Giza prosecutes eleven for homosexuality


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Hey! All you Leftist/Progs who are so supporting of Islam – and the LGBT movements. Does this make you feel warm all over?

Though Egyptian laws do not specifically criminalize homosexuality, people involved in homosexual actions are prosecuted under more generalized felonies of "inciting debauchery and immorality" included in the anti-prostitution law.

When am I going to see a huge LGBT protest to decry “hate speech” against Islam?
Hey! All you Leftist/Progs who are so supporting of Islam – and the LGBT movements. Does this make you feel warm all over?

Though Egyptian laws do not specifically criminalize homosexuality, people involved in homosexual actions are prosecuted under more generalized felonies of "inciting debauchery and immorality" included in the anti-prostitution law.

When am I going to see a huge LGBT protest to decry “hate speech” against Islam?

That is Egypt and not America... So when you have the Islamic community doing this in America and the American Justice system allow it is when you will see the Progressive Liberal protesting but seeing what you are posting about is in Egypt which is a Muslim nation, well that is their business and I would advise gays not to visit the country...
All cultures are equal.

We in the West have to realize as we become more diverse that other cultures will want more of a say in our politics, policies and laws.

You just are posting this because Egyptians are brown.

Anything else is Racism.

There. Race Card played, debate is over.

GAY!! Back in the closet!

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