Giving Felons the Right to Vote


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
People's Republic of NJ
Olympia, Wash. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote in Washington state to ensure that racial minorities are protected under the Voting Rights Act.

A spokeswoman says state Attorney General Rob McKenna is weighing the state's next step. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

Depends on State law. If State law does not strip them of the right to vote then they have every right to vote even in Jail.

My personal opinion is that as soon as a felon has finished their punishment and are no longer being punished in any manner that their right to vote should be returned no matter what.
Exactly RGS... when they are EX felons, the right should be given back.. but no felon (or in my opinion, no person serving any time in any jail, prison, asylum, etc) should have the privilege of voting
Olympia, Wash. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote in Washington state to ensure that racial minorities are protected under the Voting Rights Act.

A spokeswoman says state Attorney General Rob McKenna is weighing the state's next step. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

Depends on State law. If State law does not strip them of the right to vote then they have every right to vote even in Jail.

My personal opinion is that as soon as a felon has finished their punishment and are no longer being punished in any manner that their right to vote should be returned no matter what.

Used to be losing your right to vote was a form of punishment.

Turns out the Dems think it's unfair punishment for them.

I wish the Dems would fight this hard for the rights of the soldiers and sailors they hosed in the last election. Because of a postal glitch they took away their right to vote with an absentee ballot.

They blubbered for seven years over their flag-draped coffins...bitched and moaned about mold and peeling paint....screamed that Bush wasn't trying to give them the equipment they needed to win.....all the while they were giving them the shaft.
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Olympia, Wash. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote in Washington state to ensure that racial minorities are protected under the Voting Rights Act.

A spokeswoman says state Attorney General Rob McKenna is weighing the state's next step. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

racist code for "dem black folk vote dem".

here's a revalation for you:

blacks constitute 23% of the Washington State inmate system

native americans make up 3.2%

asians 2.4%

hispanics 13%

whites 35%

so guess its a good way for the repubs to keep getting votes, eh?
Olympia, Wash. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote in Washington state to ensure that racial minorities are protected under the Voting Rights Act.

A spokeswoman says state Attorney General Rob McKenna is weighing the state's next step. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

racist code for "dem black folk vote dem".

here's a revalation for you:

blacks constitute 23% of the Washington State inmate system

native americans make up 3.2%

asians 2.4%

hispanics 13%

whites 35%

Number of Blacks in Prison Nears 1 Million

so guess its a good way for the repubs to keep getting votes, eh?

This is the error in your thinking. Poor whites tend to vote Democrat in greater numbers then upper middle-class voters.

It's not just ethnicity that has influence on how you'll vote but income. The poor want to be taken care of.:cool:

Which explains why the Democrats are trying to put us all in the poorhouse.
This is the error in your thinking. Poor whites tend to vote Democrat in greater numbers then upper middle-class voters.

It's not just ethnicity that has influence on how you'll vote but income. The poor want to be taken care of.:cool:

Which explains why the Democrats are trying to put us all in the poorhouse.

Absolutely absolutely false... lower and working class whites vote red..... against their own interests.

or you could prove your assertion.
This is the error in your thinking. Poor whites tend to vote Democrat in greater numbers then upper middle-class voters.

It's not just ethnicity that has influence on how you'll vote but income. The poor want to be taken care of.:cool:

Which explains why the Democrats are trying to put us all in the poorhouse.

Absolutely absolutely false... lower and working class whites vote red..... against their own interests.

or you could prove your assertion.

I worked in factories with them. I talked to alot of them and they said they voted Democrat for the most part.

Most of the people I talked to were dyed in the wool Democrats. Their whole family was Democrat. I asked them what they thought about Gay rights and abortion...many didn't like it but they felt that Republicans were a bunch of rich guys screwing the poor.

Makes sense to someone who doesn't know better.
He's full of crap....but see how Jillian wants to say that we are the racists not the judge.

you have a mouse in your pocket? who's "we"?

I said the O/P BS that presumes the criminal population is black and that the black population votes Dem was racist speak...

and it is.

now you were asked to prove your assertion that white felons are dems...

I'll wait.
IMO you commit a felony, you don't vote.

With liberty comes responsibility, if you cannot be responsible then you cannot participate in the rewards of liberty.
Olympia, Wash. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote in Washington state to ensure that racial minorities are protected under the Voting Rights Act.

A spokeswoman says state Attorney General Rob McKenna is weighing the state's next step. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

racist code for "dem black folk vote dem".

here's a revalation for you:

blacks constitute 23% of the Washington State inmate system

native americans make up 3.2%

asians 2.4%

hispanics 13%

whites 35%

Number of Blacks in Prison Nears 1 Million

so guess its a good way for the repubs to keep getting votes, eh?


