I hit a nerve in you, so thanks for that.

I know you clowns react emotionally when I point out the facts about your own heroes (which is honestly part of the fun) and why you have to make stories about who mine. It only serves to reinforce the fact that I hit a nerve in you, so thanks for that.
You wouldn’t recognize a fact if it hit you! There’s that

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