"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

You're not stupid because you're a Nazi.

You're a Nazi because you're stupid.

When the British Crown enacted the Stamp Act on Tea, it was to offset costs of shipping to the Americas - primarily due to the Muslim (Barbary) pirates who were preying on the East India ships. Rather than deal with the Muslims, the crown instead placed an onerous level of tax on the colonies.

When the colonists protested by dumping tea in the harbor, they direct their acts specifically ate the East India ships. They didn't randomly loot and burn shops, the way your Brown Shirts do, it was specific to those causing them injury.

Again, you lack the intellectual prowess to grasp this, but the gulf between the actions of the democrat BLM thugs out on Kristallnacht and the Boston Tea Party could not be wider.
Not a single tea bag was murderedin Boston Harbor.
No, but a bunch of slaves who were brought to America through Boston Harbor at the time were. Try to remember that when you're talking about rioters today you probably aren't taking about piece of shit slavers and if you can't have as much respect for today's rioters as you do slavers, maybe took a long hard look within yourself. 😄
Are you leftist so drugged up that you now think Tea Bags are alive.
I'm educated enough to know the Tea Partiers kept their powder dry over African slavery but took exception to high taxes over Tea.
Now to the War How many unborn babies took up the bayonete and killed the British?
How many red coats does it take to screw in a light bulb? 😄
Single instances that begin occurring more frequently are a trend. There will be more of them, and more frequently. At what point do you acknowledge we have a serious problem on our hands?

If you say so. I'll not hold my breath.
Madison, Mason, Jefferson?

But facts? I don't believe I've ever seen a fact from you?
Are those your heroes? Are you denying they are portrayed as American heroes? Do you deny they were slavers? I'm not sure which one of my facts you think aren't facts until you provide an example.
What stories have I made about Hitler (14 million murdered.) Mao (35 million murdered) or Stalin (65 million murdered?)
What you've made up is my support of them. Can you quote me on this supposed support? 😄

Why are you choosing to be a bitch about something you have no evidence of? 😄 It's a strange move.
You're not stupid because you're a Nazi.
As an Afro-Caribbean/ Asian I'd make a rather strange Nazi. 😄
You're a Nazi because you're stupid.
Derp derp derp derp... 🤪
When the British Crown enacted the Stamp Act on Tea, it was to offset costs of shipping to the Americas - primarily due to the Muslim (Barbary) pirates who were preying on the East India ships. Rather than deal with the Muslims, the crown instead placed an onerous level of tax on the colonies.

When the colonists protested by dumping tea in the harbor, they direct their acts specifically ate the East India ships. They didn't randomly loot and burn shops, the way your Brown Shirts do, it was specific to those causing them injury.

Again, you lack the intellectual prowess to grasp this, but the gulf between the actions of the democrat BLM thugs out on Kristallnacht and the Boston Tea Party could not be wider.
My point wasn't their choice of target, it's that they were A-ok with slavery. If you want to argue that people who were okay with murdering, raping, buy, selling and enslaving Africans were somehow noble because they only attacked the East India Tea company, then you are the perfect example of how shortsighted and blind some of you are to uncomfortable facts.
Are those your heroes? Are you denying they are portrayed as American heroes? Do you deny they were slavers? I'm not sure which one of my facts you think aren't facts until you provide an example.


Again, you lack education and intelligence.

slav·er 2​

One, such as a person or ship, that is engaged in the trafficking of slaves.

Yes, none of them were slavers. You have the need to slander and libel your betters, as you lack fact and reason.

What you've made up is my support of them. Can you quote me on this supposed support? 😄

Why are you choosing to be a bitch about something you have no evidence of? 😄 It's a strange move.

You hate America and our founding fathers. You support the fascist democrat party. One would say you are an adherent to the founding fathers of those democrats, Hitler, Stalin, Mao.

Again, you lack education and intelligence.

slav·er 2​

One, such as a person or ship, that is engaged in the trafficking of slaves.

Yes, none of them were slavers. You have the need to slander and libel your betters, as you lack fact and reason.

You hate America and our founding fathers. You support the fascist democrat party. One would say you are an adherent to the founding fathers of those democrats, Hitler, Stalin, Mao.
The Business Of Slavery At Monticello

Do you do this to yourself because you like to be embarrassed? 😄
As an Afro-Caribbean/ Asian I'd make a rather strange Nazi. 😄

As long as you hate whites, you're all good.
Derp derp derp derp... 🤪

My point wasn't their choice of target, it's that they were A-ok with slavery. If you want to argue that people who were okay with murdering, raping, buy, selling and enslaving Africans were somehow noble because they only attacked the East India Tea company, then you are the perfect example of how shortsighted and blind some of you are to uncomfortable facts.

You're mindlessly flinging shit.

The views of the founding fathers on slavery are extremely complicated. You are a one dimensional moron, so complexity leaves you stumped.

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