"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

You are equating today's leftist tards rioting to our forefathers fighting oppressive FOREIGHNERS.
Those would be leftists that would burn shit down in the wake of Roe being overturned would also characterize their enemy as oppressive as would the slaves who suffered under the Founders regime. That's sort of my point. We all agree it's okay to fight oppression the only difference we have is what we find to be oppressive.
You are a shining example of a failed public education system.
I can spell foreigners correctly though, so there's that. 😄
You then unsurprisingly missed my point....TWICE
If your point was that you're a moron, I read you loud and clear. 😄
As far as I have seen neither side handles them well yet learns to live with it. So far there have no been the setbacks you claim.
Do the murdered babies live with it? The outrage. How dare we speak on behalf of 62 million plus aborted babies. Nice hill you Virtue from. Look down. Its a hill made of dead babies.
Those would be leftists that would burn shit down in the wake of Roe being overturned would also characterize their enemy as oppressive as would the slaves who suffered under the Founders regime. That's sort of my point. We all agree it's okay to fight oppression the only difference we have is what we find to be oppressive.

I can spell foreigners correctly though, so there's that. 😄

If your point was that you're a moron, I read you loud and clear. 😄
Yes, the Wendy's they would burn are certainly their oppressive enemies.....

You're one stupid motherfucker
If you are going to try to attack me or accuse me of something at least use my exact words.

I never said 'ALL' liberals - YOU did.
And I put question marks at the end of my comments to let you know they were questions. You do know what question marks signify don't you? I'll give you a hint. It's in the name.
Seems you got on a roll with your rant and stepped off the ledge, falsely accusing me of something I did not say...as everyone can see for themselves.

So you don't know what question marks signify....? 😄

Oh shit I just realized you might have no way of discerning the sentence above... 🤣🤣🤣
Maybe the problem is that we teach them the Founders were good role models. Is it any wonder they think burning and looting are acceptable when we venerate the Boston Tea Partiers? (The real ones not the cosplayers)
Maybe they shouldnt have taken too many drugs and turned their brains into drugs. Or perhaps they could have used birth control instead of getting knocked up.

How are we to accept those who get screwed like a door knob and everyone gets a turn aborting the babies as a control measure?

Anyway. It doesnt fucking matter. Red States are winning here and red states know how to beat down riots to end them.

Blue cities. Well hell. Its your lunatics. Enjoy the fires
Maybe they shouldnt have taken too many drugs and turned their brains into drugs. Or perhaps they could have used birth control instead of getting knocked up.
Here's the real difference between me and you. I'm not a compete coward and clown so I have no problem agreeing with you that children shouldn't do drugs or get knocked up. You can't do the same with my comment. You can't deny we teach that the Boston Tea Party was a good thing. You can't deny it was a riot. You certainly don't want to point out the hypocrisy inherent in admonishing one and glorifying another so you do this sad and obvious deflection.
How are we to accept those who get screwed like a door knob and everyone gets a turn aborting the babies as a control measure?
How you emotional accept how other people live their lives is on you soy boy. I don't care if women have promiscuous sex and then abortions. Hell I'd even like to be there for some of that. I'll let you wonder which parts. 😉
Anyway. It doesnt fucking matter. Red States are winning here and red states know how to beat down riots to end them.
Red States are relying on an aging population to keep them from going extinct. I'm not really worried about them in the long run.
Blue cities. Well hell. Its your lunatics. Enjoy the fires
I will, thank you. 😄
Here's the real difference between me and you. I'm not a compete coward and clown so I have no problem agreeing with you that children shouldn't do drugs or get knocked up. You can't do the same with my comment. You can't deny we teach that the Boston Tea Party was a good thing. You can't deny it was a riot. You certainly don't want to point out the hypocrisy inherent in admonishing one and glorifying another so you do this sad and obvious deflection.

How you emotional accept how other people live their lives is on you soy boy. I don't care if women have promiscuous sex and then abortions. Hell I'd even like to be there for some of that. I'll let you wonder which parts. 😉

Red States are relying on an aging population to keep them from going extinct. I'm not really worried about them in the long run.

I will, thank you. 😄
Not a single tea bag was murderedin Boston Harbor.

Are you leftist so drugged up that you now think Tea Bags are alive.

Now to the War How many unborn babies took up the bayonete and killed the British?

I know you clowns react emotionally when I point out the facts about your own heroes (which is honestly part of the fun)

Madison, Mason, Jefferson?

But facts? I don't believe I've ever seen a fact from you?

and why you have to make stories about who mine. It only serves to reinforce the fact that I hit a nerve in you, so thanks for that.

What stories have I made about Hitler (14 million murdered.) Mao (35 million murdered) or Stalin (65 million murdered?)
Single instances are not much of an argument. I noted there will be the rare circumstance. They do not change much of anything. What did Ted K accomplish?
Single instances that begin occurring more frequently are a trend. There will be more of them, and more frequently. At what point do you acknowledge we have a serious problem on our hands?
As Liberal Extremists now question the legitimacy of the USSC after seemingly not getting their way on RVW, they quickly return to their tactics of violence and intimidation.

Who needs the USSC when Rule Of Law and legitimacy can be settled by violent leftist mob rule?!

THIS, by the way, is what you end up with when kids are not taught how to win AND lose with honor, integrity, and class but instead 'everyone gets a trophy'.
This is coming from the party of the insurrection about nothing.
Because throwing tea in the harbor is a lot more mature... 😆

You're not stupid because you're a Nazi.

You're a Nazi because you're stupid.

When the British Crown enacted the Stamp Act on Tea, it was to offset costs of shipping to the Americas - primarily due to the Muslim (Barbary) pirates who were preying on the East India ships. Rather than deal with the Muslims, the crown instead placed an onerous level of tax on the colonies.

When the colonists protested by dumping tea in the harbor, they direct their acts specifically ate the East India ships. They didn't randomly loot and burn shops, the way your Brown Shirts do, it was specific to those causing them injury.

Again, you lack the intellectual prowess to grasp this, but the gulf between the actions of the democrat BLM thugs out on Kristallnacht and the Boston Tea Party could not be wider.

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