Glaring evidence Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea

Under Obama, unmanned aerial vehicles are not just used for war anymore. Police departments are now starting to deploy surveillance drones in the skies over their cities all over the nation. In fact, this is something that the federal government is greatly encouraging.

» Seattle Police To Roll Out Surveillance Drones with Infrared Cameras Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Just wait until skynet gets online.

They'll be rolling out those T1000s in no time.
Under Obama, unmanned aerial vehicles are not just used for war anymore. Police departments are now starting to deploy surveillance drones in the skies over their cities all over the nation. In fact, this is something that the federal government is greatly encouraging.

» Seattle Police To Roll Out Surveillance Drones with Infrared Cameras Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Just wait until skynet gets online.

They'll be rolling out those T1000s in no time.

Oh wow, a Terminator joke. Gee, such whit you display. So original. So.... well, so.... swallow.

I seriously LOVE the fact that all of you swarming liberals have yet to even attempt to dispute one fact posted. :)
It was the Obama administration that first instituted “enhanced pat-downs” by TSA thugs at our airports. As a result, countless numbers of men, women and children have had horrific experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. You can read some of their horror stories right here:

TSA Horror Stories That Are Almost Too Shocking To Believe
The “cult of personality” that has built up around Barack Obama is getting quite ridiculous. Shortly after he won the recent election, actor Jamie Foxx referred to Barack Obama as “our Lord and Savior Barack Obama” during a television broadcast of the 2012 Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada. Such “leader worship” would fit in very well in North Korea.

This article also fails to mention putting his ugly fucking face on the American flag, so I've added a link for that as well...

Jamie Foxx: 'Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama' | NewsBusters

Vets furious over Obama?s face on US flag ? Patriot Update
Relentless praise from the mainstream media played a huge role in each of Obama’s election victories. The mainstream media is supposed to be objective, but there have been reports of members of the media “swooning” in his presence, and most mainstream news broadcasts leave little doubt that Obama is the “good guy” and anyone opposed to him is the “bad guy”.

President Obama can thank mainstream media for his victory |

Reporter: White House reporters 'swoon' in Obama's presence | The Daily Caller
The Obama organization has tirelessly gathered data on potential voters. At this point, the amount of information that the Obama campaign has compiled on the American people is absolutely frightening…

If you voted this election season, President Obama almost certainly has a file on you. His vast campaign database includes information on voters’ magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and hunting licenses, along with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his reelection.

Democrats push to redeploy Obama?s voter database - The Washington Post
The Communist Party USA is cheering on Barack Obama’s efforts to disarm the American people. According to one of their official publications, “the ability to live free from the fear or threat of gun violence is a fundamental democratic right — one that far supercedes any so-called personal gun rights allegedly contained in the Second Amendment.” Furthermore, during his 1st term, the Communist Party USA stated (and I quote), "We have a friend in the White House".

Communists Cheer On Obama?s Gun Grab
If a totalitarian regime is going to be successful, it needs a massive government bureaucracy to run things. Today, the number of employees of the federal government is roughly equivalent to the entire population of the United States in 1776.

Obama Government Equal to Population in 1776 | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

And what is your point? In 1776, the population was about 2.5 million. Today it is over 310 million. There are currently in the range of 155 million working, so even including the postal service as a part of the total of all federal employees, we have about 2.8 million federal employees, which is under 2% of the total population.

I'm sorry if I'm not going to go into cardiac arrest over this number. :cuckoo:
I'm salavating like a rabid dog waiting for the dumbocrats response to this one. Their loyalty to the first family of socialism (the Clintons) vs. their dear leader worship for their marxist dictator (Obama). Who will they side with? How will they spin this? Let the comedy begin....

SHOCKING: Hillary opens up about Obama? ? Glenn Beck
If you think NA is becoming N Kr, then sir you need to open ur eyes a bit more.
Obama is only president for eight years, it will prob take 20+ years for one man to do that and besides do you think the gov even have the power to take away guns, internet, planes, boats, phones, food away from the people? **** No! Another Civil war would take place before that happens.
I like # 7. North Korean citizens are notorious for using cell phone apps to reports their family members. Notorious.
If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea. Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day. North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything. America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“. A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before. But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children. Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us. We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.
The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

» 22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

North Korea?

seriously dood, that's over the top.

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