"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

democrats, the Nazis, are definitely not Americans, even though most of them were born here.
Just really an odd statement to make, burn 'the' country even a better noun to use, but to say 'your country' implies it isn't their country so I supposed they are open for warfare.
Just really an odd statement to make, burn 'the' country even a better noun to use, but to say 'your country' implies it isn't their country so I supposed they are open for warfare.
Or we just like pushing your buttons. The supporters of America as a white ethno state or at least supporters of a permanent white majority don't like to recognize minorities or children born of immigrants as real Americans. We get told to go back where we came. They suggest doing away with birth right citizenship as if they had the political clout to do so. It's hilarious to point out to these clowns that birth right citizenship isn't going anywhere and their permanent white majority continues to decrease year after year. To them we are taking the country from them and there's nothing they can do about it. 😁
I know the actions of the last few years has brought about change.

You work hard to change us into a fusion of Communist China and Nazi Germany.

But what you didn't expect is the backlash.

When you stole the 2020 election, you went full Nazi to suppress dissent through terror. Anyone speaking against the Reich would be disappeared to a gulag. But you didn't count on the resistance you've gotten.

You thought you would have a thousand year Reich. Now it looks like November will be your end.
As Liberal Extremists now question the legitimacy of the USSC after seemingly not getting their way on RVW, they quickly return to their tactics of violence and intimidation.

Who needs the USSC when Rule Of Law and legitimacy can be settled by violent leftist mob rule?!

THIS, by the way, is what you end up with when kids are not taught how to win AND lose with honor, integrity, and class but instead 'everyone gets a trophy'.
Like Trump?
Or we just like pushing your buttons. The supporters of America as a white ethno state or at least supporters of a permanent white majority don't like to recognize minorities or children born of immigrants as real Americans. We get told to go back where we came. They suggest doing away with birth right citizenship as if they had the political clout to do so. It's hilarious to point out to these clowns that birth right citizenship isn't going anywhere and their permanent white majority continues to decrease year after year. To them we are taking the country from them and there's nothing they can do about it. 😁

Because it's 1909..

Fucking racist moron.

Ben Carson is FAR more American than Nazi Piglousi is.
Like Trump?
'...but Trump'. :p

No, not like Trump, snowflake.

Democrats have declared the USSC's decisions MUST be respected...now their doxxing Justices, paying extremists to go to their houses, threatening their lives, attacking cops, etc....you know, their usual schtik when they don't get their way.

No, not like Trump...

Elected Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric that they I cited an assassination attempt against fellow politician, got one shit, and now they are calling for violence and stirrung prople up again..

Biden and Democrats refused to condemn the leak, refused to condemn the doxxing, and, again, have threatened the lives of USSC Justices.

Schumer should have his d, fat ass dragged out of the Senate for doing so and placed in DC Gitmo....

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