Glaciers disappearing from Glacier National Park

More hysteria courtesy of environmental "activists" (read: enviro-nazis) seeking to enact laws to inhibit human freedom. Yawn.
Same amount of time that the Cascadian glaciers have been a source of water for our rivers. Now we see where the melt could endanger some of the runs in the near future.
so, if the ice DOESNT melt, the rivers would dry up
you make zero sense here
Same amount of time that the Cascadian glaciers have been a source of water for our rivers. Now we see where the melt could endanger some of the runs in the near future.
so, if the ice DOESNT melt, the rivers would dry up
you make zero sense here

I could be wrong here, but I think that through recorded history, glaciers have been melting and have been a source of water. A couple different civilzations built Aquaducts to the melting glaciers to make possible the higher populations of the great cities of the ancient world like Rome and Constantinople.
Glaciers throughout Alaska are shrinking more and more rapidly, and scientists comparing old photos taken up to a century ago with digital images made during climbing expeditions today say the pictures provide the most dramatic evidence yet that global warming is real.

And it's not only the glaciers reflecting the climate change. Everywhere on the treeless tundra north of the jagged slopes of Alaska's Brooks Range, explosive bursts of vegetation -- willows, alders, birch and many shrubs -- are thriving where permafrost once kept the tundra surface frozen in winter.

Two geophysicists and a government geologist who spend much of their working lives exploring changes in the Arctic displayed dozens of photographs from the thousands in their files Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Shrinking glaciers evidence of global warming / Differences seen by looking at photos from 100 years ago

Remember your lesson on these...?

Milankovitch cycles

Yeah.... exactly.

The glaciers are going to come and go.... they have for eons, and will continue with or w/o us here. :cuckoo:
Same amount of time that the Cascadian glaciers have been a source of water for our rivers. Now we see where the melt could endanger some of the runs in the near future.
so, if the ice DOESNT melt, the rivers would dry up
you make zero sense here

I could be wrong here, but I think that through recorded history, glaciers have been melting and have been a source of water. A couple different civilzations built Aquaducts to the melting glaciers to make possible the higher populations of the great cities of the ancient world like Rome and Constantinople.

Yes, you are wrong.

Retreat of Andean Glaciers Foretells Global Water Woes by Carolyn Kormann: Yale Environment 360

Earlier this year, the World Bank released yet another in a seemingly endless stream of reports by global institutions and universities chronicling the melting of the world’s cryosphere, or ice zone. This latest report concerned the glaciers in the Andes and revealed the following: Bolivia’s famed Chacaltaya glacier has lost 80 percent of its surface area since 1982, and Peruvian glaciers have lost more than one-fifth of their mass in the past 35 years, reducing by 12 percent the water flow to the country’s coastal region, home to 60 percent of Peru’s population.

And if warming trends continue, the study concluded, many of the Andes’ tropical glaciers will disappear within 20 years, not only threatening the water supplies of 77 million people in the region, but also reducing hydropower production, which accounts for roughly half of the electricity generated in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador.
The glacial loss is a painfully ironic reminder that, according to recent climate projections, Africa will be the continent hit hardest by global warming, despite its negligible contributions to greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Snowy Mountaintops in Africa to Disappear | LiveScience

Soon, the glaciers feeding the Nile will be gone and then we will see starvation like we have never seen before. And the right wing laughs and laughs.
The glacial loss is a painfully ironic reminder that, according to recent climate projections, Africa will be the continent hit hardest by global warming, despite its negligible contributions to greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Negligible African specialty.
The glacial loss is a painfully ironic reminder that, according to recent climate projections, Africa will be the continent hit hardest by global warming, despite its negligible contributions to greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Snowy Mountaintops in Africa to Disappear | LiveScience

Soon, the glaciers feeding the Nile will be gone and then we will see starvation like we have never seen before. And the right wing laughs and laughs.
no, what most people are laughing at is you pathetic AGW morons that actually think you can do something to stop it from happening

the fact is that the glaciers have been melting since the end of the last ice age
and the only thing that would stop them from melting more would be to go back into ANOTHER ice age

how many do you think would die from that?
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As recently as 100 years ago, Montana's Glacier National Park had more than 150 glaciers throughout its more than one million acres.

In 2005 only 27 remained. Today the total is down to a just 25 and those that are left are mere remnants of their former frozen selves.

With warmer temperatures and changes to the water cycle, scientists predict Glacier National Park will be glacier-free by 2030.

