Giving Up On obama

It's obvious you can't defend your President.
Why would I want to? I didn't vote for him in either election. He's a corporate puppet like Bush. He's a war criminal like Bush. He's proven himself to be just as much of a piece of shit as George W. Bush.

But the GOP gave us Cheney and Bush, both war criminals, and still defends them and their lies which are still costing us lives and funds. The GOP can fuck itself deep and hard until the end of time.

You can't even if you wanted to. That's why you have to rundown the GOP.
I run down the GOP because those pieces of shit lied our country into invading Iraq.

Idiots like you that call people war criminals have yet to provide any evidence of a crime being committed. You're a liberal hack whether you admit it or not.
"Have yet to provide any evidence".......

Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
The Iraq War Ten Years After

You still can't bring yourself to read all of that, can you? That's just the start. Admit that the Bush administration lied to the entire world, Republican voters like yourself included, to invade Iraq. Just admit it and accept reality. The preemptive invasion and occupation of Iraq and ensuing torture of POWs are crimes against humanity because that war was based on lies.

The Bush administration lied to start a war that ended tens of thousands of lives. The constant use of armed drones firing missiles at whoever regardless of any evidence is also a crime of war, especially, like I said and provided ample evidence to prove, when the war is based on lies.
Barrack Hussein Obama is an amateur. He was from the beginning and because HE knew he was an amateur, he hung his hat on people like Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice (the video did it; yeah, that's the ticket) who are criminally incompetent. Barry is also a perpetual campaigner. He has great one-liners, which unfortunately cannot substitute for things like actual foreign policy or economic policy. Having just returned from a vacation in Europe, I can categorically tell you that the United States is not losing stature in the world, we are now a laughing stock, or more accurately Barry is. Countries have openly stopped counting on the US as an ally and now wait for 2016 and who will be his replacement. They long for the time when the US actually was the leader of the free world.

And there are those on this forum that would defend such incompetence, regardless of what occurs. Any sane person would recognize that the Bergdahl trade is more of a premace for a skit on Saturday Night Live than an actual action by a competent government. Barry's aghast at the fact that there are those who do not line up to sing his praises. I'm aghast that there are still those who do not see that this man is a complete and total idiot.

Low expectations realized...

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