Given the recent "mood" of SCOTUS. should immigration reform be tackled next?

Why are you so eager to abdicate your responsibilities to 9 unelected judges?
If not then the vote should have been 100% now shouldn't it.....................because they put in the ones that will vote their politics over those that will vote the law and the law alone......................

Either way, your side pushes agendas through Judicial Activism that you can't get passed through Congress or in the States..............

Nitwit, must you be reminded that Justice Kennedy is a republican nominee???
Went right over your head didn't it............................why are the outcomes at SCOTUS usually partisan on tough subjects.............because they are politically motivated..........Kennedy is an exception..............

These things shouldn't be so danged divided in the final outcomes..........they are because they are put in via their political positions..............

aka Kangaroo court..................

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