Daniel Fagre, a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ecologist who works at the national park believes that even those estimates are too conservative and says the park's namesakes will be gone about ten years ahead of their predicted demise.

Montana's melting glaciers: The poster-child for climate change - CNN
so, if the ice DOESNT melt, the rivers would dry up
you make zero sense here

I could be wrong here, but I think that through recorded history, glaciers have been melting and have been a source of water. A couple different civilzations built Aquaducts to the melting glaciers to make possible the higher populations of the great cities of the ancient world like Rome and Constantinople.

Yes, you are wrong.

Retreat of Andean Glaciers Foretells Global Water Woes by Carolyn Kormann: Yale Environment 360

Earlier this year, the World Bank released yet another in a seemingly endless stream of reports by global institutions and universities chronicling the melting of the world’s cryosphere, or ice zone. This latest report concerned the glaciers in the Andes and revealed the following: Bolivia’s famed Chacaltaya glacier has lost 80 percent of its surface area since 1982, and Peruvian glaciers have lost more than one-fifth of their mass in the past 35 years, reducing by 12 percent the water flow to the country’s coastal region, home to 60 percent of Peru’s population.

And if warming trends continue, the study concluded, many of the Andes’ tropical glaciers will disappear within 20 years, not only threatening the water supplies of 77 million people in the region, but also reducing hydropower production, which accounts for roughly half of the electricity generated in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador.

What was that about quoting from blogs olfraud?:lol::lol::lol: Silly person!:lol::lol: Interesting how the World Bank is interested in global control isn't it? What was that we have been saying? Oh yeah it's all about the power and the money...not the environment.
The glacial loss is a painfully ironic reminder that, according to recent climate projections, Africa will be the continent hit hardest by global warming, despite its negligible contributions to greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Snowy Mountaintops in Africa to Disappear | LiveScience

Soon, the glaciers feeding the Nile will be gone and then we will see starvation like we have never seen before. And the right wing laughs and laughs.

I guess you didn't bother to read the story did you? I mean if you had you would have seen they are talking about a massive glacier that has an extent of....wait for it......2.5 square miles. It is receding by the tens of yards! Oh my gosh!. You know, I may not know too much but I can absolutley gurantee you that a 2.5 square mile glacier would feed the Nile for about 15 minutes. So much for your starving the savages horse crap.

Good job deanie:lol::lol::lol::lol: You make a mockery out of all you touch.
whats really funny here is the pro AGW nutters don't want the ice to melt because people would lose their water source, but if the ice doesn't melt they HAVE no water source
What a dumb fuck you are, Dive. The glacial melt provides the water for agriculture at the end of the season. If the glaciers are vastly diminished, or gone, there is plenty of water at the beginning of the season, and little to none once the seasonal snows are melted off. Perhaps if you had a clue as to how glacier work, you would be capable of understanding the concern.

HowStuffWorks "How Glaciers Work"
What a dumb fuck you are, Dive. The glacial melt provides the water for agriculture at the end of the season. If the glaciers are vastly diminished, or gone, there is plenty of water at the beginning of the season, and little to none once the seasonal snows are melted off. Perhaps if you had a clue as to how glacier work, you would be capable of understanding the concern.

HowStuffWorks "How Glaciers Work"
again, you just confirmed what I said, but i'm the dumb one
go fuck yourself asshole
so, if the ice DOESNT melt, the rivers would dry up
you make zero sense here

I could be wrong here, but I think that through recorded history, glaciers have been melting and have been a source of water. A couple different civilzations built Aquaducts to the melting glaciers to make possible the higher populations of the great cities of the ancient world like Rome and Constantinople.

Yes, you are wrong.

Retreat of Andean Glaciers Foretells Global Water Woes by Carolyn Kormann: Yale Environment 360

Earlier this year, the World Bank released yet another in a seemingly endless stream of reports by global institutions and universities chronicling the melting of the world’s cryosphere, or ice zone. This latest report concerned the glaciers in the Andes and revealed the following: Bolivia’s famed Chacaltaya glacier has lost 80 percent of its surface area since 1982, and Peruvian glaciers have lost more than one-fifth of their mass in the past 35 years, reducing by 12 percent the water flow to the country’s coastal region, home to 60 percent of Peru’s population.

And if warming trends continue, the study concluded, many of the Andes’ tropical glaciers will disappear within 20 years, not only threatening the water supplies of 77 million people in the region, but also reducing hydropower production, which accounts for roughly half of the electricity generated in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador.

Your post did not address what I wrote.

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