I did not see one SINGLE word from the original poster referring to race until your ass brought it up.... absolute bullshit race card play by you... despicable... just as it is despicable to make this decision in the courts based on race
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You are all still missing the point. STATE law determines if felons vote or not, Washington State law must allow Felons to vote, if so then it MUST alow felons in prison to vote. Don't like it? Change the State law.
Democrats want convicted felons to vote because it will mean their elected officials can identify more with their constituencies.

It is the same old racial bullshit: this has a disparate impact on Blacks and so is ipso facto racist. Once we got into that mindset the civil rights movement was a dead letter. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

racist code for "dem black folk vote dem".

here's a revalation for you:

blacks constitute 23% of the Washington State inmate system

native americans make up 3.2%

asians 2.4%

hispanics 13%

whites 35%

Number of Blacks in Prison Nears 1 Million

so guess its a good way for the repubs to keep getting votes, eh?

This is the error in your thinking. Poor whites tend to vote Democrat in greater numbers then upper middle-class voters.

It's not just ethnicity that has influence on how you'll vote but income. The poor want to be taken care of.:cool:

Which explains why the Democrats are trying to put us all in the poorhouse.

I thought they closed all the poorhouses many years ago?
He's full of crap....but see how Jillian wants to say that we are the racists not the judge.

you have a mouse in your pocket? who's "we"?

I said the O/P BS that presumes the criminal population is black and that the black population votes Dem was racist speak...

and it is.

now you were asked to prove your assertion that white felons are dems...

I'll wait.

First of all...95% of the black vote went to Obama.

So much for that argument.

Secondly....most of the felons currently in our prisons come from poor families. The poor tend to use drugs, drink and get into fights, beat their wives, kill members of their families, steal to supply their drug habits, etc.....

If you spend enough time in prison you begin to rely on someone else to take care of you. It becomes more comfortable to live off the system then to make your mark. It's also harder to get a job when you're an ex-con. The reason I know this is because my brother spent 8 years in a state pen.

After you've been turned down enough times you give up looking for work and just want to survive. Thus you learn to rely on the government to take care of you more them most who've never done time. This is only common-sense. This is why my brother votes Democrat. - Washington Felony Inmates Should Get Vote, Federal Judges Say

This is one way to keep the Dems in power for the next century or so...

Depends on State law. If State law does not strip them of the right to vote then they have every right to vote even in Jail.

My personal opinion is that as soon as a felon has finished their punishment and are no longer being punished in any manner that their right to vote should be returned no matter what.

Used to be losing your right to vote was a form of punishment.

Turns out the Dems think it's unfair punishment for them.

I wish the Dems would fight this hard for the rights of the soldiers and sailors they hosed in the last election. Because of a postal glitch they took away their right to vote with an absentee ballot.

They blubbered for seven years over their flag-draped coffins...bitched and moaned about mold and peeling paint....screamed that Bush wasn't trying to give them the equipment they needed to win.....all the while they were giving them the shaft.

Very good insight. Thanks for your support of our military folks.
This is the error in your thinking. Poor whites tend to vote Democrat in greater numbers then upper middle-class voters.

It's not just ethnicity that has influence on how you'll vote but income. The poor want to be taken care of.:cool:

Which explains why the Democrats are trying to put us all in the poorhouse.

Absolutely absolutely false... lower and working class whites vote red..... against their own interests.

or you could prove your assertion.

I worked in factories with them. I talked to alot of them and they said they voted Democrat for the most part.

Most of the people I talked to were dyed in the wool Democrats. Their whole family was Democrat. I asked them what they thought about Gay rights and abortion...many didn't like it but they felt that Republicans were a bunch of rich guys screwing the poor.

Makes sense to someone who doesn't know better.

You talked to some people in a factory. Oh, yea, obviously that proves it.

BuzzCharts: Jerry Bowyer on Red State Republican Income on NRO Financial

Recently the Bureau of Economic Analysis released two reports which shed a lot of light on what’s really going on in American politics. The reports show beyond question that the states that went for George W. Bush in the last election are considerably poorer than the ones that went for Kerry. The notion that the GOP is the party of the rich simply doesn’t match the economic reality.


What's the Matter with Voting Republican If You're Poor?

According to recent US census figures, since President Bush assumed power in 2000 poverty has risen by 7%, the proportion of those without healthcare has risen by 9%, and median household income has fallen by 3%. But where the poor are most numerous, it seems the Democrats are weakest. The 10 states with the lowest household median income, where people are least likely to have healthcare and most likely to live in poverty, all voted Republican in 2004. Not only are they poor, but they're getting poorer. The five states with the steepest falls in income backed Bush.

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