"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

I have no desire to address things within your framework.
Of course you don't because my framework is REALITY.

Again, in your fictional framework you claim there has been no liberal violence in response to the leaked brief. The article / link posted proves you prefer not to discuss anything in the framework of reality.
What is burning as we speak?

"We?" You got a mouse in your pocket?
The radical left is who is threatening to burn down everything and riot if women aren't allowed to kill their babies. Think about that. If women are not allowed to kill their babies, they're threatening to burn down other peoples property, and possible harm or kill others.

This is the radical left. Extremely radical, violent and dangerous to innocent people.
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Let them do it, that would end liberalism.

Like mask mandates and lockdowns, the democrats would LOVE to get the Kristallnacht going again, but America is tired of terrorism.

Kyle Rittenhouse was one young man being attacked by Brown Shirts trying to kill him. He led the nation in the proper response to the Brown Shirts.
Like mask mandates and lockdowns, the democrats would LOVE to get the Kristallnacht going again, but America is tired of terrorism.

Kyle Rittenhouse was one young man being attacked by Brown Shirts trying to kill him. He led the nation in the proper response to the Brown Shirts.

Mask Mandates, Lockdowns and Social Distancing are CHOICE, right?
Of course you don't because my framework is REALITY.

Again, in your fictional framework you claim there has been no liberal violence in response to the leaked brief. The article / link posted proves you prefer not to discuss anything in the framework of reality.

The article link provided no examples.
You aren't a fan of civil rights for everyone. I understand. I consider you the terrorist.

Like you are?

American Civil Rights:

Bill of Rights​

Primary tabs​

‹ Signers up First Amendment ›

Nazi Civil Rights:

Abortion up to 6 weeks after birth

You LOVE abortion.

Freedom of speech, religion, the press, and protest you're not real fond of.
You can change the argument if you wish. Typical.
I haven't changed the argument, but YOU sure are trying hard to.

The thread is about CURRENT liberal intimidation and violence in response to not getting their way regarding RVW. (I should know - I created the thread.)

Despite being g given an article showing such violence in LA, you LIED and claimed it isn't happening.

Again, as you admitted, you refuse to discuss in the framework of reality involving this thread topic. You prefer the framework of fiction.

Go create a thread centered around your lies if you don't want to discuss what is happening now, which this thread is about.

Biden's brain?

Roe vs Wade is still active... A leaked memo is not a final decision and the MAGA crow did show us along with Donal Trump what sore losers are all about.

And when Roe is repealed, it will have ZERO impact on abortion. Only the states have the right to regulate abortion.

An activist court illegally created an unconstitutional law. Just as with Plessy V. Ferguson, that wrong is now overturned.
As Liberal Extremists now question the legitimacy of the USSC after seemingly not getting their way on RVW, they quickly return to their tactics of violence and intimidation.

Who needs the USSC when Rule Of Law and legitimacy can be settled by violent leftist mob rule?!

THIS, by the way, is what you end up with when kids are not taught how to win AND lose with honor, integrity, and class but instead 'everyone gets a trophy'.
Maybe the problem is that we teach them the Founders were good role models. Is it any wonder they think burning and looting are acceptable when we venerate the Boston Tea Partiers? (The real ones not the cosplayers)

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